Get it Together

“All right, let’s run through that last song again,” Jordan was saying at practice the next day after Bree’s romantic carriage ride through the streets of historic downtown Nashville. She had been wearing a big smile on her face all day and didn’t even care that Jordan wasn’t happy with the way they were playing “Only Till Sunday.”

Trent was back at her place now, overseeing the people packing up her stuff. They’d decided that morning she may as well go ahead and move in with him. She’d seen pictures of the new place, but she hadn’t been there yet. She’d go look at it after rehearsal, but she wasn’t worried about it. If Trent liked it, she knew she would, too.

They played through the song again, and this time, the bass solo that hadn’t been on point the last time was much better, and Cat was all over the piano part as well, whereas she’d messed it up a little earlier. Jordan told them it was a nice job, and then he gave them a ten minute break.