

"Huh? Alston's accounting is way off. How is their tax revenue percentage higher than the profit?" Valeria was sitting with her own maid discussing what was at a table in her room. Sol seem to have gotten used to her after a couple days of Valeria only sitting around and actually committing to the work her father trained her for.

"A-Ah, my lady." Sol spoke, shifting her body nervously in her seat. "Its...a beastman town. There's the beast tax to consider along with the license tax." "The hell's the beast tax?" Sol blinked at Valeria's scrunched form as she read the papers in front of her. "I-It's a tax for beastmen to have the right to live in the kingdom walls."

Kimiko turned disgusted.

"There's a tax for simply being a beastman living here?" "W-Well, its to account for beastmen not having direct tax forms and lists of assets." Kimiko was in disbelief. The form was a mess. If there was no direct tax information, what is the tax basing off directly then? There wasn't anything stopping someone from taking advantage of it.

Kimiko read it further; it was a town who the royal family favor for their cuisines.

Someone was definitely scheming on the tax revenue then. It was too high for a low-end town, or rather, tribe. Beastmen didn't take to human customs of this world, so she read in a book in her library.

Would the royal family even know? Were they behind it even? There was nothing Kimiko can do if the royal family is behind the schemed tax revenue rate.

She will have to find out herself. "Sol, arrange me a carriage to Alston. I'm heading there without warning, so don't worry about ahead greeting." Kimiko would like to catch them all off-guard anyway to see the extent of the situation there.

Kimiko knew the beastmen at her noble home have reason to hate her. It was a wonder if they could've spread word to other beastmen of her actions. For all she knew, they could all be wary of her. But Kimiko had to push forward and observe the matter. Even if Valeria was a bad woman, Kimiko likes to think she wasn't one herself. Not anymore, at least.

Sol was quick to the task, bowing to Valeria before she left. Kimiko sighed to herself. Alston was one of Donovan property. How could Valeria's father let this happen for so long? Was it because he didn't care, or did this just started? When did the royal family start using the tribe?

Kimiko knows she's going to need a strong drink after her work was done.


"The roads are horrid." Valeria spoke out as her carriage kept shaking violently. "No wonder traders are not prone to come here. Its easy pickings for bandits and wagon damage." She scowled as Sol nervously read through a book she had on her. Kimiko wondered if bandits even were a thing in this world. The novel was bad in detailing things.

Kimiko wondered why she bothered to finish reading it. Maybe it was the guilty pleasure of a male harem going for the main female lead.

Speaking of reading...

Sol was the only beastman in the house besides the butler to know how to read. Kimiko began to wonder if she should start an attempt at fixing things at home once she finishes with Alston's situation. It might even improve the relationship between her and the servants there. She is going to be in charge once Valeria's father is gone. Its best to have them all on her side to prevent destruction.

Besides, the novel mentioned Valeria going through many death flags in specific paths the heroine takes. She rather not take the one when she returns home one day to feral beastmen who end up eating her alive and destroying the last bit of her home.

Just when Kimiko was ready to doze off, the carriage suddenly hit a big bump and went amok. Valeria jumped in shock with Sol and immediately the carriage flipped over. Everything was black in image until Valeria woke up in confusion. What happened?

She moved over to Sol's body and tapped her awake. "Sol, are you ok?" "Y...Yes, my lady." Valeria froze when she heard feet running around the carriage and a voice. "A nice carriage! They must have good loot!" "Check if they're alive. We could hold them for ransom." The carriage suddenly moved up and Valeria gasped when she was immediately pulled from underneath. "M-My lady!" Sol cried out, only to be pulled out as well. Valeria was barely able to register that the people holding her were beastmen. One holding Valeria sniffed her and sighed in bliss. "So good!" He shouted out. "Can I play with this one, papa?" He asked. Valeria looked up in shock to seeing a wolf-based beastman. Unlike the ones at home, they look less unkempt and wore more tribal based clothing.

Valeria knew she should've gotten mercenaries. There was no knights in the household since it fell. How foolish! "No, we need them unhurt. Wait...one's a beastman. A tiny one. Must've been domesticated." Valeria blinked in confusion.

A domesticated beastman? What? Like a dog among wolves, theoretically? Valeria read that somewhere in that book.

