The Alternate Creation's greatest war I

Katharina was shivering, Anna on the other hand wasn't, her face wore anger, she was going to finally kill the person who killed her mother, father and destroyed her entire city, it was like Christmas to her.

Shekindra just stared at the two of them the way a predator stares at his prey, it looked as if he wanted to pounce and kill them.

"Shekindra, what is this asininity, you were not summoned here" Midols says aloud in Shekindra's direction.

"One of the reasons why I am annoyed beyond words, I am also a demon lord, why wasn't I summoned to this meeting too" Shekindra demands shifting his attention to Midols. Seriin, Gigramel and Sheesa were the only ones who had their attention focused on him, Zhelka was still busy with his game and Irinova was still gasping lightly enjoying the head that the incubi was giving her.

"You committed an atrocity" Gigramel shouts in his direction

"You both know the gods and mistresses forbade the red god from ever returning, yet you brought him back."

"Shelly" Seriin smiles sweetly around him

"I love your abs, would you mind trying out for a sparring contest with Kalsun, he grows weary of weak fighters, he'd like to battle a strong one, I am sure you will do quite nicely."

"If you are going to go to her spar contest, you have totally got to come to my party, it's really gonna be lit, I am gonna be holding it right here in the abyss, WHOOO WHOO WHOO" Sheesa shouts aloud clearly excitedly

"Be my date too, you know I can't resist bald men."

Shekindra just stared at the two females, he didn't know how to react, Gigramel and Midols were the only ones who seemed serious, the other two demon lords seemed so lackadaisical about it as if it didn't concern them.

"I will think about it" Larias smiles in their direction.

"He's totally gonna be my date, OMG, I am gonna be rubbing that smooth masterpiece on his head" Sheesa says red coming all over her cheeks, she wags her tail in joy.

"Kalsun will be so excited, he is gonna get a new sparring contest, this is totally cool" Seriin smiles.

"Though the ladies might have forgiven your crime, I haven't, you need to report to the gods and mistresses, only they can decide your fate" Midols tells him.

"And if I don't" Shekindra smirks.

"Then I will just make you" Midols says as he gets up from his seat.

He was versed in mage craft, in all of the abyss and lower realms(all the shards combined), no one knew about the workings of magic like Midols, he looked like a buff Lich, he wore a big black emperor wear which was designed with small golden and platinum badges to cover his body and he held a big staff with a glowing green orb located on top, he was arguably the strongest amongst the demon lords, Irinova had beaten him twice in an arm contest so it was very difficult to predict who was stronger between those two.

"I see" Larias says, there was a ripped space directly in front of him, it appeared to show all that was happen between Shekindra, the demon lords, Katharina and Anna as it occurred in the abyss, Marei and Leo were standing at his left and right side respectively, he sat on his throne, he was smiling menacingly, he was really enjoying all that was taking place.

"Master, should we go to help, Shekindra can't take care of all of this on his own" Marei says.

"Yeah, he's just gonna get his ass smoked like the wimp he is" Leo grins.

"Yeah, you will definitely go to battle with him, if I am to defeat all the gods and mistresses of these existence, I need to feed, the souls of the demon lords will be enough sustenance" Larias ends with a grin

"I have amped Shekindra just as I have done the same thing to you both, do me proud and bring their souls."

"Sure thing, master" Marei says, he was now directly in front of Larias alongside Leo, he makes a low bow.

"Sure thing, boss, we gonna smoke the hell outta his ass" Leo grins at Larias, as the duo finished speaking, they both disappear.

Shekindra looked at Midols, on a normal day, Midols would have beaten the fuck outta him but this was no normal day, he had gotten more powers and fortification from his Lord, he was sure that he was more than a match for the indigo demon lord

"Trust me, I am more than a match for you."

"That's why we will be joining" Katharina says rising to her feet.

"The faster we defeat this demon, the faster I can get back to my chambers and torture more slaves so count me in too" Irinova says as she grabs the head of the person who was giving her head, she squeezes his head instantly crushing it to powder, she rises to her feet, she was dressed in a black transparent velvet dress, she looked really enticing and hot.

"I am sick of this model, I need to go back and play the real thing" Zhelka frowns as he gets to his feet

"So count me too, I am in."

"You really stand no chance fighting us alone" Gigramel smirks at him.

"Who says he's alone?" Marei says, directly behind Shekindra were now Marei and Leo.

"I don't need your help" Shekindra frowns.

"No, you think you don't" Leo grins at him but Shekindra scowled back, Leo's grin disappears from his face as he adapts a more serious facade

"Look man, the faster we are done with these bozos, the faster we can watch master beat up the gods and mistresses, he talks like he wants to singlehandedly handle them all and what faster way to take care of them all" Leo says pointing at the demon lords

"Than have your very own comrades with you."

"He's right" Marei says without turning to their direction.

"As much as I hate to admit it, he is right actually, I need you guys help to finish these people quickly, I do not like to keep master waiting" Shekindra says as his scowl disappears from his face, it was now replaced with a more serious tone

"Let's do this."

