
The aftertaste of King’s stew lingered in Ella’s mouth long after she’d finished shoveling down a few bites, which had been hours ago. She lay in the dark on a small, twin bed, listening to Rome’s heartbeat and trying to be thankful that they were together, despite the fact that she was hungry and uncomfortable.

“It could be worse,” he whispered, brushing her cheek with his fingertips. “You could be Mary.”

Ella giggled and moved slightly so that she was probably facing him. It was hard to say since there were no windows in the room, and the only light came from underneath the door. The sliver of light did little to illuminate anything in the room, but she could still see his eyes. “I don’t think she minds as much as she let on,” Ella pointed out, thinking of what Mary had said when Gus had volunteered to sleep on the couch outside of the door, and she’d said he could share the small bed with her… she guessed.