"If you want money, I have little on my person." She breathed out. "M-My lady..." "Quiet! A noblewoman shouldn't lie." "I do not lie!" Valeria spoke out quickly. "I came here from the Donovan household." Suddenly the beastmen around began roaring in confusion. "Donovan human tribe?! You dare come here while we suffer from your high taxes?! You're the reason we have no choice but to thief to make up payments!" "I understand! Please, I am here to fix what my house...tribe, has done. Please, I am willing to gave what I have in exchange that I look through your tribe to see the damage and tax papers!"

"You lie!" The wolf spoke up. "Donovan doesn't care for beastmen, especially the young lady of the tribe, who she maims and maltreats her own pets like a demon!" "N-No! My lady is good!" Valeria's eyes widen as she looked over to Sol. "My lady came to check and repair what is happening!" "Oh, did the taxes not fill your pockets anymore! What a shame! We want all that coin back now paid by ransom!"

"...Donovan is not taking the money..." Valeria blinked. The wolf turned confused. "Huh? That scheming man you have coming in said so!" Valeria turned her head to him, making himself shift from her eyes. "Donovan is not taking the money. And you do not know who he is." Kimikp has to find the man, but the tribe doesn't want anything to do with her. "We all been schemed. Please listen, I only wish to fix what was wronged for you all! Please, if something happens to me, then there is no guarantee that your tribe is safe from humans! Especially from the royal family!"

Valeria grunted as her body was picked up with ease in her dress and threw over the wolf's large shoulder. "Who is the tribe leader?! I must speak to them!" "Don't worry doll, you'll see him soon enough."

Kimiko wasn't sure what caused her to black out after, but it wouldn't be until she reaches the tribe that she finally awoke.


Valeria was tied up with Sol in a hideskin tent. She cursed to herself as she looked to find a way out. "F-Forgive me my lady, I couldn't hear their movement outside the carriage." Sol sniffed softly. "T-There's no need for tears! The carriage is soundproof anyway..." Valeria frowned to herself. Was it soundproof to hide the angry mobs in the kingdom? Who knows? "...My lady." Sol began, "Did you actually wish to fix things here?" Kimiko blinked and twisted her head to Sol's back. "Yeah."

It was silent for so long that Kimiko was ready to speak, "Are you really my lady?" Sol breathed out. Kimiko flinched. What would happened if Sol figured out who Kimiko really was, taking Valeria's body and replacing her mistress? Kimiko was ready to back herself up until Sol spoke. "My lady would never do anything to help our kind. Who are you?" Kimiko took a deep breath, "Your lady...is still here." Kimiko spoke. Sol kept her ears firm, signaling her attention. "But her motivations are different now. I must repent for all the wrongdoings I've caused, starting here."

"How do I know you do not lie? Why such change?" Kimiko frowned, thinking about her past life. Valeria was no longer here truly, but she wasn't going to put her body to waste after all she did. "Because the karma has finally capture me. I must repent for what I need to do after all these years of hurting you and many others. I...I can't stand by anymore, after all I did. Please, Sol, you don't need to forgive me, but see that I don't hurt anyone else and save those who deserve it."

The rope around Valeria suddenly went loose. "That's all I need to hear, m'lady." Valeria's eyes widen as Sol stood up with sharp claws after tearing the rope with them. She turned around to help Valeria up. "Come on, my lady. Let's save these people."

Just as they were ready to rush out of the tent, a big, yet old beastman walked into the tent. It turned into a terrifying silence. Sol was quick to bare her teeth and claws, standing in front of Valeria to keep her protected in same form.

"Ah...you...let yourself out, I see." The beastman hummed out. "Less work then." Sol stood in confusion with Valeria.


"So, you're finally coming to see the damage you've done."The beastman hummed as other beasts sat around the tent to observe the situation. Valeria, unlike the proper noble way to sit, sat like them on the floor despite her dress. Sol was fidget-y about it, but got over it.

"Please believe me, none of the money is returning go Donovan. It hasn't been for years." Valeria pulled out papers and handed it to the chief. The wolf beastman from earlier barked out. "You have no business handing without-!" The chief stopped the wolf to calm him down. "He's very protective of our tribe. A bunch of noblemen came earlier with knights and attacked us." "When was this?" Kimiko was in shock. Noblemen, attacking a protected tribe? Why and what benefits?

