Room with a View

The sound of his phone ringing--again--had Rome turning over and reaching for it. He pulled his jeans up off of the floor with one hand, trying not to wake Ella up, but she stirred and rolled over, freeing his other arm. It was Bart on the phone. Rome slid out of bed and went into the living room to answer, not caring that he was nude. “Hey. What’s up?”

“Glad to know you’re alive,” Bart said, making it obvious he’d tried calling before. “Did you make it to your destination?”

“Yeah. We’re here. Did Bridgette text you?”

“She called. A couple of times. She was worried. Whoever Ella’s dad sent over there seem like pretty bad dudes. Am I on speaker phone?”

“No. And she’s asleep.”

“Good. I don’t think you’ll want her to know about all of this. Bridgette said that these two big guys came knocking on Ella’s door, and when they couldn’t get in, well, they forced their way in.”

“Are you shitting me?” Rome was glad he’d thought to get Ella out of there before that happened.