24. New Interest

This wasn’t the first time when she had seen him talk about Mir with such feelings in his eyes. It was in fact nothing to be shocked of, considering the things they went through.

3 centuries ago, it was the spring of the year. Vinasaka had just turned seventeen a few weeks back.

That day, the town market was bustling as usual and Vinasaka had to, no longer, wear a disguise. He was a frequent there, often helped the sellers and often made mischief. That day was no different. Like usual he was enjoying an apple, which he had managed to win from the village lady for helping her chase out little nasty demons from the field. He looked real comfortable half lying on a semi loaded cart near uncle Ram’s little shop of clothes when suddenly he heard a scream from behind and just as he turned back, he was welcomed with a rushing man almost running straight towards him.