Locked Away

Days of searching online and getting nowhere brought Ella right back to the place where the adventure had begun, the attic. Rome was on set, so she was in the house alone, save the security guards and Lenore who was in the kitchen humming as she prepared to drop a stew into the crockpot for dinner. Ella stood at the top of the ladder looking around at all of the paintings, trying to imagine F. Ward here painting. Why had she left these behind?

She decided to do an inventory of the paintings here. Maybe that would give her some clues. Pulling out her cell phone, Ella moved across the room to the stacks of finished paintings and began to photograph them, both front and back. A few had tags on the back, as if they were already meant to be off to a gallery or a new owner. They had the name of the painting, the artist, and the date it was completed. Most were finished in the early 2000s, right before the house was sold and F. Ward stopped painting.