Against all odds

Drafla and Ashun were at alert, they knew any moment from now, Larias would show up, then they got their wish. Larias, Marcel, Shekindra and Azexela suddenly appear in the room directly in front of them.

Larias looks at the two mistresses who were facing him, then he turns to look at Irinova who was lying down flat on the ground.

"So they just left and this place is a little too small" Larias says aloud as the entire room shatters, they reappear in the Rezkem realm.

"Larias, what do you want? You have disrespected us long enough and due to the rules of the creators, we pose no threat to you" Drafla says sharply as she faces the red god.

"That's exactly what I want, to finish the only last threat, he already has the advantage over me knowing how the Ryubin Krystalis works, Excalibur thought me how to create it, it was something also unknown to all creation, since he knew it, I can only guess you told him, mistress of knowledge" Larias says flaring his nostrils at Drafla.