Return of the shadow king

Lefinna still stood, she was facing the shop attendant, it was then that she noticed something, looking outside through the window, the area appeared to be in total darkness.

"This can't be right, I came here at about 3pm, there's no way it could have gotten dark so early" she thought.

"That's cause it hasn't" Marble replied, her reply causes Lefinna to show an amazed look on her face.

"Ooh don't be perplexed" Marble continues

"Your soul has darkness residing in it, that alone gives me access to read your memories and even destroy you should I choose to."

"So that's how you got through to Dick, using the Alpha-human's only weakness, their souls" Lefinna smiles at her.

"Glad to see you are finally catching, up, it's a pity we ain't on the same side" Marble said with a sad tone.

"I beg to concur, if we were on the same side, the other side wouldn't be able to compete, we need to even it somehow" Lefinna answers with a smirk.

"A wisecrack, I didn't take you for that type" Marble says with a creepy grin.

"If you stay around the person I stay with, making wisecracks will seem like a way of life" Lefinna answers.

"Ooh, you mean the haughty lookalike of Ixonquious, I don't disagree" Marble says.

"Wait, you know Ixonquious..."

"Are you two ladies really gonna talk all day or are you going to to get to some action" came the loud P.A speakers.

"Griff, is that you" Lefinna asks aloud.

"Yes, it's me, your conversation is boring me to sleep, get to the action" Griff cries aloud voicing it out using the P. A system.

"You still haven't over came the darkness, you are just suppressing it, you don't stand a chance against me" Marble says with a horrific edge.

"Let's see about that" Lefinna says as she dashes towards Marble, Marble smiles as she leaves the body she possessed, it lands on the ground with a huge thud, the attendant appeared to be unconscious.

Lefinna stops in time as she peered around, she feels a kick at her abdomen sending her flying backwards to the stacks of provisions behind.

"You can turn invisible" Lefinna asks as she struggles to get up.

"This must be some divine form of invisibility as infra red scans, skeletal scans and practically every scan known to our database can't pick up her signature, even magic scans can't" the automated voice tells her telepathically.

"I travel through the void, the void is present in reality and also absent..." came Marble voice as her shadow form materializes above the ground dashing towards Lefinna, a long black whip materializes in her right arm which she swings at Lefinna but Lefinna dodges at the last moment, it rips the ground beneath

"Present being I can affect this existence..." Lefinna dashes towards the Shadow, she lands a punch but her arm just goes right through

"...and absent being that nothing affects me till I will it to do so."

Marble smiles as she raises Lefinna

"Ooh, don't think me so stupid, this isn't the first time I have been shown a predictable trick like this." As she said that the body she held, black waves overrun, black markings appear all over the body shattering and pulverising it till nothing remained

Turning towards her right

"I know you are using some cybernetic means to conceal your appearance, I have dealt with cyborgs before, this isn't a new trick."

Lefinna's body turn visible, she was surprised cause she didn't wish to turn visible, it was almost as if she was forced

"Who are you?"

"If it was Drafo or Malkyi, that trick could have worked, I mean those two ain't very bright but there's a reason why Lord Meglor choose me to be the leader of the guardians, I am really good at what I do" Marble starts with a demeaning expression.

"I don't disagree with the bright part, you three are shadows anyway" came Griff across the P.A systems

"I connected with Dick's memories, he appears to be in contact with the one you call Drafo" Lefinna says still staring at the shadowy figure right in front of her.

"Don't be so surprised, you two are the only ones who know about our secret, our first blunder was leaving Dick alive, we felt our master would want to take vengeance on him, we decided to trap him in one corner till our Lord came back so he could do to him as he wished, well, then he told you, now, you have to be destroyed too" Marble smirks.

Lefinna staggers back, she looked around, maybe she could run out.

