
Bree woke up groggy again, but this time, she knew exactly where she should be. A nurse was there to help her take a few sips of water. Her hand was still fairly numb, but she had some pain in her thigh. “I can give you something for that,” the nurse assured her.

A few minutes later, the nurse returned with some medication for her. Bree rested her head back, hoping it started working before the pain got any worse. At least her hand wasn’t throbbing. “The doctor will be in to speak to you soon, but she won’t mind if I go ahead and let your boyfriend in, assuming you’d like to see him.”

“Yes, please,” she said, a smile taking over. “Thank you.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be right back with Mr. Walker.” The nurse patted her shoulder, and Bree began to relax. It seemed like the surgery must’ve gone just fine if they were letting Trent in already.

When he walked in, she sat up, her smile widening. “Hey, beautiful,” he said, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. “How are you?”