Chapter 7 -: Tommy's new ability.

Tommy had been having a really bad day, his skin kept burning the more he went on a patrol walks under the hot sun, he didn't feel good one bit, he was walking alongside his two subordinates Eddie and Drake.

"Cap, you don't look too good, why don't you take a day off, I am sure we can the rest" Eddie says with a light smile, Eddie had a dorky appearance, his hairline went deep on his scalp, he wore glasses and had a very thin body. He looked so delicate and even the junior underlings sometimes picked on him.

Tommy turned towards him, he kept a tough facial expression.

"I always finish what I start." He says with a firm voice.

They arrived soon at the station.

"Damien, what have you got for me" Tommy says aloud as he storms into the room.

"Yesterday at 3am, a neighbour reported a case of a man screaming for ten minutes straight before his voice died down, she says red cloud appeared in front of the resident's house" a man answers dashing towards Tommy, he was holding lots of papers stacked together, he was a few inches shorter than Tommy, had long darkish-brown hair and black eyes.

"Did anyone of you go to check it out" Tommy says, getting a cup of coffee from the machine.

"We would have but with the num...ber of prank calls we have been, we felt it be a false alarm" Damien stutters, his face appeared to wear fear as some lines which were not on his face before had appeared.

"Why did you become a cop" Tommy asks sipping his coffee.

"I...I...I wan...ted to serve my coun...try" Damien answers still stuttering.

"And what is the country" Tommy asks dropping his cup to the table, levelling his gaze at Damien.

"Amer...ica, I guess" Damien says after a short pause.

"Wrong, the country is the people, America is just a name we call ourselves" Tommy continues still narrowing his gaze.

"The public might not always appreciate us for what we do but they reported a case and it is our job as cops to check it out."

"I so...rry, sir" Damien says with a sad look.

"Don't be, I will go check it out, you will come along" Tommy says pouring more coffee into his cup.

"Where's the location."

"Blackstone street."

"Then let's get going."

The duo leave the station almost immediately, they get into a police vehicle.

Tommy's feels his body burning worse as he lingered under the hot sun.

Tommy drove, he felt pains all over, the last time he had felt like this was when he was down with fever, he feels his neck for the fang marks, he couldn't find it, it has disappeared.

"Cap, are you okay" Damien asks, his attention now focused on Tommy.

"Yes, I am, just some minor allergies" Tommy says trying to keep a straight look. They arrive soon at a bungalow, the two get down from the vehicle and walk towards the bungalow, the building was very quiet, it didn't look like anyone was home but there were two cars packed outside the house.

Tommy knew this family, they were very simple and honest, a man, his wife and their seventeen year old kid.

"The Mason's always take a vehicle when they go for work and today is a school day, shouldn't Jeffery their son be in school by now taking one of the vehicles out" Tommy mutters out, he didn't feel good about this, for a while, the physical pain he felt in his body had disappeared, it was now replaced with worry and concern.

"Gimme a sec, I am gonna make a call" Tommy says to Damien motioning for him to stop walking towards the building.

Tommy dials a number and calls it, the phone rings for a while but it wasn't picked at the other end.

"Jack always picks his calls, this can't be good" Tommy says, concern apparent in his voice and face.

The two cops walk silently to the building, as Tommy approaches the door, he clicks the doorbell, it rings but there was still no answer, Tommy's ears pick up a scurrying and munching sound.

"Do you hear that" Tommy asks Damien, Damien gives an amazed look, he definitely did not understand what Tommy was talking about as he couldn't hear anything.

"Strange, is this in my head" Tommy thinks, but the scurrying an munching sound only got louder, he had to do something. With all the effort he could muster, he pushes the door, the door falls and breaks into many pieces with a resounding snap.

Tommy gets into the room, it was scattered as if there was an horseplay in the building, Tommy pulls his custom pistol out, stretching it in front of his body, he keeps walking as quietly as possible trying to follow the sounds he heard. Damien was still outside the building with an amazed look on his face, he had known Tommy for a long time, Tommy wasn't one to break down doors when he needed to enter a building, he would just leave and check back another time.

"Something is definitely wrong with cap" he thinks.

Tommy keeps walking, soon he comes upon a door, he looks at it closely, there were claw marks on the door, though they weren't deep enough to penetrate through the material of the door, he kicks it open and he comes upon one of the greatest nightmares he had ever seen. The Masons' bodies were lying on the ground, only they didn't look like their normal selves, their bodies were pale white and their eyes were swollen yellow, they were each bald as not a single scrap of hair was on any of their heads. That wasn't even the most disturbing part, there was a big creature gnawing on Jeffery's body, the kid. The creature had dark skin, it was about six feet tall, it had blue eyes, long tentacles about ten inches long were protruding from the two sides of it's head, it didn't seem to posses a nose on its face, his other parts were like a human except measly and full of small spikes, it had long fangs in his mouth, it didn't have any teeth, just fangs like a vampire's one except way bigger and about eighteen of them to be exact. It cuts off Jeffery's head and begins to drink it as if it were a cup of wine. He had small claws coming out from his fingers. It was a scary sight to watch.

