What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?

Everyone in LA knew where the Sinders’s house was located, but Rome didn’t know for certain that’s where Ella lived until he borrowed Bart’s phone and tracked his own to that location. “You’re crazy,” Bart said, pulling his car over behind Rome’s and getting out.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because, those hedges are tall, there’s a wall in there, too, you know, and you don’t even know which room is hers.”

“I’ll find her.” Rome was sure of that, though he didn’t know why. “You can go now.” He tossed the phone to Bart.

His friend caught it. “Maybe I should stay here--in case you get shot or they have attack dogs or something.”

Shaking his head, Rome headed to the barrier in front of him. “I’m fine.”

“Suit yourself.” Bart shrugged and headed back to his car. “I’d say call me if you need help, but I guess that’s not an option.”

“Ha, ha.” Rome was already through the first row of hedges that separated the Sinders’s place from the neighbor’s, but the wall did look imposing. Still, he felt like he could fly at the moment after having spent time with Ella and having the chance to kiss her. He didn’t even care if he got his phone back. He just wanted to see her again.

Carefully, Rome started up the side of the brick wall. It was at least four feet over his head. Once he got a toe hold lower down, he was able to launch himself up to the tip and pull his torso up while swinging his leg over. It might not be graceful, but he would get over. Hopefully, getting back wouldn’t be any more difficult.

He hung on by his fingertips to the top of the wall and then dropped down, crouching in the shadows for a moment to survey what he’d gotten himself into. He hadn’t heard any dogs, so he wasn’t worried about that, and there wasn’t anything like an alarm on the fence, though he was sure there was on the house itself. It would be great if Ella’s room had a light on in it, or she was at the window, but he didn’t expect that. Still, he thought he’d figure it out one way or another without going inside. Why he felt that way, he wasn’t sure. It was just something in his gut.

The house was huge, but there weren’t a ton of windows on this side of the mammoth structure. All of them were dark, most had curtains or shades drawn. He surveyed the three windows on the second floor, assuming the bedrooms would be on the that floor. If any of the portals were to her bedroom, he couldn’t say.

Then, Rome’s eyes traveled higher, and he noticed a form in the attic window.

At first, he thought it was a ghost and shook slightly, but then he realized who he was looking at. Pulling the branches of the bushes he was kneeling behind out of the way, he gazed at Ella’s beautiful face. This was the first time he’d seen her without the mask on, and even though she was far away and only the moonlight and stars illuminated the view, she was a vision.

Why she was in the attic, he had no guess, but a glance at the structure of the house, the trellis, and various rooflines below her helped him realize he could climb up there. Whether or not the window opened at all was another matter altogether.

Rome stepped between the branches, looking up at her, certain she saw him. Her eyes enlarged slightly, and a smile took over her face as she realized it was him.

“The light of the moon shines on her, and Ella is as radiant as the sun,” Rome said to himself, still moving slowly in her direction, unable to pull his eyes away from her face. “She’s so beautiful, even the moon in all its glory is sick and jealous from envy. God, she’s so lovely. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, I felt it in my heart. How could I possibly fall in love so quickly? Yet, it’s true. She’s my lady--my love.”

Ella’s mouth moved, though she seemed to be muttering something under her breath. Of course, he could not hear her or make out what she was saying. “I wish I could speak to her now. Her eyes twinkle brighter than the stars in the sky above me. If the birds catch sight of those eyes, they’ll think it is daytime and begin to sing.”

She leaned on the windowsill, letting out a soft sigh, her skin, smooth and glistening, was so soft and delicate. He longed to touch her again. “If only I were a glove on that hand, so I could stroke her cheek, kiss her face.”

As Ella muttered something under her breath again, Rome longed to be standing nearer to her, so that he could hear her. “She’s an angel. Any words that come from her mouth are as precious as a message straight from heaven.”

Rome moved closer to the bottom of the house so that he could no longer see her. If he had his way, that would soon be remedied, as he approached the trellis and began to climb.