
Running around the house, Karina collected the important things she needed, panicking. She had no time to check from where. Holding her phone, she tried to call emergency and open the door.

It was locked from outside.

A sick wave of fear and anxiety passed over every fiber of her being, as she violently turned the door handle. Tears sprung, her heart racing as she screamed for help. She could see smoke everywhere, a small source of fire faintly felt from behind her.

Karina was sobbing, the thought of dying making her heart-wrenchingly terrified. Was this really how she was going to die?

She found everything she could possibly find to break the door open but failed. The panic in her alleviated like the fire and smoke in the house.

"No! HELP!" She struck her fist on the door, crying.

The ashy smoke inundated her lungs. She was coughing, her face covered in sweat, her eyes were losing energy to stay open.

She fell on her knees, coughing nonstop, as it felt harder to breathe. Her body hit the floor.

A loud sound was all she could make out before her eyes and consciousness called quits.


Karina woke up to the presence of Dario beside her, his face grim and jaw clenched. "Who.." She whispered as she leaned forward. "How are you now?" The velvety deep voice. Dario's indeed.

She coughed and rubbed her eyes, "I'm...a little shaken up."

"Right. Call out when you need something. Milo or Gabriel will help you." He got up, "Also, I got your suitcase and things that were still intact." His eyes were indifferent and grim. Karina gave a slight nod, "Thank you...thank you for saving me." His head was slightly tilted to me, but quickly turned away and went outside as he closed the door.

What happened? How did a fire start of nowhere? Why couldn't she open the door? It was like she was prevented from opening it on purpose. But that made no sense, who would have it out for her? A deep feeling of loss overwhelmed her. Her house, her things, everything she had was probably gone. She sighed as she slowly laid down on the bed to rest.


Dario, Gabriel, and Jonah were seated in the living room when Karina walked in. Jonah noticed her as he asked, "Rina, are you okay?" She nodded as she took a seat next to them.

"How did Dario know what was happening yesterday?" She pulled her sweater closer to her body. "Well, Dario came to check something, to see if the coast was clear. He probably arrived when the fire broke out." Gabriel sternly spoke, leaning forward.

"Check what?" She raised her eyebrows.


Karina sighed, "Look. I really don't prefer dishonesty right now. If it's something that involved me, directly or indirectly, I need to be informed. So don't beat around the bush and tell me."

Jonah was about to answer when Milo entered the room, bringing a bag. "The fire didn't seem to last long..her house isn't as damaged as we thought."

"But how? It seemed pretty bad." Dario interfered, looking at her.

"No. I got some of her things that weren't destroyed. I'll go deal with the fire insurance with Karina later."

The doubt that filled the air seemed to reach everyone, what if the fire intentional?

After talking for some time, everyone had to leave. "Where do you guys go?"

"Back to our realm. We aren't exactly in the same situation as Dario." They seemed apprehensive.

"Dario has been exiled. His period of banishment is well, on earth."

"What really?"

"Yeah..the fallen have a period of banishment before they await an official trial. It's a weird system."

So Dario was basically a criminal...

"And..what do I do about my house?" Karina asked.

"Do you know anyone?" Milo questioned, his rounded eyes slightly widening.

"I do know a friend. She's out of town for now, I don't have her house key either.��� She had found a good friend around here, named Lin. A cheerful kind hearted person who loved playing video games.

"I see.." They thought for a while before voicing their decision. "What do you think about staying with us Karina?"

"I...um...I'm not sure I feel secure enough to do that Milo."

"Right. Understandable."

Dario intervened, "You might be vulnerable."

"Again with this shit." She scoffed, "Tell me why I am vunerable! Also, Jonah what were you about to say? About checking my house?! That's fucking creepy!"

"Mundane, a creature from Enkeli was lurking around us in the woods. They're called Hydrals." Dario's hair was pulled back, allowing a fuller view of his face, "They only come down to Earth, especially lurk around when summoned or ordered to." The silky tone of his voice distracted Rina once again.

That made enough sense, as she remembered the eerie presence in the woods, "That means someone called on it." Dario shrugged in response.

"I don't think it really came for me. I'm just a random person... What if it came for Dario?"

"That is possible, though we can't rule out any chance...you're not just any human anymore." Milo added, crossing his arms. Karina couldn't shake off the overwhelming weight of unsurety.

For once Gabriel intervened, "I personally think we should let her stay in her friend's house." He spoke with a thick eccentric accent."

"I don't have her house key."

"We can manage."

Karina raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer.

"We break in."

Her brain didn't take that seriously at first, but Gabriel's lack of comic sense made her think otherwise.

"We can't break in, the fuck? I stifled a small chuckle. "That's stupid, illegal and she'd never forgive me. I'd look like a creepy stalker so no thanks."

"She's right. The human world isn't that simple anymore." Milo shrugged.

Karina heard Dario's sarcastic scoff. "What's so funny about it?" He didn't reply, but rather cleared his throat, proceeding to ignore her question.

"Karina. If you can't go to her house, you either stay in a hotel somewhere for now or stay here." Jonah retorted, leaving her to choose.

"I don't know. I can't last in a hotel for long, it'll eat my pocket." One thing Karina hated about herself was her indecisive tendencies. Making a decision about the smallest things seemed like a big task.

She heard Dario mutter to himself, "So indecisive." Those words stung. Her flaws seeing the light of day, even by a bit, made her feel weak.

"I'll...um...stay at a hotel for a day or two. I can't immediately move in with you guys."

"Makes no sense but okay." A conceited look from Dario made her skin crawl in anger.

Milo stepped in, "Okay. Do that then." She nodded and got up slowly to go back to her room when Gabriel asked, "Shouldn't we go back to her house? Catch a trace?"

"That. That we must do." Dario sat up straightening himself, followed by Jonah.

"Mundane can stay here." The black winged nuisance of a creature interfered.

Karina wanted to break his teeth.

"And since when do you decide what I can't and cannot do? Never." She grabbed her jacket and phone, that was thankfully retrieved in one piece, and walked forward.

"Let's go now?" Karina flashed an insincere smirk at Dario, as he rolled his eyes and went out the door.