Surprises Keep Coming

Thinking about all of the other places in the world he’d rather be than headed to the set to film movie number two in his ten part litany of horrible movies had given Rome something to do as he’d ridden in from the solace of his beautiful beach home back to the soundstage where he was all set to make a film about zombie unicorns. While his explanation about why he’d decided to make the awful robot movie had gotten him a lot of positive press, and left Henry trying to make excuses as to why he’d chosen that particular script, there wasn’t going to be any saving himself from whatever torrent of bad reviews this piece of shit movie resulted in. Not unless Juliet’s plan worked and he was able to manage to crawl out from underneath this mess. He wasn’t holding his breath. Even if his wife did manage to get a hold of the production company, the chances of her doing it in time to save him from this one were slim to none.