"Before the last winter. Thought they were passing through and only twisted with swords on us. Killed my wife, and my daughter." Valeria covered her mouth in horror.

"I...I had no idea! There...there was no news about this given to the Donovans." The beastman shook his head. "It's done now. Nothing will change anything." "If...you're telling me of the attack. Are these men still around?" "One of them at least. Been the one taking the money, saying the Donovan nobles put the tax out." "Where is he right now?"

He shook his head once more, "Only comes when tax date is here." Kimiko looked down, thinking. "If I estimated the time the books come in, then he will come for it...in a day or two." Valeria looked over to Sol, who jumped back a bit from the sudden motion. "Sol, I'll need your help. We'll need to capture him and question the whereabouts of the others." "But my lady, the Duke will question your whereabouts." "Do not worry, I've written a note that I went on a small trip and will be back the next day." Sol's ears twitched.

When did she planned this?

Kimiko turned back to the chief. "Is your tribe able to stand against him?" "His knights he brings are strong. Enchantments of weapons and the like." So that was how human knights were able to overtake a tribe of beastmen. Personal combat unequipped against them is certain death.

"How are your weapons?" "We are not losing anymore people to this sick human game." The wolf beastman howled out. Valeria frowned. She wouldn't blame the mindset. The chief only spoke again, "And people will continue to suffer if we do nothing!" The chief shouted. The hut was silent from the shock. "But he is onto something. We will not fight if we do not have a guarantee of winning." "Then...how many knights does he usually bring?" "He used to be careful and had many, but grew lazy and greedy as of late. He brings 15 on good days. 20 on paranoia." "That many?" Valeria looked around, counting 30 tribesmen, not including the unable. "Then...I'll have to find a way to bring you lot good weapons and gear." "My lady, he comes in a day or two! Even if you somehow obtain the weapons, we don't know their enchantments and their makeup! He might even have battle mages among the knights." Valeria stood up, "Then we form a defense tactic." She made a large smile of confidence.


"We should allow the upper hand to occur. So we'll have men up in the trees. We should also have trenches further out." Valeria planned out the tactic with Sol and the chief following her. "Trenches? Trees? If they have battle mages, they can set them afire..." Valeria pointed a finger out to nothing in particular. "Aha, but there'll be rain tomorrow if the clouds say enough. Fire won't be effective and can't spread. The trees are safe. The trenches might get muddy and filled however..." Valeria looked over the trenches and gasped, "We'll make a tunnel system for the water to leave!"

Sol written down what was necessary for the huge plan Valeria was making. "To think a noblewoman would know much of such tactics of battle..." The chief muttered, "Reading and all tends to do that." Kimiko made a nervous laugh. In truth, in her past, she was a historian graduate student. She went through multiple classes on just battle tactics.

"My lady, since we have that, what about physical confrontation?" "The gear won't be much, but I can enchant any current gear with defective abilities. This is going to be exhausting..." Valeria hummed. "Y-You're going to use your own aura to enchant the weapons?" "As said, it won't be much but it'll be enough to protect against lethal hits from enchanted weapons. If there was an enchantment table instead, it would be better, but we'll have to work with this."

Soon enough, the plan was coming together. And when it was completed, Kimiko went to work on enchanting gear with her aura.

As she remembered barely from the novel, enchanting using aura was tough and exhausting. One of the love interests inside the novel stated and done it to save the female lead, Allya. It was...a funny looking mark and thinking it through the gear? She'll figure it out with Sol. Valeria bid the chief well for the day as she moved to work in a workshop hut with Sol before night time hit.

Maybe an hour or so later, the wolf beastman came in on her. "How do we know that you're not planning on turning against us and having us purposefully killed?" He growled. Valeria turned with Sol to see just how large the beastman was, overpowering the hut in height barely, and it was already built tall for the beastman tribe. Valeria felt a sweat break immediately due to how intimidating he was. He could kill her if desired.