"This place is a little bit cramped, how about a little space" Gigramel says as his whole body suddenly turns green, he emits a ball from his hands which shoots up to the roof instantly shattering the place.

Now they were in an open field.

"This fight could get rowdy, I shall separate us to different districts in the abyss" Midols says aloud

"I personally want to go with the red demon lord, anyone else wants to join."

"Count me in" Anna snarls.

"Same" Katharina says fuming.

"This is boring" Leo says as he dashes over to the demons, he touches Irinova and Gigramel instantly teleporting them away.

Midols hits his staff on the ground lightly, immediately, he, Katharina, Anna and Shekindra vanish.

"Guess I will be taking care of the three of you" Marei smiles.

"Ooh Kalsun" Seriin sings, immediately a giant creature with scars all over it's body appear in between Marei and the three demons, he held a huge club, it had all human parts but was way bigger, about ten feet in height.

"AHRRRGGGH" Kalsun shouts as he runs towards Marei.

It swings his giant club at Marei but Marei stops it with the pinky finger of his right arm, the club instantly shatters to nothingness, Marei blitzes the creature ripping out his right leg.

"AaAAARGGFHHH" it screams aloud but Marei paid the creature no pity, he dashes towards it ripping out his other leg, it was now on the ground, Marei goes over to him and twists his neck off instantly dislocating it from it's neck, it slumps to the ground dead.

"That was a work out, please tell me he wasn't the best of you all" Marei grins.

"You killed Kalsun" Seriin shouts aloud as she throws away her glasses, she was weeping profusely

"How could you be that cruel" she says in his direction, he only wanted a good match."

"Well, he found one he couldn't handle" Marei tells her, Seriin's body immediately turns violet, also Sheesa had turned yellow, Zhelka's body too had transformed to yellow.

"I am going to destroy you" Seriin shouts as she dashes at him, Zhelka and Sheesa weren't tagging far behind, they too ran forward with her.

"That's my line" Marei grins as he dashes towards them.

Leo grins as he sets Irinova, he was groping her right boob and smiling stupidly like an idiotic pervert, Gigramel was a few feet away, he was clearly flustered.

"I don't like to be touched without my volition" Irinova says as she grabs Leo's arm and twists it instantly dislocating it from it's joint.

"AHHHHRGGGGH" Leo screams but Irinova wasn't through with him yet, she dashes towards him and punches him, her eyes had turned blue, as her fist connect with his stomach, thousands of layers in the abyss were destroyed (the mass of a single layer of the abyss was equivalent to the mass of a thousand universes.). As Leo was punched, he flies backwards crashing vehemently against the ground.

Gigramel feeling jealous that he was being left out runs towards Leo, he kicks him destroying half a layer

"Take that, you bastard."

"You kick like a frustrated virgin" Leo grins as he counter attacks with a kick sending Gigramel backwards, as Gigramel moves backwards, Leo does a Chinese get up to get to his feet, he gets to his feet and continues his barrage of attacks with a punch to Gigramel's face, as he did that, hundreds of layers were being shattered, Gigramel staggers backwards, his entire body was a mess, he had sustained injuries all over his body but he was in for more punishment.

Leo grabs him by his head, hits him against the ground repeatedly, putting his right leg on his chest for better balance, he rips out the head from the body causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Leo smiles to himself as he had just killed the demon, it felt really good, he turns his attention to Irinova, it wasn't the bored and annoyed expression she wore earlier, she looked crazy like she was dastardly horny.

"Would you like to grope my boobs?" She asks groping them herself and smacking her lips as if motioning for him to come closer.

"You already turned me down once, I ain't a lap dog you can just refuse once and when you want to do me, you'd tell me to come and I will be running right over, no, I don't do that" Leo grins as he drops the head he was holding and puts his full attention at her

"I have got dignity."

"Well then" Irinova smiles as she extends a whip which just appeared to materialise out of the thin air

"I am just going to have to do you by force."

Shekindra grins as he looks upon Midols, Katharina and Anna, it was impossible to tell Midols expression as he was a Lich and always kept a calm demeanor, also his voice never for once seemed to be annoyed or depressed, he always sounded the same way, Katharina and Anna on the other hand were visibly flustered as they kept fuming heavily.

"You ladies really need to relax, you look like you are both on your periods" Shekindra smiles

"Well, it's no matter, I shall end your misery soon enough."

"Yes, when we are rid of you and we no longer have to see your disgusting face, all our misery would have vanished" Anna shouts aloud.

"Ouch" Shekindra says holding his chest

"I have got feelings you know."

"We don't care" Katharina says as she reverts to her were wolf form and gets on all fours, she looked as if she was ready to pounce.

"Kefre Oakns oabsnsusj aosgebe oahsvssj" Shekindra chants aloud, as he did, a space on the ground around him opens up and out comes skeletons roughly about five to seven feet in height, they were each holding a sword and a shield, they were 789, 472 in number, they began to chant aloud.

