

Things been quiet, which was good for Kimiko. She could get her work done nice and easy...but there was a issue. The second capture target has been harassing her however, accessing her of further crimes against Allya.

So far, it was letters, but now he was going around with friends (more like the other capture targets) to find wrongdoing of Valeria. One way to find out? Stalk her.

And they made it obvious. Kimiko was disgusted, realizing how immoral some of the characters could be, especially when she swore she saw eyes when she was changing out of her morning gown one time.

The novel did have creepy scenes, but Kimiko didn't remember them to be...like this. As soon as it escalated to watching her change clothes, she immediately went to the guard barracks the very next day to speak to the culprit directly.

"M-My lady, it's best not to provoke...!" Sol, of course, came with her. But Kimiko was sure Valeria wouldn't need backup, but it could be for the best.

"I have to quell the fire from the source, Sol." Was all Valeria said as she busted into the looming tower filled with exhausted knights and sorcerers alike. She ignored them for now, but she knew that was going to foreshadow an issue for her later to deal with.

"Is the captain here?" She bluntly questioned a man laying back against his wooden chair. The dark rings around his eyes signified how exhausted he was.

"Aye, in the training room, mistress." Valeria thanked him, and moved further down the hall of the guardhouse to search for the training room. Sol nervously looked around. "My lady, this area...something isn't right." "I know." Valeria kept walking, observing the area until she spotted the training room due to the sounds of swords clashing.

"What's the matter?! Don't you wish to protect the prince?! O-Or Allya?!" A man was flunged to the ground from the force of a kick. Valeria shot back from nearly being knocked over. Armored men stood around, holding their aches and hurt bodies as a man brutally beaten up one of them.

It was obvious who he was, because he was the handsome one among them; the second capture target. Captain Eldar of the Knights.

Kimiko watched in horror of the abuse of the men around her. What in the hell was happening? This wasn't in the book, at least as far as she would recall. The second target was beloved by his men and seen as an inspiration.

Kimiko felt ache ready to pull up through her stomach. "Sir Eldar, what are you doing?!" She spoke out. Men looked to her in shock."L...Lady Donovan?" Someone whispered out. Eldar stopped his brutal training to look at Valeria in disgust. "Ah, if it isn't the witch? Come to gloat again?" He stood tall, and Kimiko realized the man was around the same height of prince Ares. Both men were tall.

"Gloating is no longer my habit. I came to question your disgusting habit of stalking my person. I even had someone watch me change in my room!" She shouted, making it clear to everyone in the room. Eldar was taken aback from her harsh shout. He shifted, "W...Well, it is all to make sure you don't harm the prince and his true love!" Valeria laughed at the bullshit given. "You dare watch a woman change for someone who don't give two shits for her?!"

Eldar felt uncomfortable by then. "And you dare overwork your men for them? The prince deserves to be guarded, but you dare nearly kill your men for a man who may not appreciate it?" The men began to whisper in slight agreement. "I...I do not work them like that! The kingdom needs it! There's been crimes and..." Valeria watched him in anticipation for his answer.

The silence was awkward until he turned, "I need them at their best! Else the kingdom..." Valeria licked her lips, "To work them nearly to death? To have them spy on women changing while they have to return to their wives with guilt of their actions? You may be a noble, Sir Eldar. But it is not beneath me to take your tasteless actions to the court to discuss rearrangement for a new captain."

The air turned cold, and a laugh broke out in the silence. Valeria watched Eldar intently. "Oh? Do you think the court will listen to some love sick woman tell them how the captain is working hard to protect the prince? The whole kingdom? What about these men? Even if you do get the court on your side, these men would be without a job! Especially when they're found to be half experienced at what they're at! Oh, and my lady..."

Eldar pointed at her. Sol nervously watched the men around them. "Since you finally decided to care what happens around you now, knights are hard to come by, especially trained ones for the kingdom! We have no choice but to work like this for training and being strong enough for the kingdom! Unless you somehow have a better idea, do not interfere with the royal knights' business!" The men stood up, looking unwilling but ready to kick the two out.

This was bad, Kimiko thought. Those men were overworked and brutally trained, but they can't afford to leave the service without a job to feed them and their families. It was surprising that there was no corruption in the ranks.


