Dick watches above him, slowly the dark cloud and skies slowly cleared, even though he didn't know what happened, he felt it wasn't good, in a few seconds, all the darkness had cleared away.
"Time to go and eat sharwama, I miss Leffy's cooking, been a while since I had a taste" Dick thinks as he vanishes from the spot, he reappears at Tommy's residence, he could see Lefinna, for the first time since he knew her, she had tears in her eyes, she sat in the parlour, she appeared to be the only one in the room, the Parlour was beautifully furnished with various pictures of the entire family and the chairs were nicely arranged, she looked as young as the first time he had met her, same went for Tommy, those two didn't age at all.
"Leffy, what's the problem" Dick asks with a concerned look.
"It's Tommy, I can't connect with him, like his mind presence isn't longer here" Lefinna begins as she now looks up at Dick
"This can only mean one thing."
Dick feigns a concerned look, he appeared really worried, walking over to Lefinna, he sat down, putting one hand on her right shoulder as Lefinna's sobbing grew louder.
"Don't tell me you won't be able to make the sharwama" Dick says with a mournful look, Lefinna's facial expression transformed immediately, now she wore a look of murder.
"Shey O ti ya were ni" Lefinna screams aloud, Dick understood the language, one of the abilities he had gained as a result of travelling between planets in universes and transcending between dimensional existences was multiversal understanding, since he kept hearing words he didn't understand, his body simply gave him the gift to understand any language no matter who or what spoke it, Now, he could understand all types of creatures speech be it animals, humans, vampires and any at all, the language Lefinna just spoke was commonly known as Yoruba language in planet Earth, it was also really popular in many other planets in different parts of other universes though the language was called a different name but it still had the same dialect and intonation.
"Look, doll, I really wanted that sharwama, you promised a dinner for Christ's sake" Dick says aloud.
Lefinna just stared at him, her face was contorted in hatred
"I thought Tommy was your friend."
"He is but that doesn't mean I am gonna whine if something bad happens to him, we are gonna save him, it's what we do" Dick smiles at her
"Did you see the dark clouds?"
"Yes, We did" Lefinna mutters sadly.
"What do you mean, we?" Dick asks.
"I am also around, love" came Sarah's voice directly opposite the place where Lefinna sat, as she spoke, her body became physically visible, she was still dressed as a mage from medieval times.
Dick grins as he now stares at her
"If you two are sitting here, I take it my inference was right and you two was attacked."
"A correct analysis" Sarah grins as she snaps her fingers, at the edge of the room close to the walls, Marble became visible, she was still entrapped in a ball, she was a shadow with a female physique, she appeared conscious and it was impossible to tell her facial expression based on the fact that she was just darkness and blackness but in the shape of a female human.
"Hello, Ixonquious or should I say Dickson" Marble smiles as she now stares at him, this startles Dick as be now stared at her.
"I see you met my past self, I would love to play catch up but there isn't time, I need Leffy here..." Dick says as he motions to Lefinna who was now on her feet
"...to make sharwama now so would you be kind enough to tell us where Tommy is so we can just rescue him, I am starving."
"You are one delusional mortal, ain't you" Marble says, there was an amusing smirk to her voice.
"Everyone needs a little delusion time to time for them to go on, I beat your Drafty or whatever the fuck that nigga is called, my dolls captured you which I am pretty sure was beans, I just need to know where the last guy is, I am pretty sure he's with Tommy so would you be a dear and tell us?" Dick grins as he now stares back at her.
"You saw the dark clouds and skies, didn't you?" Marble asks ignoring the question.
"You mean the time when the sky suddenly turned dark?" Sarah asks aloud.
"Whoa, you saw a dark sky" Dick asks not putting his attention on Sarah
"I saw it too, thought it was supposed to be a surprise for you, seeing that today's still your day, honey."
Sarah blushes as she now faces Marble
"Can you tell us the significance of the dark skies and clouds?"
"Isn't it obvious, My Lord has returned back to the realm of the lower beings" Marble says aloud as she now turns her attention at Dick
"You look a awful lot like Ixonquious, my Lord is definitely not gonna take it easy on you."
"I don't do that, I am a married man, I wouldn't want a fan chasing me cause of my irresistible charm and humongous dick but if your boss has got nice titties, a lovely huge round ass and she isn't all shadowy like the rest of you, I might give her a chance with me" Dick grins.
Sarah and Lefinna's attention were now focused on Dick, they each had disgusted looks on.
"Can someone give that clown a slap" Marble asks.
"With pleasure" Sarah and Lefinna says simultaneously as they both land their palms on the two sides of Dick's face.
"Oooowwwww" Dick cries as he staggered backwards.
"He even acts exactly like the Buffon, this will be so exciting for my Lord when he arrives, I can't wait' Marble grins happily.
"What do you mean, arrive" Lefinna asks.
"The dark clouds and skies are proof that Malkyie has succeeded, he found the seal and also, I felt my Lord's presence again, I am overwhelmed with joy" Marble smiles.
"Just to be clear, is your boss male or female, I'd prefer a female, tired of battling guys all the time, it's bringing all these gay vibes" Dick says aloud with a depressed tone.
"I am going to kill you personally" Lefinna says with a death stare.
"You young feminine human, don't join the fellow clown in his delusions, Dickson can set his watch now, today's his last day in the realm of the lower beings" Marble says with a grin.
Meglor and Malkyie were walking on the street, dead bodies with black runes drawn all over their body were on the ground, all appeared to be unconscious, white golden orbs fly from their body to meet Meglor, he had a look of disappointment on his body, most of the orbs were tainted with dark spots.
