Telling Dad the Truth

“Ella, honey, what’s going on?” Her dad sounded concerned. Ella’s natural instinct was to try to blow it off, to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal, so he wouldn’t be so upset. But that wouldn’t help her situation any either. She needed to be honest with him.

“Listen, Dad, I haven’t said anything to you because Teresa said she’d call her friends at Pleasant Hills and have me taken away. I also didn’t want to upset you. But, yes, I’ve been living in the attic. She lets me out to use the bathroom a few times a day and also for dinner--usually. The only time I’ve been allowed to leave the house is when Tim insisted I go to his mom’s birthday party Friday night. Other than that, I’m not allowed to.”

“Not allowed to? Ella, you’re twenty-two years old. You’ve lived in France with just your aunt since you were a little girl. Why wouldn’t you be allowed to go out?”