Larias looks around, there was nothing in sight except from bouncing bubbles, his subordinates were directly behind him, they had amazed looks on their faces, apparently, this was their first time in the rezkem realm.
"This place looks dry" Marei says looking around
"Isn't this the supposed God realm?"
"It is" Larias answers him
"I have been feeling for which mistress exist here, it's the same as the original creation, Drafla is presently with the shards, we shall be meeting with her soon."
As Larias spoke, he vanishes, same with his three demon subordinates.
Drafla was taking a mediation pose and she ascended a few feet above the ground, her legs were crossed in the air, it was like all these Chinese yoga, she had the stature of a eight year old girl, an uncountable number of shards surrounded her in an infinite number of segments, it was the same which surrounded Peregrine in the original creation, she was playing with every single creature present in each of the shards like they were mere games to her but she also knew that Larias was coming for her.
"Something is wrong, Larias eventually destroys creation and the Creator is nowhere to be found, almost like he abandoned everything all into the hands of Larias, Larias must know about what is happening, I shall try and find out from him" Drafla thinks to herself.
"How are the people in the shards doing?" Larias asks as he suddenly appears before her, Drafla expecting him to come suddenly descends to the ground, she looks at Marei, Leo and Shekindra strongly as if trying to pierce through their very soul before returning her attention back at Larias.
"You are a really cautious one, I can't permeate through their minds" she says.
"I have dealt with you in the past, the most tricky woman I have ever met, one can not exercise enough caution while dealing with you" Larias smiles at her as he walks around as if admiring the shards, he could feel the lives there and all, so much souls were present in it, it felt delicious.
"Don't you think appearing before me like this is already carelessness" Drafla smiles at him.
"It's said you are omniscient" Larias says holding an infinity dimensional plane shard, he tightens his grip crushing the shard to nothingness as he did that, souls from the shard appear as blue smoke and go in through his nostrils
"So sumptuous."
"Yes, it's general knowledge, why did you have to destroy a world of the most complex life forms ever created" Drafla asks clearly frowning.
"Cause I can" Larias smiles at her
"You can predict the outcome of every event that takes place in the past, present and future, this is what arouses my curiosity, what have you seen, how does it all turn out, will an alpha human appear and save the day like he did millions of years ago."
Drafla kept her straight face, she had viewed a megrosto number of possibilities of how the outcome of creation could turn out and in everyone she viewed, Larias always won, he never lost but about the alpha human, Ixonquious, she knew of his plan to resurrect himself yet when he was needed the most, he hadn't appeared, something was wrong, Ixonquious was quite the schemer, surely, he should have been able to predict all this.
"It's not in my place to say out how things are going to turn out" she finally blurts out.
"So is that another way of telling me I conquer all" Larias smiles at her
"By absorbing the six gods, I have absorbed the seventh one long ago, I was also able to see the past, present and future, I viewed every possibility of the outcome of these pathetic creation and in all, I won" Larias ends but his haughty grin was gone from his face, he now wore a look of worry before he quickly regains his composure.
Drafla noticed the look on his face even though it was just for a moment, there was something more going on, something he wasn't telling her about, she could figure it all out if she tried to recall all the events that took place, she pondered about it for a while, then the answer finally hit her
"This is a fake creation, isn't it?" She began.
Larias turns towards her, he was amazed.
"Even before you met the gods, I saw the way you moved and walked, it's almost as if you knew everything that already took place, you did resurrect but not in this state, the alpha human did thwart your plans as always, didn't he?" She ends with a grin.
Larias approaches her, grabbing her by her neck, he raises her upward.
"As much as I hate to admit, all you said was correct, I don't know my fate when I return to the original creation but one thing is sure, I won't lose twice" Larias ends as tentacles come from his eye sockets, it entangles around the body he was holding, he drains her essence causing her to fade away to nothingness, turning back at all the shards, he destroys them all causing blue smoke to rise in the atmosphere which he inhales.
"Now, I am really unstoppable" Larias grins as he looks over at his subordinates
"On to Azexela's domain, we shall find the two mistresses there."
Azexela had changed the scenery of her domain to be like a castle, the floors were made of mirrors and there were statues of her erected everywhere, she sat on a thorny throne, before her was Ashun in a red dress, she appeared troubled.
"Azexela" Ashun begins in a grave tone
"You have to stop tormenting the lower realm, there are other ways to get souls."
"Like what, doing those boring quests you partake in, I pass" Azexela says dismissively.
"You really have to listen to me, ever since this limits were put on us, it's been difficult not just for you but for all three of us, you really have to stop" Ashun tells her.
"Well, I am not going to, I must thrive but not live off the scraps of a few adventurers" Azexela answers blatantly.
Immediately, the blue blur appears before her, he bowed his head low.
