
“Well, tell me all about it!” Fae insisted as Ella came into her room at the nursing home and settled onto the couch. She had two cups of tea ready on a silver server. Ella wondered how she’d managed that without a kitchen but figured Fae had her ways. The staff absolutely adored her, for good reason. “Did you have a nice time?”

Ella smiled at her, slightly amused that she was most concerned about whether or not Ella had had a pleasant experience. She honestly couldn’t say that she had, but she’d choose her words carefully for Fae because there was no reason to spill all of the ugly business out all over the table.

“It was a huge success,” she said, trying to equate that to a “nice” time. “We sold every item again. Most of them for well above what was expected.”

Fae stared at her for a moment, took a sip of her tea, and then said, “That’s nice, honey. But that’s not what I asked you.”