Valeria kept a straight face, "Very well, Sir Eldar. I will speak to the court for understanding the current situation. Until then, I suggest you keep your spying eyes away from me unless you wish to lose hands." The threat was clear, and Valeria left with Sol in tow. "My lady, those men were exhausted, but is it in our place to disturb them?" Valeria was ready to speak as they made it out the barracks.

But she was blocked by Sol's words. "Granted, that Beastman tribe was under your care and you had a right to fix it. But this is the royal guard. And they are backed by nobles." As much as Kimiko hates to admit, Sol was right. The court is already against her, especially when her only source of power was the prince. But their engagement was done for. The letter should arrive next mail date even. How would she get enough approvals to even get the knights investigated?

"...Sol," Valeria turned to her maid. "I believe I have a plan."

Sol blinked, watching her lady with her animal like eyes. "I will explain at home."


"M...My lady." Sol was shocked and terrified as she observed a giant poster of multiple, significant written words and pictures. "How do you know this? T-The gods have truly blessed us all with your new wits." Was Valeria dumb? Kimiko will question that later, for now...planning. "There is a coup happening among the knights. They're planning on overthrowing Sir Eldar and causing chaos among the kingdom and its nobles to spread a message of their own working conditions." Valeria explained carefully to Sol.

They were in Valeria's room for the time being. "It would make sense, but how do you know?" It was bullshit, but Kimiko had to answer it in a way Sol would believe, even if Valeria was apparently touched by the gods to change.

"The men as I spoke to seem wary of their captain, but there were a couple who seem more hateful than fearful." It had to be enough to satisfy her maid. Sol nodded, and Kimiko felt relief. "If they're planning a coup, where would they go to plan together?" Kimiko had to think about it. In the novel, it spoke of a dark place where outsiders couldn't peek in, and there was no question as to why guards were gathering in a singular area.

"I know where it is."


"Sir Eldar plans on the guards gathering here for the ceremony. We can strike by then..." A voice muttered out in an echo-y, dark chamber of the sewers. A mutter of agreements broke out, "Then, we'll strike as the speechnis performed...!"

"It won't do. Eldar suspects guards rising against him by then." The guards grunted in horror to hearing a feminine voice and pulled their swords and spellbooks out. "Show yourself!" One cried out. A body pulled out from the shadows with another. It was Valeria, in gear better fit for movement than her typical gowns. The guards were flabbergasted. "Lady Donovan...Why are you here?!" "Do not fear, I am on your side." The men and women, for good reason were still wary.

"And how do you suspect for us to believe that?" "I saw your eyes. Your hatred could be seen for miles." "Then...how did you...?" "There has been reports of a giant rat problem in the sewers for a long while. It would make sense for guards to come down to handle it...and no one will question why guards are coming in fold down here anyway."

It was silent, but slowly, the guards placed their weapons away. "Then I can assume you won't be reporting us to thr captain then?" Valeria only made a smile, "The man's a douchebag. You lot are understaffed and overworked, but his actions of abuse against you all are not justified in protecting the kingdom. He actually endangers us all with his foolish behavior."

Valeria moved to the center of the chamber with Sol, standing tall. "I think there's more to this than what you lead on, Lady Donovan." "Vice Captain...!" A guard spoke out, but was ignored. "Why would the bratty fiancée of the prince give two shits about us?" He had a point. Valeria didn't care about anything but the prince. Why would she now? "Because I'm no longer engaged with the prince." This left guards aghast in shock. "So he broke it off with you?!" The Vice Captain laughed. Valeria didn't share the same humor.

"No. I broke it off with him." Now the laughter stopped. "...And why would you do that now?!" "Because this kingdom is in shambles of what it used to be. It held glory, gold, and handsome knights that women could swoon over. Now...it holds handsome knights with no motivation for their kingdom."

That was a good enough way to butter them up.

"For you to have a change of heart, that's right...convenient, my lady." "So it is." Valeria suddenly pulled out a large map...of the sewers in the torch light. "You need to be more sneaky and aggressive than that now. You should travel in a pack and overcome the guards still on Eldar's side."