"Don't even think of running out, the cocoon of darkness durability is so great that it can absorb the damage that can destroy an Omniverse, though higher beings like gods can destroy it with ease, it's still perfectly indestructible for a lower being such as yourself" Marble says with a smirk

"If Drafo is facing Dick, where's the third one" Lefinna asks without flinching her body expression.

"Someone has to find the dildo where our Lord was imprisoned, so far, he has searched quite a number of universes ransacking every nook and cranny of each universe thoroughly, I have a feeling it would soon be found" Marble smiles

"But for you, I have a feeling this is gonna be your last moments."

"I beg to differ" come a familiar feminine voice, it sounded awfully like Sarah.

"Who are you, how come I can't detect you?" Marble shouts aloud.

"Sarah, be careful, whatsoever she is, she does not posses a mind, she's an incomprehensible creature" Lefinna says still staring at the shadow.

"She can't detect me yet, seems to me like I have the advantage here" came Sarah's voice again.

"You use the power of a god, the only question is which?" Marble snaps angrily.

"The blue goddess" she says as she becomes visible for all to stay, she was directly in between Lefinna and Marble, she was dressed as a typical Magician from medieval times except her garments was white with a design of golden crosses patterned all over.

"Try and destroy the barrier, I will buy you some time" Sarah says now keeping her attention at Marble.

"I can just teleport us out of here" Lefinna says defensively.

"That won't work, I tried to teleport too after that cocoon of darkness barrier was set, it doesn't work, the cocoon locks every form of dimensional travel" Sarah says, green runes now formed around her two palms.

"Dick sent you here, didn't he?" Lefinna asks with a smile.

"Yes, he did, he had communicated it to Tommy during the party using hand signs about what he encountered, also he signalled to me when we met in the bedroom, he knew you were Irinova from the start, he totally agreeing that you had him was our sign that you should be watched, Dick had this all planned out" Sarah finalizes.

"Dick never ceases to surprise me" Lefinna smiles aloud.

"That makes two of us" Sarah smiles as she leaps toward the shadow.

"ERIDOKA" Sarah shouts aloud releasing a ball of energy which hits Marble sending her sprawling backwards.

"What sorcery is this, I am supposed to be immune to all forms of attacks" Marble snarls.

"I had a few favors with her daughter, the goddess blessed me as a result, now my spells can affect any creature so long it's below the gods" Sarah smirks.

"It doesn't matter anyway, you will still perish like the miserable worm you are" Marble snarls as she leaps towards Sarah.

"I still don't understand why you brought me along" Daniel says to Tommy

"You are a freaking vampire, you can handle a simple retrieval yourself."

The duo were walking along a village, people there were dressed in typical medieval times, the duo stood out due to the peculiarity of their dress. The village was strange, though most of the inhabitants were dressed as simple folk from medieval times, some ladies were naked and also for some men.

"This village is weird, why are there naked men and women walking around" Daniel asks.

"I don't know much about this place but from what Dickson explained to me, it's one of the most fascinating villages in planet Heo of universes U, in this village, the major occupation is fishing..." Tommy says motioning over to some farmers, both males and females were included, they were carrying their catch and weighing it with equipments

"...Farming..." Tommy motions over to some people working on a maize plantation, it was both men and women but they appeared to be in their mid twenties

"...And I am pretty sure you guessed the third one" Tommy ends with a sly smile.

"Would you like to suck some juicy blood from my left nipple?" a naked lady which approaches Tommy asks, Tommy turns to look at the set of breasts, she was at least a Size D, it was standing, had practically no stretch marks and it looked enticing, it was perfect.

"Err...that would be nice but that's not my purpose for coming here" Tommy says trying to regain his composure, seeing those boobs had put some thoughts and fantasies in his head which he would like to forget.

"You ain't a man of the front, how about back, would you like to feel how soft it is" the woman says in an enticing voice as she carries his right arm placing it on her buttocks, the erection in his undergarments is painfully obvious.