"I brought some of your family to play, hope you don't mind?" Shekindra smirks in Midols' direction, Katharina reverts back to her human form, like Anna, her face was visibly horrified, skeleton warriors were so strong as they couldn't die even if they lost any part of their bodies, the only way they could be destroyed is if they were completely pulverized and yet there was no ability that any of the two females could do to do that, Katharina specialised in slashing and biting off heads and body parts in her werewolf form while Anna specialized in the way of the sword, none which could help in destroying a skeleton warrior talk less of the army that now stood before them.

"Enough with this childish chatter, if your jokes could be assigned according to libido sizes, it will be the exact same as the one you posses"Midols replied in the same calm voice he always had, the smile on Shekindra's face had disappeared, this was due to the miniature size of his crotch and the fact that he had heard from a lot that his jokes sucked.

"You are getting cocky due to this insignificant spell that you just casted, let me show you what a true spell is" Midols grins as a small indigo pamphlet appears from the staff he was carrying, he throws it high in the sky, the indigo pamphlet transforms to a black cloud, the black cloud moves over to the centre of the army of skeletons, it turns into liquid as it drops, it falls on the ground and began to expand absorbing everything it touched, the skeletons try to run away but the liquid was expanding faster than they could run, it absorbed about three hundred thousand of them.

Shekindra was dumbfounded, same for Katharina and Anna, this was the power of the strongest demon lord.

"How did you do that?" Shekindra asks visibly surprised

"I didn't see you chant any spell."

"Only insipid simpletons with inconsequential knowledge need to chant spells in order to perform magical events, magic is nothing more than commands to a true learned such as I, chanting is to invoke forces to manipulate your present soulic energy but I don't need chants, I simply instruct things to do as I so desire" Midols ends still in a calm demeanor

"And don't get too surprised yet, my spell hasn't even began it's original purpose."

As he said that, the liquid stops expanding and disappears, in it's place, shapeless totally black creatures about six feet tall emerges, they ran towards the other skeletons, the skeletons try to attack them but the shapeless creatures just absorb their weapons, the skeletons try to run away but the creatures absorb them too.

"What are those?" Shekindra asks with an amazed facial expression.

"They are called Mirozes, as you can see, they absorb anything they come in physical contact with" Midols begins still in his calm voice

"And that's not even the best part, they instantly gain the abilities and memories of whatever they absorb which immediately transfers to me, right now, my Mirozes are coming for you next, this battle is already over even though it just barely begun."

Marei hits Seriin away, almost immediately, Zhelka and Sheesa dash at him, Zhelka throws a punch at his face while Sheesa kicks him in between his legs, as they connect with his body, hundreds of layers were shattered everywhere, Marei moves back, Zhelka and Sheesa catches Seriin and launch her forward towards Marei, she connects her left heel to his head sending him backward and destroying hundreds of layers in the district, while still trying to recuperate, the trio dash at him, punching and hitting him hard causing far worse destruction than they did before, Marei collapses backwards.

"We definitely hit him, his HP must be at rock bottom" Zhelka shouts aloud

"I am off to play street fighter VII."

"You are such a geek" Sheesa smiles at him

"Wanna come over to my party."

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Kalsun is dead" Seriin wails.

"I can help with that" Zhelka says as a pad similar to that of an Xbox 360 pad appears in his arm, he walks over to the dead body, pressing some button on his pad, a green scan comes from the pad and scans the body parts, putting his pad in another direction, he presses a button and an exact replica of Kalsun appears.

"Kalsun, I really missed you" Seriin shouts happily as she goes to hug her newly spawned battle comrade.

"You have really got some tricks" Sheesa smiles at Zhelka.

"It's an ability I have, it allows me to personally respawn any character and for me, I can rebirth three times after death like a video game typical three lives system" Zhelka smiles at her but her head suddenly falls off her body, he looks over at Kalsun and Seriin, their heads had been separated from their bodies and blood freely flowed around them.

"So your line about three lives isn't wrong, I just killed you but yet you are still standing" Marei smiles at him.

Zhelka turns towards his direction, he had no means to resurrect the other two but fortunately for him, he already stored Kalsun's DNA in his database, quickly he projects about three who appear and dash at Marei, Marei rushes past the them causing their heads to fall off their bodies as he reappears at their back, Zhelka expecting this dashes at Marei, he punches him away.

"I can use any form of game buffs that I see in any video game, I have played practically game in every existence" Zhelka begins.

"Why are you telling me all these?" Marei asks.

"I put on a buff which enables me to see the stats of my opponent and also a HP grinding based attacks buff, from what I see, you have an infinite HP and you don't take damage at all" Zhelka says in his direction.

"Not bad" Marei says as he dashes towards him, he rips his heart out, Zhelka respawns but almost immediately as he respawns, Marei moves his right arm speedily towards his neck cutting off his head.

"You were a formidable opponent, you all were" Marei says looking at all the dead bodies which laid on the ground

"If we had fought on equal terms, I would have lost" Marei says as he turns away his gaze from them

"I wonder how the others are doing."