Tina ran frantically, she was sweating and breathing heavily, the entire area was full of a red mist, the entire ground was also overrun with a black liquid substance
"I have to fully take control of my body back before that cruel wanker comes and trap me in that dreadful cell."
Tina smiles to herself as she remembered what had previously happened.
It all started back in the abyss:
"AAAAARRRRRRGH" She remembered herself screaming except there was one more detail, she could see herself screaming outside and she could also view her body in the abyss also screaming, she felt a pressure holding her back down, she had tried repeatedly to break out, then she saw a strange woman with black hair approach her outside, once she laid her fingers on her forehead, she had lost her voice, she couldn't longer say anything again. It was if by pressing her forehead, she had found the mute button in her body system.