When I woke up the next day, I immediately put away my son and my belongings. After we had breakfast. I only have a few things to bring.

Just important things only. Because I do not yet know what will happen. Even my sister do the same. We will just leave the other belongings here in the apartment.

I really did not expect Sir James to include my sister. I would have asked him to do that in case he took my son with me.

We had just finished packing up when there was a sudden knock on the door. A somewhat older man was outside the door.

"Good day, Mrs. Smith, I'm Rey, just call me Mang Rey. Your husband told me to get your things when you're done." Smiling, he said to me.

"Come in first Mang Rey. Do you want something to drink? Juice, coffee or water." I am here.

"Don't worry, ma'am, thank you." It is new to me.

"Just call me Shakeera Mang Rey, don't be ma'am, it's embarrassing." I really felt Embarrassed as I told him I am not use to it.