"These world has grown more perverted than the last time I was here, this is irritating, well, I shall bring order and righteousness back to the realm of the lower mortals" Meglor says aloud.
"Yes, my Liege, I thought we would rescue our comrades first" Malykie asks as he gets on his feet, they were surrounded by big buildings including skyscrapers, duplexes and bungalows, also there were cars around and street lights, while the physical infrastructure appeared fine, the same could not be said for the humans who stayed there as their bodies were unconscious on the ground all over the city.
"My consciousness is shared across every dimensional existence, I can see and observe all, Marble is trapped in a magical ball, the spell was unknown lifetimes ago and Drafo is in Dracula's dimension, we will rescue them soon enough but we must prevent what happened last time from resurfacing itself" Meglor answers as he stretches his right arm forward.
"Do you mean with Ixonquious?" Malkyie asks.
"Yes, he was able to communicate with the mistresses, if I am to succeed in creating the perfect world where all creatures can overcome their inner darkness and live peaceably with one another while still maintaining their right to free will, I wouldn't want any interruption from the ones above planes of dimensional existence and by that, I mean the seven gods and the three mistresses" Meglor replies while still stretching his hands, his beady eyes appeared closed like he was trying to connect to something.
"How are you going to achieve that, my Lord" Malkyie asks.
"By speaking to the one who created all of creation, the creator himself" Meglor smiles as he stretches his other arm forward
"The creator is everywhere yet not any one can access him even the gods and mistresses, I too can't but being trapped in the seal device allowed me to understand most of what was going on even about the creator, seeing how mortals were able to even connect with Excalibur and at large, the Creator himself, everything is a leap of faith, until your faith is beyond comprehension, you can't access the creator, the mistresses wanted to know how they could link with the creator yet what they didn't know was that the answer was right in front of them all these while, the creator doesn't hide himself in an unknown realm neither does he just keeps himself trapped in a sword, he's everywhere and he's willing to manifest himself anyhow, all it takes is a leap of faith" as soon as he was done with his statement, his body transcends to a higher realm one that even the gods and mistresses were not aware of, as he appears in the realm, he looks around, everything appeared white and shiny, he could also feel his body surging with glory and radiating with grace like he had never felt before.
"Favored are you, o ye mortal that the creator has decided to bless thee with thy presence" came a voice, Meglor turns to the direction of the voice, he saw Ixonquious, he was appeared like he always was.
"How is that even possible? How's Ixonquious here?" Meglor thinks as he stares at the person right in front of him.
"So you do still fear a mortal" the creator says says as he now transforms to Drafla.
"Here, is this better" the creator asks staring at Meglor.
"Any form that you are pleased with is okay with me" Meglor says aloud.
"I have been observing you for quite a while, you appeared to have found the reason for having direct access to me" The creator says, there was a smile on Drafla's face as he ended the sentence.
"It was easy, the day Larias first made contact with Excalibur, he unlocked such an immense despair that I was able to connect to it even while in the seal device and be able to observe all of creation, I fully didn't understand what had happened then until I saw Ixonquious connect to it, I had an idea, Larias was able to connect because of his anger and hatred, he felt because of that, he could instantly achieve any height of power and he was able to connect with you instantly as he held the sword, Ixonquious was able to connect as he believed that since the sword enabled Larias to connect to the creator, he felt the creator would accept him for his cause was noble and right, Dickson, the last person to connect with you just believed you were the connection with everything, what those three didn't realise at the point they were trying connect to the creator was that they were doing nothing more than taking a leap of faith, I understood that and now, here I am" Meglor ends with a grin.
The creator smiles as he now stared back at Meglor, there was a look of admiration on Drafla's face
"Though I did see that this day would come, I am overwhelmed that one of my creation would figure it all out, I shall diligently reward all those that walk by faith, now for discovering me, I shall grant to you whatever you want, ask of me and I shall do."
Meglor smiles as he now stared at the creator
"I want to do what the gods and mistresses couldn't."
"And what is that?"
"To create a world where all creatures have free will and yet still live in perfect peace and harmony"Meglor says aloud with a confident stance.
The creator stared at him, there was a smile on Drafla's face
"The gods and mistresses couldn't do that, what makes you think you can?"
"Cause I have lived with the lower beings, I understand how they think and act, the mistresses and gods didn't experience any form of difficulty till Larias struck and even with that Strike, they still don't understand enough, I have lived amongst mortals, I know what it means to weep and wonder from where, your next meal will come from, I have seen male and female creatures of various species sacrifice all they can and yet despite it all, still have their dreams crushed, the gods and mistresses will never create the perfect reality cause they don't know how it all feels, well I do and I am gonna change it all" Meglor ends his sentence with a calm tone.
"So what exactly do you want, more power or what?" The creator asks.
"I already posses infinite power and abilities, I can practically do all I want, all I require is that the mistresses and gods be instantly banned from interacting with the lower realm, only they can stop me" Meglor says aloud.
"Okay then, you request is granted, anything else" The creator asks.
"No, that's all I desire" Meglor smiles.
"Then it's decided" the creator says as Drafla transforms to an embodiment of light, the entire realm was vanishing bits by bit, Meglor could feel himself slowly being taken away from where he was
"I shall restrict the highest beings from interlacing with the lower realms."
Meglor smiles, he looks around, Malkyie was still kneeling on the ground, he feels around, he couldn't feel the presence of the gods or mistresses anymore, their essence had disappeared.
"Malkyie, lift your head, we shall be visiting an old colleague soon."