
From the back seat, it seemed as if something was bothering Rome, and Ella could only assume that it was the fact that he thought someone was following them.

She couldn’t see the mirrors as well as he could and didn’t want to turn around and stare out the back of the car the way that he was, but she was nervous. What would happen if they got out of the car at the train station and Rome’s father’s men were there waiting for them? She could see herself throwing elbows and screaming, doing her best to get away from them, her red wig coming off. People might see her face and recognize her. If that was the case, her dad would figure out that she was still alive, and then he’d be after her, too.

“We’re about two blocks from the train station now,” the driver said. “I see that car back there. I am hoping we are just headed to the same place, but just in case, I’m going to go around the block and see if he follows, okay?”