Swimming Thoughts

Two towns over from the exit Ella had taken somewhere in the middle of New Mexico, they found a hotel off the beaten path. It wasn’t bad, though it was nothing like what Rome was used to. It would do for one night, though.

She drove the SUV around back and parked it in the shadow of the building, despite the fact that the room he’d gotten them was on the other side. This way, maybe his dad’s men wouldn’t see the vehicle, but even if they did, they wouldn’t know what room the two of them were in.

They hadn’t seen anyone suspicious since they left Dallas-Fort Worth hours ago. The whole time he’d been pumping gas into the vehicle at a gas station, while Ella was inside using the restroom and grabbing some snacks, he had his eyes glued to the surrounding area, looking for anyone who might try to jump out and grab either of them. But even if those men had worked for his dad, they were long gone now.