"My mistress, another universe is now under your control, I have harvested quite a number of souls, would you like to consume them now" He asks still bowing his head low.
Azexela grins as she snaps her fingers, instantly she appears in a seat of a long royal table with a red draper usually commonly used in the banquets of medieval castles, Ashun appears at the other end of the table.
"What is this?" Ashun asks clearly annoyed.
"Don't be so uptight" Azexela smiles at her sweetly
"I want to give you a taste of the good stuff" turning over to her servant, the blue blur
"You can serve us the sumptuous souls now."
The blue blur's stomach was a gateway to any world or place, though he had a default world which he keeps possessions, the blue blur opens his stomach causing round bluish white souls to appear all over the table, there were also some golden balls too with it, souls could be in from of golden balls, blue balls, white balls, golden balls with dark spots, and bluish white souls, it all depends on the creature it was taking from.
Azexela smiles as he eats two small golden balls with dark spots on it at once, it was simply delicious, looking over at Ashun who just kept a disdained look and didn't take any thing from the table
"Come on" Azexela says as she takes another mouthful
"Try some."
"Don't mind if I do" came Larias' voice as he enters the room, Marei, Leo and Shekindra still accompanied him.
As Azexela saw him, she just couldn't help but be annoyed, he was the one who destroyed her life, he was the reason why all the mistresses were like this but she quickly fakes a smile as she glances over his direction, in a sweet voice, she says
"I didn't know you were back."
"I know" Larias says as he suddenly appears by the table, he takes a pure golden ball(souls that never took part in sexual perversion were the best brand, there were no black spots on them and the mistresses and gods rated it as top notch).
As Larias tries to eat the soul, the blue blur lands a punch to his face sending him to fly to the table and crushing it.
"That belongs to my mistress, you have no right to touch it, not after what you did to her and the other mistresses" the blue blur's voice came reverberating around.
Azexela was scared of Larias but this could be a way she no longer had to cower before him, her servant was taking a stand, the least she can do is join him, her only hope was that Ashun too would help.
"The servant is right" Ashun begins as she looks upon Larias
"You have no business here, not after what you did to all of us."
"Does this mean I get a go..." Larias begins but the blue blur cuts him short as he dashes towards him, holding him his the collar of his leather shirt, he flings him away sending him sprawling backwards, Larias was unscathed as he gets up but he was smiling.
"This is far stronger than the punch you threw earlier" Larias grins as he looks over to Ashun's side
"You rewrote this present event and made him far powerful, didn't you?"
"Even if there's a chance you can be defeated, I must take it, a monster like you must never be allowed to live" Ashun says as a quadrillion more of blue blur appears around her.
"Ashun is right, you bring destruction and pain to everyone you meet, you shall be stopped right here and now" Azexela says as an uncountable number of blue blur appears, all of them were each holding scimitars (the one that the blue blur used in book 5)
"The syenia scimitar" Larias says admiring all they were holding
"Personally created by the three mistresses, can harm all forms of beings except the creator."
"You got that right" Ashun answers
"Now prepare to be destroyed" she ends as all the blue blur charges at Larias.
Larias grins as he sees all the blue blurs coming towards him, as fast as he could, he dashes towards them, the same brand of scimitars they were holding appear on his two arms, a blue blur launches towards him trying to hit him with the blade, he was accompanied by hundreds more with the same agenda, Larias grins as he appears behind them, extending his scimitar that it became as long as a bulldozer, he cuts off their heads clean off their bodies.
"God, I miss this" Larias says as he blitzes the rest neglecting one, the original.
"So you must be the original one, well, you will be joining their fate now" Larias grins pointing to the others who were now dead on the floor.
"I beg to differ" the blue blur shouts as he dashes at him, they both meet mid air as the blades of their weapon collide, the force causes them to move backwards.
"You are not half bad" Larias smiles at him.
"You fight a little better than a Grandma" the blue blur jests as he throws daggers towards him, Larias dodges all the incoming daggers but that was the blue blur's plan as he closes in on the red god, using the two scimitars he held, he cuts off his two arms followed by a kick to his chest, he sends him backwards.
Larias now lay on the ground, his arms separated from his body, he looked useless.
"I knew I was gonna win" The blue blur smiles at him.
"That's my line" Larias body grins as it fades away, the blue blur realizes his body was fading away too, he looks over at the two mistresses, Larias had entangled both of them with tentacles from his body.
Turns out he was fighting a mere clone of Larias, it was just a distraction for Larias to do the real thing that he came in here for, absorb the mistresses.
"You were a formidable fighter but you are of inconsequential value, my real target is the alpha human who resides in the original creation" Larias grins at him as the blue blur completely fades away, though he wore a mask but truly he felt depressed and sad cause he could never protect his mistress when she needed him the most, he felt he had failed
"Only he can give me the satisfaction I truly desire" Larias ends with a grin.