Before Kimiko could argue a point, he threw something out to her face, causing her to flinch back for a moment. When she felt no pain, she blinked and looked to his hand to find a amulet, glowing softly a radiant blue among a onyx gem. "This was my mother's before her death by those damn knights. It was used for enchantments as she used to be an enchantress until her human master no longer needed her services." He looked away with a frown. "It stopped her from being tired. So...please use it to save our people. My father trusts in you, so don't let me down either." Valeria slowly grabbed the amulet with awe.

It wasn't a second later when Valeria moved fully on the ground and bowed to him. The two beastmen in the hut were in shock and horror of the scene.

"Please, take this apology from my very heart for all the pain and suffering your people have taken because of the Donovan family's neglect!" The hut was silent until the beastman spoke up slowly, "W-Why are you-?!" "I wish to thank you for bestowing the gift of your lost loved one to me to repent the damages I have cause you!" The beastman shifted, slowly moving back in astonishment. "I...It is for the people..." "You have every right to turn me away and protect your people from further harm from the Donovan family! But you have chosen to allow me to repent! For that, I thank you, milord!" "M-Milord?" The poor beastman looked ready to have a heart attack. Without another word, he hurried to leave from the shock.

Sol was watching in horror as well. "M-My lady, please get up!" She hurried to get Valeria up. "T-That was unnecessary! I...A noblewoman would never bow in apology to a beastman even...!" Sol never seen such a face from Valeria her entire life growing up caring for her. It was a look of change, and sorrow.

"Sol, under the sun, we are all equal. No kingdom has a right to say otherwise against it." Valeria hugged Sol tightly, who was still flabbergasted from the scene. "I...my lady." Sol breathed out.

It was silent in the grueling hug until Sol spoke out. "I...I know my lady will save these people. And...we will follow your lead to victory."


"P-Prince Ares!" A female panted, rushing after the man in question in blue heels with a dress mixed with blue and whites fitted to just high enough to reach her knees. She finally stopped behind the man in a large, fancy hallway to move her white, long hair out of the way of her face. "Y-You haven't spoken to me all day since the ball!" Her blue eyes stared at the silver mound of hair, which turned to stare down at the small female.

"I've been busy, thinking." He excused.

Allya twisted her mouth in a pout. "B-But about what? You can always talk to me, your highness!" Ares stared at Allya for a long while as his knights around him watched curiously. "...Why did she stop now?" "E-Eh?" Allya stood back to seeing Ares' eyes turned lucid from their usual eye color. "She's always following me, and now she has a new man? She really thinks she can do better than me?"

Ares' face twisted in sheer rage. "I...my prince, are you...referring to Lady Valeria?" Ares moved to Allya quickly, shocking her and making her fall back. "Huh? What does she think is better? I am the one with knight training, the looks, the talent, everything!" He was on top of Allya who was now in complete fear. "M-My prince!" The knights stood in horror, unsure what to do.

"To dump me instead..." He was shaking with rage, "I'm the one in control! I'm the one she always go to see what dress I like! I'm the one she's always inviting over for tea! But one look at another man and she's over me?!" Allya stared, and slowly had her eyes look away from the man on top of her.

It doesn't make sense at all that Valeria never did come to the ball as planned. She was sure she calculated everything correctly to ensure no changes to the plot is made.

What caused Valeria to drop away the last second? Was it because she buttered up the prince with some lies to the cruel behavior of Valeria to ensure the story didn't change?

Allya thought about it as the prince moved off of her. His temper been getting worse lately. She'll need to get it balanced out once more. The novel didn't state such issues like this. But then again, it was always vague.

"I...I'm sorry, Allya. I..." Ares rubbed his face and immediately took off. Allya only blinked and bit one of her fingers gently to get into harder thinking. Valeria, in the novel, was to be exiled from the land after having her engagement annulled. But she didn't come to the ball, and furthermore the prince still didn't annul the engagement for some reason.

She will have to visit Valeria and see what's going on. There was no way Valeria dmsuddenly could have a change of heart. Allya made a soft sigh, thinking about her next actions. She can't become queen if Ares doesn't allow it.

Valeria needed to be forced into submission, and Allya hoped she didn't have to take a more assertive nature when she's already so far ahead.

Her life relies on it.

And Allya will be damned if a psychotic bitch did anything to ruin her happiness.