Call for Help

Sunday afternoon, Ella rushed through the work she had to get done that day so that she could call Tim. She wished Mary worked on weekends so she could run her plans by her friend, and say goodbye, in case she was actually able to get out of the house that night. The idea had her stomach tied in knots. Would Teresa let her go, or would she cause an uproar? Would she send someone after her?

She’d hidden her new phone in the back of the attic in the same place where she’d hidden the one she’d stolen from Rome. Once the work was done, she listened to make sure no one was coming up the stairs and then sat down behind one of the large beams that supported the ceiling, her back pressed against it. That way, if someone walked in, she could hide the phone quickly and then get back to the other side of the room, hopefully without them wondering what she was doing.