Kiss in the Moonlight

Rome stepped out of the shadows once he was certain they were alone. There she was, standing by the fountain, her gown flowing around her, the moonlight casting a silver hue around her dark hair and making her skin glow in a soft light. She had spoken as if she were ordinary, perhaps even ugly, but even with the mask on her face, he could tell that Ella was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

They’d spoken to each other several times over the phone; he almost felt as if he knew her. Yet, as he approached, the ordinary words that would’ve normally flowed from his mouth, a flirtatious quib or light banter, escaped him. How could he possibly converse with Ella in the same fashion he would an ordinary girl at a bar? She was an angel, while they were nothing but mere mortals who couldn’t hold a candle to her.

Placing his fingers on top of hers, Rome relished the feel of her skin on his. “My fingertips will never be the same after having received the blessing of touching your fair hand.”

Ella’s eyes widened behind her mask, but she said nothing, only stared at him, her bottom lip quivering. She was like a brilliant white dove amongst a murder of crows.

“If only my lips were as lucky as my hand, to touch you and be touched by you.”

A blush came to her cheeks as she said, “When we’ve only just met? You expect a kiss so soon? I am a virtuous woman.” Lifting her hand, she rested her palm against his. “For now, we shall have to pretend our palms are our lips, and only kiss as a well-behaved woman should do.”

“Surely, saints must kiss,” Rome said, a crooked smile taking over his face as he felt the heat radiating from her palm. Tingles of electricity shot up his arm, and the night came to life around him.

“I believe saints use their lips for praying, not for kissing.” Her teasing smile was more than a little enticing. The scent of the flowers around them mingled with a sweet vanilla fragrance wafting from her neck. How he longed to lean in and place his lips on her skin.

“And saints lift their hands in prayer, so let our lips do what our hands have done.” Rome leaned in closer to her, fully expecting Ella to back away,

But she didn’t. He could see in her eyes she was as drawn to him as he was to her. He slid his fingers through hers, tangling them together as he pulled her slightly closer so that her warm mouth was only inches from his own. She bit her bottom lip, twisting it between her teeth; Rome longed to feel the sensation between his own teeth, to taste her mouth.

With a small sigh, Ella said, “Saints are still, praying in silence, not out looking for kisses to steal from tangled hands.”

“Then, sweet Ella, you stay still, and I will bring my lips to you. Then, my prayers will all be answered, and my sins forgiven.”

Again, she didn’t pull away, and no longer able to overcome his longing, Rome leaned forward and closed the space between them, pressing his lips against hers.

Sweet honey had nothing on the taste of her strawberry lips. Warm and soft, he melted into her, his free hand raising to brush back silky strands of dark hair that curled around her cheeks. He didn’t press her for more, though he longed to. Instead, he found a way to pull back, taking a deep breath and inhaling her intoxicating aroma.

Ella stood with her eyes closed for a moment longer, her long lashes fluttering slightly before she opened her eyes to look at him. Chocolate brown orbs deep enough to sink into stared at him, and then a smile lifted those perfect lips. “I’m afraid you’ve stolen my virtue, Rome. Now, I’ll never be named a saint.”

He smirked at her joke, changing his grip on her delicate fingers. “Virtue? Stolen from a kiss? I don’t think so, sweet Ella. But if that’s the case, and I’ve given you a sin, then I’ll simply take it back.”

Once again, Rome moved to kiss her, but this time Ella stepped in to him. Letting go of his hand, she wrapped her arm around him, her fingers tangling in his hair as the other palm rested on his shoulder. Slipping his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer, the tip of his tongue testing her resolve as he tasted her lips. Ella opened, inviting him in, and Rome’s eagerness increased. Her mouth was a solace, and his tongue danced with hers as he tried his best to get his fill of her but couldn’t imagine ever getting enough.

A vibration in his pocket alerted him that something was amiss. He’d told Bart to let him know if anyone should come looking for Ella. As much as he hated to do so, Rome pulled away.

Ella stood breathless, wide-eyed watching him, her lips swollen, as she took him in.

“I’m so sorry, Ella. I have to see if… if….” Unable to explain, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that it was a message from Bart, just as he heard Tim Bolt’s familiar voice call, “Ella? Are you out here?”

The sound of the door to the garden springing shut let him know her cousin was on his way.

“I have to go,” Rome whispered.

“But why?”

“Your cousin… he hates me. I’m a Verona. You’re a Sinders.”

“But Tim isn’t a Sinders.”

“Nevertheless… I have to go. It was lovely seeing you, El. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He raised her hand and kissed it as Tim shouted again.

He was closer now. If Rome was going to make it back into the cover of the trees, he’d have to hurry. He attempted to put his phone back into his pocket as he took off, but he missed, and it landed on the ground. “Shit,” he muttered, stopping and looking at it.

“Just a minute!” Ella shouted, but Tim was nearly around the fountain now. Rome couldn’t go back and get his phone or else Tim would certainly see him. Perhaps her cousin wouldn’t notice, and he could come back and get it later.

Seeing the phone, Ella took a step backward, her gown covering it. “What are you doing out here?” Tim asked, concern on his handsome face.

“Oh, just getting some fresh air and looking at the stars.” She laughed nonchalantly.

Tim seemed skeptical. He looked around the garden, but Rome was hidden well behind the trees. “I thought I heard you speaking to someone.”

“There was a bird in that tree. But it flew away when you opened the door.”

“Huh,” he said, buying it. Rome couldn’t believe how clever she was. He was so lucky to have found someone equally beautiful and full of brains. “Very well. Mother would like for you to come back in. There are some more people she’d like for you to meet, and I haven’t had that dance. Besides….” Tim looked around again, “I think there are some people here who don’t belong.”

“People?” she asked. “Like who?”

“Some enemies of your father’s. I’m certain they’re up to no good. If I catch them hanging round, I’ll turn security on them and make sure they get a lesson they won’t forget.”

“That seems a little rash, doesn’t it Tim? I’m sure they don’t mean any harm.”

“If they don’t mean us harm, why are they here?”

“It’s a party.” Ella shrugged. “Everyone loves a party.”

“Perhaps. But I don’t think so. Come along.”

“All right. Let me fix my shoe. It came off in the back.” Ella bent down and adjusted her gown, doing something with her shoe, it looked like, but when she stood again, she put one hand behind her back, the other through Tim’s elbow. He led her away, and Rome was certain Ella now had his phone.

Normally, he would’ve been downright angry to know that someone had just stolen his phone, but he was sure there was a reason she wanted it. After all, she’d been telling him that she couldn’t use the phone she’d been talking to him on after 5:00. Now that she had his phone, he’d be able to call her whenever he liked--as soon as he got another phone.

He watched her walk back inside. Once she’d crossed the threshold, and Tim let go of her to greet another man, Ella turned and stuck Rome’s phone down the bodice of her dress, giving a little wave as she did so in the direction of the trees where he’d disappeared. He waved back, even though he was certain she couldn’t see him. Then, she turned and disappeared from sight.

Rome took a deep breath, wishing he was still inhaling the scent of her perfume. He’d known since the moment he first spoke to her on the phone that Ella was a special woman, but now, having met her, touched her, kissed her, he knew for certain. Regardless of their two families being at war and the strange arrangements that kept him from being able to see her, he was meant to be with Ella, and he would find a way to be with her--no matter what it took.