Dick and Lefinna had viewed all that was happening in the alternate creation, how it was all brought about was a mystery to them, Peregrine had offered a means for them to view it, there was a distorted space in the atmosphere which enabled them to see it.
"We have to stop Larias from ascending here" Dick says, for the first time in his life, he truly felt worried, he had seen just how fearsome Larias' could really be, seeing how he terrorized all of creation when his plans came to fruition, if that had happened here and he wasn't brought about by the Ryubin Krystalis, Dickson doubted he could have stopped him.
"It's impossible, not as I am now" Peregrine says shaking her head, her face was neutral, she didn't appear angry or annoyed
"My love, Dickson Reyes will simply defeat him as he did before" she thinks as she gazes upon Dickson, he had a worked up face, he was tensed
"He's so hot when he's angry, he's making me wet."
"What do you mean?" Lefinna asks in Peregrine's direction.
"In order to destroy the alternate creation, I would need the same exact energy that was used to bring it to life" Peregrine says
"And I can't produce that, the mistresses only could and they have to combine to do that but they won't."
"If I combine all these shards" Lefinna says looking at all the shards
"The energy they would collectively generate, would it be sufficient?"
Peregrine looks over at Lefinna, she looked at her as an adult looked upon a stupid child, was this mortal joking, did she really think she could connect and link all the shards together, only a god was capable of doing that, every other creature was far too inferior
"Don't make me laugh, simpleton."
Dick turns at Peregrine, he had a haughty smile on his face
"Don't underestimate Leffy here, the ones in the past who did didn't have a chance to regret."
"Why" Peregrine asks.
"Cause Leffy's really vicious, she smoked their asses and put them in a body bag, she's like a sexy Russian spy" Dick says as she looks upon Lefinna who was staring at him
"Just my type of girl" as he said that, red appears on Lefinna's cheeks, she loved the compliment and red also appeared on Peregrine's cheeks, she was jealous.
"So regarding her question" Dick says putting back his attention on Peregrine
"If she links the shards together, can she generate enough energy to destroy the alternate creation before Larias ascends here."
"I don't know" Peregrine truthfully answers.
"Sounds like it's worth a shot to me" Dick grins as he motions over to Lefinna.
Lefinna smiles as she touches a 1D shard, before moving on to the higher ones, when she touched a 4D shard, she could feel her body disintegrating and destroying but quickly, she strengthens her resolve and taps into the creator's energy present in her, as she did that, her body instantly transforms to her silver form, she could touch it, looking over at the order shards, she could see all that was going on in them.
"Every shard has some form of cybernetic advancement in each of them, the nanites in my body are well versed with all forms of programming languages, thanks to the creator's energy which resides in me, I can hack through anything so long it's a program or system" Lefinna smiles
"By linking the cybernetic programming present in each of these shards, I shall now unite them"
As she said that, all the shards in the area turn silver, they begin to come close together, merging.
Dick smiled at Lefinna, he trusted her to do it.
Peregrine on the other hand was amazed beyond words, how could any creature below the gods undertake such a feat, usually a 3D creature would instantly become nothingness when they came in contact with a 4D shard or higher, she was shocked Lefinna survived touching a 4D shard but this was beyond every form of bewilderment, this was simply not normal.
"My love" Peregrine says with her mouth wide opened as she hit Dick
"Just who is she."
"My bestie" Dick ends with a mild grin.
"The alpha human is finally making his move" Larias grins as he just absorbed the three mistresses, he could feel it, someone was trying to link all the shards in the original creation in order to gain enough energy in order to destroy this alternate one where he presently resided
"I need to find a way to permeate to the original dimension, I have to see the Alpha human, I once possessed Excalibur and by extension, the creator's energy, Dickson too once partook in the overflow of the creator's energy meaning we have a bond synchronicity involving the two of us, I never tried to do this before but desperate times call for desperate measures" Larias thinks as he closes his eyes, his entire body turns golden similar to Dickson's transformation.
Dick who kept gazing at Lefinna, Lefinna was almost done, she had succeeded in linking all the shards to become one, if she succeeded in the next phase, then Larias would forever disappear from the creation and there would be no threat as great as him ever again.
Dickson was internally overjoyed at Lefinna's success.
Just then, he could feel his body going wobbly and jelly.
"Help..." Dick says aloud but Peregrine and Lefinna seemed like a blur, he could see Peregrine rushing over to where he was to help him but he just slumped to the ground.
Dick awakes in a completely white scenery, he knew where he was, it was the realm Marcel discovered in book 4(the realm separating Reality from existence).
Dick gets to his feet, he no longer felt wobbly or jelly, he seemed to have regained his strength, right before him, the person was unmistakable, about six feet tall, jet black hair, blue eyes, soft Caucasian skin without blemishes or spots, it was Larias.