"You horrible beast" Tommy cries as he begins to fire at the monster. Damien who was still at the entrance of the building heard the shots being fired, thinking something might be wrong, he ran to the car.

The monster kept drinking from Jeffrey's head, the bullets which hit him fell to the ground like paper. It clearly had no effect on him, when he was done with the head, he throws it away, turning towards Tommy. His mouth curves a creepy grin, he looked even more terrifying, he leaped at Tommy, Tommy manages to swerve in time as he dodges the ugly beast's incoming.

Tommy's face showed great anger but he knew he was helpless against this creature, turning towards to the entrance, he tries to run but then he realised something.

"I heard both a munching and scurrying sound, clearly, he knew the source of the munching sound but what about the scurrying sound" Tommy thinks as he run towards the entrance, he feels himself being knocked off his feet as he falls to the ground, he looks ahead and sees a miniature version of the beast he had seen earlier devouring Jeffery's head, it was very small about an average mouse height. Tommy punches it away, briskly, he gets to his feet but the big beast he tried to avoid before had caught up to him, the beast lifts him up the ground and flings him in the air, Tommy crashes close to Jack's dead pale white body. He feels his bones break at the impact, he turns to look at the direction he was thrown from, the beast was walking towards him along with a lot of the miniature beasts of himself. As Tommy stares at the incoming creatures, he looks back at the dead body on the floor, Tommy lunches for the neck with his fangs, he could not stop himself, it was if his desires had taken a hold of his body in such a way that he couldn't resist.

Tommy drains the body completely as the body got even thinner. Tommy get to his feet, he no longer felt how he had felt all day, on the contrary, he felt refreshed and he felt strength surging through his entire body. Also he realised his canines had grown longer as they now reached all the way up to his lower lips. Some of the miniature creatures dash towards Tommy, Tommy dodges each and everyone of them with amazing reflexes, as he dodged them, he grabbed them midair and squeeze their small bodies so tight that their heads explode.

"I don't know what is happening to me but I sure like it" Tommy says aloud, he felt so invulnerable. The biggest of the creatures realising this makes a dash towards him, Tommy catches it and flings it, it lands on the wall breaking it as a result of the impact and landing outside of the building. Most of the miniature creatures try to scuttle away.

"None of you disgusting creatures are getting away" Tommy says as he makes a dash, he gets to each of the creatures and crushes them to the ground, their bodies were fragile against Tommy's newfound strength and weight.

"That is that, time to finish the big gun" Tommy smiles to himself as he steps outside through the crack in the wall. The sun seemed to have no effect on him as Tommy walks confidently towards the ugly beast.

The beast makes a loud growl as he leaps at Tommy, Tommy steps back, it lands as the floor underneath him cracks, stretching forth his long hands, he tries to reach for Tommy but Tommy evades without difficulty. Damien who was hiding in the car looks out, amazed to see Tommy battling the monster, he comes out, he had an amazed look on his face.

"You, ugly beast, I don't know what you are but you are in for a lesson" Tommy says as he lands a punch to the beast guts, the beast spits out blood as it staggers back.

"How does it feel, you ugly sick shit" Tommy says raising his voice, flustered, the beast makes another launch at Tommy but Tommy grabs it by the tentacle, raising him in the air, he flings him all around, he hits it on the ground continuously, he rips the tentacle out, landing a kick to the beast's face, he sends it flying backwards in the air.

"That one is for Jack Mason, he didn't deserve what you did to him" Tommy says walking towards where the beast had landed. The beast gets up on it's feets, a green liquid was coming out from the spot where Tommy had removed it's tentacle from, it was making weird movements, it obviously was not used to being pushed around, the beast makes another snarl and cries out, two more arms grow from it's abnormal long body, it makes another dash towards Tommy but Tommy catches him in the midair and hits him on the ground with a ferocious snap, he pulls out the beast's legs with overwhelming might.

"That one is for his wife, she is one of the sweetest women I have ever known" Tommy says, anger still apparent in his face. Tommy walks towards the master, he begins to punch it swiftly, he had tears in his eyes as he did. He hated beasts like this who killed people he cared about for no reason. When he had satisfied himself with punching the beast, he rips the head out of the body.

"And that one is for sweet ol' Jeffery, smartest kid I know, won several gold medals for his school and the city" Tommy ends with a determined look on his face.

"Wow, cap, what was that" Damien asks, he had a bewildered look on his face.

"I don't know but I sure like it" Tommy answers with a smile.