
Concentrating usually wasn’t an issue for Bree, particularly at band practice, one of her favorite places in the world to be, but the next day, after she’d given Trent her good news, found out his, and realized life isn’t perfect, she was having issues keeping tuned in. While she hadn’t let it actually affect her performance while she was singing, in between songs, her mind wandered back to the conversation she’d had with Trent, and she wasn’t hearing a damn word her bandmates had to say.

“Let’s take a coffee break.” That, she heard, as Zach said it loudly, right next to her. Bree watched as the rest of the band scattered, including his girlfriend, Shawna, but she could tell by the way Zach was looking at her, his hands on his hips, that he had something he wanted to say to her.

He waited until everyone else was out of the small practice space before he asked, “Everything okay, Bree?”