
The band decided to stop at a restaurant and get a late-dinner/early-breakfast on their way back to the hotel. Bree devoured a huge stack of pancakes. She was so hungry from all the drama, she could’ve eaten even more. The bandmates laughed and enjoyed each other’s company for the first time in as long as she could remember. She hadn’t noticed before how much drama surrounded Cat whenever she was with them, but now that she was out of the picture, everyone else seemed to breathe easier. It was like an invisible weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

By the time they got back to the hotel, it was past two o’clock in the morning. Bree and Trent took a shower together, and then collapsed side by side in bed, intertwined in each other’s arms. The smile on Bree’s face was genuine. She felt as if she was on the top of the world. Everything was coming together again, and she couldn’t wait to see what her band could do with Shawna playing alongside them instead of Cat.