Anna's Resolve

It was in the back alleyway very close to waste containers, two hobos dressed in dirty brown clothes ganged up on a young woman in a black skimpy dress, she was crying profusely, the smaller of the man tore out her clothes while the taller one began to unbuckle his belt.

"Please, let me go" the female wails aloud.

"I have been eyeing you for quite a while" the taller began as he threw his belt on the floor not too far from his position

"I am gonna grease your pussy with my thick cum and nothing is gonna stop me, not even God himself."

Just then, a yellow Portal appears a few feet from their position, out of it steps two ladies, Katharina and Anna, their faces showed that they had been crying for quite a while, the taller hobo upon sighting the two women, his face immediately turns into one of that had just won a lottery.

"I guess God wants me to fuck well today, just sent me two more sweet pussies" he shouts aloud.

"Big bro" the other hobo began, his face was frightened, seeing two women stepping out of a portal isn't something that happened everyday, also there were some blood stains on Katharina's dress, he had a bad feeling about this.

"What" the taller shouts at him, his completely happy face vanished, he now wore one of annoyance.

"I's not good seeing these bitches, zey just came out of nowhere, ya know, I's scared, and the bigger one" he says pointing to Katharina

"Gut's blod on ha, she's be a murderer."

"Your vocabulary is just like the state of your life" the taller one tells him

"Let your big bro handle this, as a result of your disturbance, you won't get any of these pussies" he ends as he turns his attention on Katharina

"Hey sexy, you are on my turf and I got rules."

Katharina and Anna didn't pay him any mind, Anna was weeping while Katharina put a hand on her as if trying to console her.

"Don't ignore me when I am talking to ya" the taller man says, as he said that, the woman on the floor tries to run away but the shorter one gives her a punch to her face causing her to collapse back to the ground.


The sound caused Katharina to look at third direction, she was immediately flustered at how poorly the woman was treated.

"You bitch, now you are looking at me, I got rules, if you wan me to go nice and easy, I suggest you start spreading those legs now" the taller one grins.

Katharina began to move towards his direction, the taller one couldn't believe his luck.

"I am gonna get pussy from a bitch as pretty as this, I am so lucky, WHOOOO!!!!" He thinks aloud joyfully, Katharina had already approached him

"So what style do you like" the man continues

"Doggy or missiona..." The man stops as Katharina lifts him forcefully from the ground by his neck with her right arm, with the other arm, she goes for the place where the sun doesn't shine and pulls out all his genitals and even his balls causing blood to splatter everywhere.

"AHRRRRGGHHHH" The man screams and winces in pain.

When Katharina turns towards the other Hobo's direction, the guy had quickly changed, he was dusting the woman who was once on the ground and asking if she was feeling okay, when she nodded affirmatively.

He gives her back her purse and says he wishes her a lovely day, the woman immediately runs away.

"You are one lucky bastard" Katharina says to him as she drops the taller hobo.

"I's sorry fer e'eryzin, my big bro always forzes mis" the hobo apologizes.

The older brother was still wincing on the ground and screaming in pain, he was crying profusely, it was hard to know what was causing him to cry, was it the fact that his genitals were removed, he wasn't getting pussy or he was never gonna get pussy ever again except if he was a head man.

"It's okay, your brother will live" Katharina says to him

"I applied some ointment, but he will never have a tool to harass women again, you are fortunate, that could have also been your fate."

"Yers, I's vera am, thaiks" the shorter man says bowing his head.

"You have a really terrible vocabulary" Katharina says with a disappointed gaze, then she turns to Anna

"I best leave you now, I have far more important things to do."

With that, Katharina turns away towards Anna, then they leave the alleyway, when the hobo saw that they were gone, he walks over to his brother.

"I's told ya she was scary."

"Shut up" the brother screams in pain.

"I can't believe it" Anna begins, she had cried so much she could no longer cry again

"My mom is dead, uncle Jenkrov too is, I lost everything in one day, if only I was stronger, if only I had fought, I could have stopped all of these."

"I understand how you feel" Katharina tells her, this causes Anna to look at her

"Though I am still very much disappointed in your disobedience, hurling that chair at the demon was blowing up our means of escape, if he had caught up to us, none of the two of us would have lived."

"I am sorry" Anna apologizes

"I was just so angry at myself for being weak and powerless."

"We were all once weak and powerless, but as mortals in our youth, we have a chance to evolve, become stronger and protect those things which are precious to us."

"I thought you lost all that is precious, you said everyone died and I heard how you stressed the name Redoulp, was he your husband?" Anna asks.

"It's complicated" Katharina answers with a sigh

"I thought I lost all until I saw you, you are the daughter of a very dear comrade of mine, Alucard and I must protect you in order to honor his memory."

"So Alucard is my father" Anna asks tears welling down from her eyes.