"O-Oi! And what does the fair noblewoman get out of this but risking her head on a platter!" Valeria stood tall. "What do I get out of it?! I get my God damn kingdom back in shape!" She boasted. Guards were once again taken aback. "I get to wander the streets in my silk gown without worrying about some freak putting a finger on me! There will be men and women out there protecting the streets that I would roam as a child once again...!"

Valeria pointed to the Vice captain of the guards. "Sir Vince! I pledge my noble title to sponsor you as the next head of the guards! Do not disappoint me, and arrest Sir Eldar for his crimes against the knighthood and his people!" There was a silence, and unsure mutter overpowering the silence the next, then cheering.

Valeria knew in the novel, the coup would fail thanks to Eldar being a capture target. He was regarded as a 'hero' rather than the scumbag he was throughout it. Allya would be there to help him against the coup thanks to her magic. But Valeria will be taking different measures, guaranteed to win.

"M...My lady." Vince slowly moved down onto one knee and bowed to her. "I will make sure I won't fail...and I will save this kingdom."

That was right, the guards weren't doing a coup out of evil intent. They just wanted change for wh

way things are, and Valeria was going to make sure everything was in proper conditions to do so.

She would need the guards on her side for when she needs to find the rest of the suspects involved in the Beastman massacre. She knew they were living among the castle walls, and she'll need them willing to help find them.


Valeria sat among other nobles at the large table of the meeting hall once more. This time, the nobles around her look nervous and embarrassed as they looked back and forth from Valeria and the prince himself. The King sat among them this time over the main issue:

The broken engagement.

Valeria drank tea in front of herself without a second thought. There was no awaited tantrum, no angry words. Only a midly annoyed Valeria with her maid, Sol.1

"For what reason would you two be in mutual agreement of a marriage that would empower the family and the kingdom?" Valeria knew what would happen, and planned it out. Before the prince could speak in defense of his side of the break, Valeria spoke up casually.

"He reeks of perfume everytime I see him." The table was awkwardly silent, noting the implications of Valeria's words. "I-I do not such thing!" The prince snapped, "Allya wear none and has natural...!" He realized what he did as the nobles around watched him in distaste. "Do you wish to make us look like clowns in front of the commoners, your highness?" It was the Duke of Eldrich, Duke Demm. He was the highest nobleman that was willing to speak against the throne. As it should be.

Valeria went to take another sip of her tea. "Clown?" Alto was pissed. "I'll have you know that the wretch before us have been a meance on my health! I can't stand a day with her!" "Are you trying to tell us that a loving fiancée doesn't fit well to you?" Alto was ready to speak out, but was once more held back. "I do not care if you don't like each other in such a way, but for a prince to shamelessly break ties for a commoner woman is inane!" The nobles whispered in agreement.

"As for you, Lady Donovan! Your improper behavior make it even worse for us! We look like a bunch of spoiled children because of your behavior!" Valeria's father stood by, ready to speak in turn. "Sir Donovan! Stand down! You have protected this woman long enough!"

Valeria kept drinking her tea. "You sit there without speaking? Good, you know only adults can speak then! Seems we have to always pull your weight around to keep everything functioning!"

Now Valeria can speak up, "Do you lot even know the guards around us are on the verge of chopping our heads off?" The air turned silent and cold. "W...Wha...?" The guards turned in fear. "H...Hold them down!" But before one could get a hand on forcing Valeria onto the table. Sol came in time and slash the guard down with her claws. "My lady!" Sol spoke. Valeria put her drink down as noblemen barely fought back against the guards. Alto was angry, protecting his father from the betraying guards. "What is the meaning of this?!" He snagged, showing his infamous, silver sword.

"The guards have been undergoing horrid treatment from Sir Eldar for nearly a year now since he took charge. They're overworked, paid barely, and never enough time for their family." "L...Lady Donovan." A guard muttered nervously. Valeria only made a weak smile. "To think they had to go as far as holding us over like savages to finally get our attention..." Valeria stood up and beckoned Sol at standby. "That's right, they should be storming the building Sir Eldar is in right now...with Allya." Alto paled, "W...Why is Allya with another man...?" He gripped his head in confusion. "Same reason you're with another woman. Unfaithful wretches. Now...I ask of you lot to come with me to witness the event."

