
October the Friday 13th

She finally came to visit me

I was really anxious when she didn't answered me

My call.

But then she rang

That's everything's Allright

I'm waiting for my friend to move on

I'm waiting cuz otherwise she'll be alone

I'm waiting for... so I can deny... You

Imma ask for second chance

God bless you


How I was able to tell before time

How was I able to tell at all

Everything you created so far

I find myself enjoying whole

The more I enjoy the more it damages May cause

To live another day

To live at all

And even if it's on our own will

I rather would accept love from slaves

That they need to love me

Cuz u make 'em to

Even if it's fake

I experienced only that part of her

Either it's fake or fake

For me that would be great

Lemme ask you this

Fake love and pain

Or fake love until your last day?

Which one you prefer?

Yeah, I'm afraid of being betrayed again

I'm so helpless of just thinking that would happen again