"Yes he is" Katharina answers

"Your mother could never tell you, she was far too bitter against him for abandoning her but he always loved your mother, he would speak about her a lot, how beautiful she was and how much he missed her, sometimes it will get me flustered but I just couldn't help but be enchanted by all he'd say."

"Did he ever mention me?" Anna asks tears welling her eyes.

"He never knew he had a daughter, your mother kept that a secret from him for whatever purpose is known only to her but I am pretty sure if he did, he would have come back."

"I hope so too" Anna says wiping the tears away from out eyes

"You said you were gonna protect me, I am not going to get in the way of you doing that but I have one request."

"What's that?" Katharina asks.

"I want to fight but at the moment, I can't, I am very pathetic, the only good about me is my pretty face, you must train me."

"You are not wrong about what's good about you" Katharina smiles at her, Anna smiles back, her cheeks had turned red from the compliment.

"I shall teach you the art of combat according to the way of the werewolf but I personalize in close combat, the only thing I can help you with is in swordsmanship, I know nothing about the ways of Archery, I can't help with that."

"It's okay" Anna say her face lighting up, she was just excited she was gonna learn how to fight, she had always wanted that but after a while, she put on a determined face, one of resolve

"I am going to avenge my mother and father, then I will get rid of whatever sick vermin who hurt them away from this world, and by the time I am through with them, they will wish they never existed."

"That's a strong resolve, I shall assist you in fulfilling your goals" Katharina says

"But if we are ever going to stand a chance at defeating those who made all these turn this way, we have to go to meet the demon lords, also time runs much faster there giving us enough to brush up your sword skills."

"Where shall we find the demon lords?"

"The abyss."

Shekindra enters the room where he had left Lord Larias earlier on, he carried a strange brown sack, blue and white aura was emanating from it, it contained souls, it was the one of the people he had killed while he was in the city of Teras.

Larias was in the room, he had left the spot where Shekindra had left him earlier, he appeared to be pacing around the room close to the walls, there was a throne in the room, it was designed well, the innards was royal red, it had a gold plating and there were precious stones embedded everywhere in it.

"I can know the names of the soul from the aura that's emitted, the werewolf which was in this room a few moments earlier, I can't sense hers from the sack you carry" Larias says touching the wall, he didn't even turn to Shekindra's direction.

"I am sorry, Lord" Shekindra says bowing his head low.

"But the fact that you have done well doesn't elude me, if Jenkrov had fought you at his best, with your present stats and his, you would have been overwhelmed and possibly died, you needed to find a way to even the odds and that was when you attacked his weakness by calling out to his looks, that was very brilliant, an old yet effective tactic but yet that wasn't all that's needed to bring Jenkrov down, Jenkrov is a man who prides himself on showing off, it was obvious from the way he immediately announced he was Dracula's Butler, if you hadn't taken care of the soldiers, he could still have beaten you, in order to completely shatter his pride, when you realized he had lost focus and the same for the soldiers, you instantly ran and killed his soldiers instantly shattering his morale, that was a purely tactical fight, I am more than impressed but it's as expected from the one who is to be my demon lord" Larias ends, he had been pacing round the room as he was speaking, he now sat on the throne in the room

"But I have to say, I am elevated."

"Why Lord, I thought you were annoyed the woman got away."

"She isn't a threat, nothing is a threat in comparison to me" Larias laughs cruelly

"Except the blasted alpha human, Dickson Reyes and Ixonquious, those were the only two souls who ever foiled my plans, putting Dick out of the picture, see how things turned out well enough for me, everyone else combined can't even stop me but yet whenever Dick is present, I am surely doomed to lose almost like there is an external supreme power causing that, like the power to write a story any how you desire, something greater than even Ashun's plot manipulation hax" Larias ends stroking his beardless chin.

"I still don't understand how you feel elevated" Shekindra says, he then realised something, the bag he was holding was completely empty, he looks over at Larias, the ball shaped souls surrounded him, the red Lord was simply enjoying them, he was consuming them happily, how did he even do that, he was sure he was in perfect control of his surroundings and the bag.

"The souls, I can taste their emotions" Larias begins

"Their will to live, their will to protect those they feel are dear to them, it's all too joyful seeing that all of these is a dud, a poor fake representation of the original, it required an immense amount of energy to activate, I had deliberately set it to this frame before Dickson Reyes first defeated me and yet these mortals haven't changed, they still very much want to live, some have loved ones, others have goals which include cavorting with females, some want to cavort with men, some want to try out a new dish, some want to be the best at something, so much dreams even though all these is a dud, it's settled then" Larias ends with a cruel laugh as he consumes another soul.

"What is, my Lord" Shekindra asks.

