Escaping LA

With butterflies in his stomach, Rome ran to his apartment and quickly packed a bag. He had no idea how long he’d be gone, so he grabbed three or four days’ worth of clothing. He also grabbed a few items he often wore to hide his identity from fans. When he’d been out shopping the day before, he’d picked up some for Ella as well, thinking she might need them someday when she was out with him. Now was that time.

He had a feeling everything was going to come to a head sooner than later. Lloyd Sinders had to know by now where Ella lived. If he could find that out, he could probably figure out that Rome lived there, too. Whether he’d put two and two together remained to be seen, but he hoped they’d at least have time to make it to Vegas and get married before any of that happened. Once they were married, it would be much more difficult for either of their fathers to drive them apart.