Rearrange Your Face

They were approaching the first stop, and Rome was out of his seat pacing. He knew the attendants would tell him he had to sit down soon, and he would when they asked, but he was nervous. Not only did he have to take care of his wife and make sure nothing happened to her, he had two other innocent people with him as well.

Ella had filled Gus in on how she had faked her death, though he noted she’d left out some of the details, like how they’d gotten the coroner and the police involved. Gus had thought it was hilarious and clapped his hand on his leg in glee. Now, Gus was busy giving them updates as to what was transpiring back at the train station in Milan. Jacques was doing an excellent job of impersonating Rome, and they’d already gotten thousands of likes, shares, reposts, and other attention. With any luck, the news had gotten back to his father, and he had his goons concentrating on that train station instead of the one they were about to stop in.