
SONG: OH MY GOD lofi version: Smyang Piano on SPOTIFY

Louder Than Bombs - BTS


Milo POV:

I had gone back home to find the boys talking in our room. I was welcomed by Gabriel's frantic questioning.

"Dario-... Someone saw you?" Gabriel looked tensed.

"Yes... But I'm certain she's dead. She's seen my transformation."

"What happened?" I interfered.

"Dario saw someone...who was there during the..you know what." Jonah turned to me as he met my eyes.

"Fuck..", I whispered under my breath. "Another thing to worry about."

Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. "Milo...? Care to explain?"

I swiftly took my place in the bean bag right next to me, sighing.

"..I found a nova, in a florist's.." Silence filled the room.

"Nova's..aren't found on earth. Only in our realm, Milo. That's definitely a load of BS." Jonah argued.

"Does this look like a joke?.. I know it's a Nova. Nothing of that sort can be seen. If I did, I did." I exclaimed, irritated.

She glanced at Gabriel who seemed to be in a pool of his own thoughts. Leo took a seat next to me, leaning forward, strands of his wavy black hair obscuring his eyes.

"Milo." Jonah stepped in after a slight pause. "You're gonna go there and ask for a job."

"And find out about the nova's?" I finished his thought, answered with a nod.

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"She.." Dario, who'd been silent the whole time said, "seems a little suspicious. We need to keep an eye on her." He looked at me.

"Right.." Gabriel rose from the leather sofa, the puffed seats slightly bouncing as he did.


Karina POV:

"Hello. I'm Dario."

'No...it can't fucking be...I'm not seeing the angel-like man right now, close to me.'

Without her consent, her body reacted to him instantly, a shudder passing through her. Her heart jumping.

He wore a long brown coat with a white full neck shirt, his luscious black coiffures styled loosely.

Even though her mind couldn't process who he was, She couldn't deny how beautiful he looked. The impact was fresh.

He's an angel. If..he's friends with these people,...are they angels too?

His expression changed, realization hitting him. He looked shocked as if he couldn't believe she was even here.

They locked eyes, emotions running everywhere.

"Y-you.." Karina stuttered...

He didn't say anything, his brows were slightly furrowed. As if he was observing her, her response towards him. That made her feel conscious.

Karina turned, wide-eyed towards Milo, "You..you know what he is don't you?"

Milo instantly stiffened. He glanced towards Jonah, who looked unsure.

"Rina..what do you mean..by what he is?" All of them were still, as the intensity in the air picked up a gradual pace.

She fearfully turned my head towards the man in a black shirt and jeans, posture sophisticated, an aura of prestige. His wavy black locks settled

"Y-you're.." Her throat constricted.

His eyes were still on her, analyzing her every move.

"You have wings." The bizarre phrase sounding foreign and stupid.

"What are you talking 'bout Rina?" Milo's tone monotonous and eerily calm before a slight chuckle.

"She is.." Dario spoke, his deep voice captivating, talking slowly, "the girl who saw me." She caught the subtle look he gave to Milo..uninterested to say the least.

"No..she's not supposed to be alive after what she saw.." Jonah exchanged looks with everyone else, his dark blue eyes, wide.

These people were potentially dangerous.

"Are you going to kill me?" She whispered, her voice shaking.

"What?" Gabriel looked at me with disbelief. "No! Rina.."

Milo reached out to her "Rina..please calm down..we'll explain everything." He mustered a deep breath. "Considering you're still alive..somethings different."

"No!.. I can't be involved with you people. What are you?" She pushed him away.

"Rina, we are...different." Karina broke the tension as she took a step back. "The last thing we wanna do is hurt you."

Gabriel added, "We'll explain everything. What we are and how this.." Gesturing to the room, "happened."

Karina stood motionless, processing the sudden slaps of one of the most bizarre things she could think of. She needed answers.

"I don't know." She let out a breath.

She needed to leave.

"I'm leaving." She said nonchalantly and went out, pushing past the other guys.

"Karina." Dario murmured to himself as a shudder passed when he spoke her name out loud. She couldn't care less. she just needed to leave as soon as possible.


Karina was confused. Emotions jumbled up with different layers. They didn't seem dangerous, but it sure doesn't eliminate the possibility.

What she saw in the woods, was all too unreal.

Scenes you read in books and dreamt about before you went to bed, not witness in the real world.

It hit too hard when it took form again, but rather of my friends'. A train speeding towards you, like a bullet.

You're left there, blank, with unprocessed thoughts and brick for a head.

Karina wasn't sure about Milo and Gabriel. Were they even her friends to begin with? Were they using her? What the fuck could she possibly be used for?

She sat up straight and rubbed her tired eyes, recalling the encounter with Milo.

'"Hey, Karina..what are these?" He held a nova.'

Had he known about it? Were they sent to capture her?

But for some reason, deep inside, She didn't feel like they were out for her blood.

The dominant part of her insisted on answers. Lingering thoughts about the beautiful angel made their mark, embraced tightly with every other emotion attacking her that night.

They definitely weren't just some people. They probably know something about her.

She inhaled the cool air, feeling the breeze blow against her bare face.

Rubbing her eyes, she set out to play her favorite music, opened the Chinese take out she had ordered, and dug in.


He was flying...the dark sky dotted with twinkling stars.

Once he found her house, he landed on the rooftop.

She was sleeping.

Seeing the strand of hair that covered her eyes, he felt the urge to brush it away.

He was asked to make sure she was sane and alright. He was stagnant, his presence as light as a feather.

The assurance given, he shifted towards the edge. Urging his new wings to take off, he rose into the sky...

Flying away into the starry night.
