Make a Break for It

Ella stared at her father for what seemed like five or even ten minutes, with her mouth hanging open, before she could finally formulate a sentence. “You want me to do... what?”

“Henry Caron comes from a good family,” Lloyd continued. “He’s smart, funny, charismatic, and quite good with money. Plus, he knows a lot about technology, just as you do. I feel the two of you will really hit it off.”

“But… Dad… I’m not looking for a relationship.”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. You’re both single. Besides, a relationship with Henry would allow you to move back to France where you’re most happy. It would be a way to mend the hurt feelings between your mother and yourself.”

His use of the word “mother” had Ella’s blood running cold. She pulled her hand away. “Stepmother,” she corrected. Her dad nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “I am happy here.”

“You are? It sure doesn’t seem like it, not after what I’ve heard from Tim.”