Valeria walked out unharmed with Sol. The guard put on the ground groaned and stood up to clench his chest. "Beastmen...even domesticated, are strong..." The guards eased up on the noblemen in astonishment before following suit. The noblemen were in disarray as they filed after to see the scene to behold.

How could they have not noticed what was right next to them? Alto kept his guard in protect his elderly father from further harm, staying in the background as he was last to arrive to find the royal guards surrounding Eldar and Allya.

Valeria expected to see Allya holding onto Eldar in fear, as was part of her character. But instead, she stood watching the guards with a blank expression. "Sir Eldar, you are under arrest for malicious behavior and treatment to the royal throne!" Alto and the other nobles watched in shock while the King stared with mysterious expression.

"What is the meaning of this! You dare cause mutiny to your captian?!" Eldar looked down to Valeria with a nasty expression. "You...!" "I have evidence of your labor conditions, Sir Eldar. For you to risk the lives and morale of the Royal Family is unacceptable and can be held for treason!" Eldar moved back a step. "Foolish! Can't you see why I must bend them all into shape!? The kingdom is turning onto itself...and the king...!" "I know crime have been tough against you and your men, Sir Eldar, but it doesn't mean the horrid conditions you have put them under is acceptable. For that, you must stand trial."

Valeria's household was one of the weakest, but she had authority involving the guards and reporting behavior that could affect the throne. All in front of the eyes of the nobles.

Eldar shook in fear as the vice captain arrest him. "B...But it was...Allya...!" Allya only kept a blank reaction as Alto hurried to defend her. "A-Allya couldn't have possibly known of such treachery! And there is no proof of her involvement!" Alto, the nuisance he was, was right. Allya could've just been a bystander.

Allya still didn't plead her case, moving down from where she was to stand in front of Valeria. Valeria was taken aback. Allya was never confrontational. Valeria even had to step back further when Allya only stepped closer. Allya was only a tad shorter, but still felt...off.

"Valeria Donovan." She bluntly spoke. Her voice sounded angelic, as told in the novel, but it felt...flat. Dead even.

"How interesting. I do not recall making an error to pull the story off." Valeria's eyes widen. A...A reincarnation like her?!

"This is going to be troublesome for me. No matter, I'll just work with what I have for now. But..." Allya moved her face closer to show how dead her eyes are. "I'll have to do something about you if needed." Allya stood back and went to Alto's side. "Your highness," Allya spoke to him. Alto nodded, and they left without another word. Valeria was in shock from the cold, blunt words from Allya.

Allya was a reincarnation, but she wasn't a friend. Not to her.

Eldar watched as Allya simply threw him away. "Y...You bitch!" He shouted out to her. "After all I did for you, you just walk away?!" He kept cursing as he was pulled away to be imprisoned until his trial. The King stood by Valeria's side. "To think you noticed something like this. My respects for you are fond, Lady Donovan." "Your Grace!" Valeria bowed to him. "I only wish to protect the throne." "You saved us the time and commitment, and possibly our lives. I think a honor is deserved here." Valeria turned confused.

And then the King raised his hand. "As King of the Mysterium Kingdom, I grant you title of Fortuna." Fortuna?! Valeria was in awe with many others. "For standing beyond the call of duty, you shall now have the support of the royal family. If you need anything, please do call upon me for a favor. I think you'll realize your voice matters more now at the table than it had last time." Valeria bowed as the king left with other nobles.

"Lady Donovan...!" Sol was in as much disbelief as Valeria. "...Shall we celebrate the event?" Sol questioned, "She'll have no choice with me." Valeria turned to her father. "You should feel good about that, dear. Your mother would be proud." "Mother..."

Kimiko thought about her mother at home. Was she said to know about her death? Did she even know yet?

Did she even care?

Valeria frowned, and felt her father's hand on her shoulder. "Let us return home for now. And discuss that engagement you were breaking off." Uh oh. Valeria made a nervous laugh as her father pulled her away.

Sol only made a weak smile as her lady was pulled away. She frowned and looked up to the sky.

"Spiritus," She began. "My lady, is not finished yet, is she?" She heard nothing in return, and decided to follow the family she serves back home on their carriage.

But Valeria's work is not over as expected. She had a couple nobles to catch that dare harm her family now.