Don't Stop the Train!

The train station wasn’t too crowded, which should’ve made Ella feel more comfortable because it meant it would be easier to see any of Verona’s thugs coming after them. It would also mean that there were less places to hide, though. It would be harder for them to try to blend into a crowd.

“What about the car?” Mary asked as they got their luggage out of the back. “Whose car is it?”

“It belongs to the hotel,” Gus explained. “I will call Gia and let her know where it is. There are more keys. I will lock this set inside.”

“God, I can’t believe you’re coming with us,” Mary said, putting her hand on their new friend’s arm.

“Me neither. I must be crazy! I don’t even have a change of underwear.”

“But you do have your passport?” Ella asked, slinging her lightest bag over her shoulder.

“I do. I never leave home without it. You never know when you might need it.”