Chapter 20 pt. 3

“This makes no sense. Child, what is your name?”

“I am Meridian, and my father, who you have been speaking with, is Caius.”

“Meridian, you have gifts, and you are special. How is it that you do not know that you could wake your friend? You do not need Selena’s help, and you really could have done it without my help.” Esmra turned to face the invisible guide that stood over her shoulder.

“My daughter’s gifts are still being discovered, and she is still trying to figure out how to use them,” Caius interrupted.

“The rest of my coven is out in town and won’t be back for a while. I will get you the stone, but I will give it to Luna because that was the instruction given to me by my coven. As much as I sense that there is more to all of this than even my kind know, I have to follow what our family was instructed to do.”