"All mortals want to live, even those who claim they are not afraid of death, secretly, they desire to live, to achieve a certain goal or do something with someone or even themselves, mortals will cling at any opportunity to live even if the source is fake, every mortal live under the illusion of fulfilling goals as their lifetime purpose, it's much too much, I am so elevated, the feelings I get from these souls" Larias says as he gobbles two at a go

"It's far too intoxicating, I have never felt so alive, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA."

Shekindra just looked at his Lord, he clearly couldn't comprehend what was happening, his master kept saying something about a fake and real creation but yet everything felt real, was his master alright, did something go wrong with the resurrection.

"My dear boy" Larias says in Shekindra's direction, Shekindra shivers as he turns at his Lord

"I know what you are thinking, you are worried about my psychological balance but I have to tell you, I am very much fine indeed, you wouldn't understand as you haven't experienced the same things as I, well that's not important, we need to get busy."

"Busy regarding what, sir" Shekindra asks.

"The gods and mistresses in these fake creation, their power is infinitesimal as compared to the ones in the original creation, I am going to need to absorb all of them including these pathetic creation in order to gain enough power to ascend to the real one" Larias says, he stops, there was a snicker on his face as he continues

"I see you have made a deal with a certain mortal who calls himself Marcel, that one is a tricky and intelligent brat, I don't trust him but it doesn't matter, he will be absorbed alongside everything in this miserable existence."

"Yes, master, as you so command" Shekindra says, his face still wore confusion, his master kept talking about fake and real creation but all he just had to do was whatever his master required of him, it wasn't in his place to ask questions

"Is there any thing you desire of me?"

"I am gonna be going for a big war" Larias says consuming the last soul at his disposal

"I need more souls, travail the entire cosmos of these pathetic creation, bring me souls of various creatures exotic and rare ones, I must feed."

"Yes master" Shekindra answers him as he disappears from his sight.

"The demon Lord is gone, I shall need to amp him soon enough if he's going to be of any use to me" Larias says still stroking his chin

"For the mean time, let me watch the battle between the young Dickson Reyes and my demon subordinates."

16 year old Dick was having the time of his life, he was surrounded by a lot of beautiful women, Myranha was currently sucking on his crotch, he laid on a beach, it was a planet where the whole land mass was enclosed by a beach, there were millions of women each of different species, there were humans, werewolves, vampires, minotaurs, orcs, ogres, some weird aliens with three boobs, some had antennas on their head, some had weird body modifications but Dick didn't care, he was enjoying his life.

Myranha didn't want to join Dick's harem but this was her universe and Dick had destroyed every villain in it and had put after image duds to protect each and every resident, he just had a simple request, she should join his harem, 16 year old Dick made a habit of travailing universes and leaving with his selected beautiful women as devoted members of his harem, his harem being that they were to satisfy his every sexual needs while Dick took care of their every other needs, there were also mermaids swimming in the water surrounding them, they were also included in his harem.

"Hey, it's my turn, you have been sucking it for more than five seconds" a three breasted pink skinned female alien says at Myranha.

"No, it's my turn" a wood elven women says, she had nice curvaceous breasts and a lovely round ass like that of Kim Kardashian.

"It's actually mine" a female vampire says barring her fangs, she was beautiful but her body was as flat as the wall.

Dick just laid down, he was smiling mischievously, he was really enjoying this.

"It won't be anyone's turn" came a masculine voice in a masculine accent, Dick looks to the direction of the voice, same as all the women, two men were standing on the very surface of the river about fifty metres from their position, it was Marei and Leo, their bodies were cloaked in red and black miasma respectively.

"Dudes, I understand you both are jealous of me" Dick says getting up from where he laid, he still looked the same as he did while he encountered his future self even though it had been many years in these fake creation, it was as a result of the age stop ability he had gotten from his future self amongst others

"Yo British man, not a bad size for a Caucasian, you guys always have puny dicks, you got seven inches, though that's very small compared to a black guy" Dick says as he looks over at Leo

"Ain't I right, my man."

"We didn't come here to have a few jokes and laughs, nigga" Leo says sternly at him

"This is gonna be your demise, I hope you sucked your last pussy cause you ain't gonna be able to do that no more once I am through with you."

"You just said I am, Don't you mean you two or what's the point of you two coming here, you ain't very bright, people like you shouldn't go for IQ tests as you don't even have one" Dick smirks, this causes the two men before him to have flustered facial expressions, Dick seeing this presses on as he turns to the ladies

"Don't worry, I will be done showing these horny boys out in a jiffy."

Dick ends as he dashes towards the two men, he touches them instantly teleporting them away, they appeared in the infinity void surrounding the fake creation.

Dick's face was immediately thrown in amazement

"How the hell are these two alive, any one I brought to the infinity void was immediately destroyed, what the hell is going on?"

"As I said earlier on" Leo says making a fist with his right arm

"I hope you sucked your last pussy cause you ain't gonna be sucking another one again."