Don't Trust Anyone

Mary went to speak to someone at the counter about meeting Gia while Rome and Ella hung back. He could see the lobby well from their position, and there were a few muscular men in suits milling around. One had a newspaper in his hands which seemed odd to Rome because not many people actually read those anymore, did they? Maybe Rome was just being paranoid.

A few minutes later, Mary headed back with a woman dressed in a hotel uniform black slacks, a black jacket, and a white button-down shirt. The brunette seemed nice enough, with a relaxed smile. Rome didn’t know exactly what Bart had told her--if she knew who she was helping, or if he’d just paid her off to help special guests get out the back door--but he was going to keep his mouth closed as much as possible.

Once she reached them, Gia said “Hello,” with a thick Italian accent. “Right this way.” She led them through a door marked “Staff Only.” Rome went last, carrying most of the bags.