Drive of Doom

Tim’s smile beamed as Ella got into the car. She was glad he was in such a good mood. Ever since Rome had left her apartment, she’d felt like she was about to be sick to her stomach from nervousness. While she was glad she was on her way to see her dad, she certainly didn’t want to see anyone else who lived in that house.

She wondered if she’d get a chance to see Mary, though. The girl had been such a good friend to her, and Ella didn’t even have her phone number. It would be great if she could get her contact information so they could still be friends.

Her cousin was driving way too fast as usual. He steered his sportscar between slower moving vehicles with several close calls. “So… guess what!” Tim exclaimed, glancing between her and the road.

“I don’t know--did you get the part in that movie you wanted?”

“How did you know?” He sounded slightly disappointed that he didn’t get to tell her, but not so much that it took the smile off of his face.