Gut Feeling

“This is the right building,” Bart said, finding a parking spot on the street. “But I have no idea how we’re going to figure out which apartment is Rome’s or how we’ll get to him.”

Ella got out of the car, only half listening to him. She was feeling out with her heart, trying to find her other half. Something was wrong; she could feel it in her blood. With every beat of her heart, anxiety pulsed through her veins, into her limbs, seeming to pool in her stomach which was tight with worry.

She stood on the sidewalk, gazing up at the building. The blonde wig on her head was likely enough to fool anyone passing by on the street, especially since most people wouldn’t be looking for her now that the world thought she was dead. But if Rome’s father’s guards came out, they might realize who she was. Especially if they saw Bart who was still recognizable with his sunglasses on.