No One's Coming

Ella had waited patiently for the slow woman behind the counter at the car rental place to eventually get her the car she’d rented. While she didn’t want something too flashy, she did want something that would go fast, just in case she needed that. What she ended up with was really neither--a black SUV. Now, she could be the one who looked like she was chasing someone.

When Rome told her he was taking the tram to the parking garage, every hair on the back of her neck stood on end. “What? Why?” she asked, using her Bluetooth.

“Cowboy,” Rome had said.

Ella caught her breath. That was their danger word, the word that was to alert her something was wrong, or that it might be wrong. “Is someone following you?”

It took Rome a moment to answer. “Yeah, I think so. A couple of guys in Hawaiian shirts followed me out of baggage claim. They just hopped into a cab. Hopefully, I’m overreacting, but I don’t know.”