
The tinkling of pebbles hitting his window roused Rome from an uncomfortable, fitful sleep. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was past 3:00 in the morning. He thought he’d fallen asleep a little after midnight, but he’d been awake off and on for so long, he wasn’t sure what time it had been the last time he dozed off.

Clanking noises continued to get his attention. Rome sat up, brushed back his hair, and took a deep breath. He assumed it had to be Bart throwing the rocks. He lived next door after all. He would wait until the chances were that everyone was asleep before he tried to get his attention.

Rome cautiously opened his window and looked out. His friend was there, standing in the shadows of some bushes across the way. It wouldn’t surprise Rome if his dad didn’t have men patrolling outside of his house at all times of the day and night, so he knew Bart wouldn’t stay long. He waved, and Bart came over, looking both ways as he crossed the yard.