"I am sorry, but I seek a seller here, you know him as Algriam the collector" Tommy says, the woman just looked at him, she had a disappointed look on her face, she didn't seem to notice the erection showing.

"Well then, if that's who you seek, you should find him there" she says pointing to a small yellow cottage in the distance.

"Thank you very much" Tommy says as he picks some gold coins from his pocket and emptying it into her arms.

She smiles cheerfully as she runs her fingers around his face in a flirty manner.

"So that's all my magic was needed for, concealing your unchecked boner and giving you some morale boosting" Daniel asks disappointingly.

"Err....yeah, was it too much" Tommy stammers, the two were now on the way to the shop as directed to them by the naked woman.

"Are you really asking me if that works too much, it's an insult to all magicians out there, I should be casting top tier spells, I mean a mistress fucking recognised me" Daniel says aloud, his tone showing anger.

"Can you lower your voice, I don't want us to draw more attention to ourselves than needed" Tommy says in hushed tones.

"How is Dick even sure that this person has what we came to retrieve" Daniel asks.

"Other than the facts that he's never wrong about these things, he deduced that this man is known in most parts of existence as a collector of paranormal based materials, also, the equipment we are trying to retrieve should have some paranormal property even if it's just faint, Dick thinks he'd be a good lead to start" Tommy answers as they now approached the cottage.

"That's pretty logical, the person we are to meet, does he just live here?" Daniel asks.

"Actually, he doesn't, he travels all over the multiverse but he came here to settle down for a bit, said he likes the culture" Tommy ends the last part with a mild chuckle.

"Which man wouldn't love the culture of this place" Daniel smiles as he turns around to catch a naked glimpse of the ladies.

Soon they were at the door of the cottage.

"Usually, the doors are warded with magic against it, Algriam was a very careful man, he didn't want anyone to having access to his dwelling unless invited by him so he placed protection spells, think you can do something about that?" Tommy asks.

"Well, if I collected paranormal materials from all over existence, I would go through the same precautionary measures" Daniel grins as he motions for Tommy to step aside, Tommy does.

Daniel bends down on the ground

"ISHANRELE" he shout aloud, the whole door turns blue, it shines bright for a few seconds before all the light disappear leaving only the door just as it was met.

"So?" Tommy asks after seeing the light had died down.

"A few ancient ward spells were placed on the door, this is gonna take some time" Daniel says.

"Well, Time is an asset we don't have, I am gonna have to do this old school" Tommy says as he dashes towards the door, when he made contact with the door, an invisible barrier pushes him backward sending him flying through the air and crashing vehemently against the ground, Tommy struggles to get up from the ground.

"On a second thought, take all the time you need, we have got plenty" Tommy says aloud in agony.

Daniel chuckles as he faces the door again, he chants spell for about thirty minutes straight, causing the door to take on different colourations in different time intervals until finally, he heard a creak.

"It's done" Daniel shouts aloud.

"Great" Tommy says with a mild smile as he comes to meet him, the two enter the building, it was obvious a brawl had taken place in the house, there were scattered books everywhere, broken furniture, three female naked bodies with runes marks drawn on their bodies lay dead on the floor.

"Are we too late?" Daniel asks as he observes the naked body.

"If there a multiversal record for being late, we have officially shattered it" Tommy answers still walking slowly.

"Help help help!!!" Came a muffled voice from the a drawer, Tommy dashes to open it, as he opens it, a short imp falls out, he was badly injured and was on the brink of death, his mouth and his body were bound, Tommy quickly freed him of his binds, motioning over to Daniel, Daniel dashes over to them, he had yellow runes on his hand.

"What happened?" Tommy asks.

"The sha....Sha.. shadow, he came here and ruined every...everything, stole my price...priceless collection, and out of it came this horrific thing" the imp began.

"What thing?" Tommy asks.

"I...I don't know but called him...self some... something" the imp continues.

"What?" Daniel and Tommy ask simultaneously.

"The shadow king."