
“If you use an angled brush, like this,” Fae was saying as she showed Ella how to create a specific textured look in the sand on the painting they were creating together, “you’ll get those darker clumps of sand to really pop off of the canvas.”

Ella watched carefully as Fae demonstrated the technique. When the mentor handed the brush over, the student did her best to mimic the same style. “Like this?” she asked.

“Yes, that’s good,” Fae said. The painting was of a house Fae used to live in when she was a little girl, transplanted onto the beach where Ella lived now. Since Fae was known for her beachscapes but couldn’t leave the retirement home where she was currently a resident, they’d relied on a photograph of the house and images of the beach both of them had locked in their minds to create the work of art in front of them. “Just a bit more pressure, and I think you’ll have it down perfectly.”