
Karina had fallen asleep on her couch that day; the last thought before she slept being the black wings she saw through the window.

She had only seen black wings on Dario. If it was him...why would he come to her house? Was she possibly in danger in her own house again?

She felt weirdly hungover for some reason; she was probably just tired.

The urge to go and see Milo and the others pricked her once again, but she had to get back to work. Karina forced herself to freshen up and get back to work.

A sudden wave of anxiety overcame her, her body feeling heavy and nauseous; fear and doubt stinging her too hard. She battled with the feeling for a good three minutes before finally heading out to work.


Seamlessly working with her head empty yet bombarded with thoughts laced with fear, guilt or panic, Karina couldn't stand it anymore.

If she had seen black wings, that must have been no one other than Dario.

Karina recalled each moment; the translucent book had magically displayed words.

Until they weren't; at the same time the small peek of black wings disappeared from her yard.

The translucence of a book was practically bizarre; there would be no possible way for it to be physically glassy and see-through.

It must belong to Enkeli or any magical world. The book however, to end up in her house led her to the conclusion that the fluctuating status of the book must be influenced by these angel beings.

The words vanishing instantly after the sight of the wings' disappearance meant that she could only see it with the presence of a supernatural being.

She had to learn more with that book somehow; and she had no problem digging for information if she had to cling on to Milo and Jonah.


Karina took a cab to the strikingly white and modern mansion like home of Milo. The question of how he could afford such a beautiful house was mentally noted to be asked.

She knocked on the door, hoping to be greeted by either Milo or Gabriel. Much to her expectations, the door wasn't received even after a few consequent rings.

At Least Dario should have been there? Why wouldn't he answer?

A quick solution popped as she swiftly pulled the pellucid book out, hoping to see the desired outcome.

Her heart jumped in joy as the book was once again graced with the hidden words.

That meant they were at home.

She knocked on the door again, hoping for it to be received. No response yet again.

"Why are we graced with your humble presence?" She was startled by that same velvet voice.

Dario stood tall and brooding with his lazy demeanor as he wore a long brown coat; groomed and smoothened to perfection.

"Why didn't you answer the door?" The ever growing fear she faced when she met him resurfaced.

"I didn't want to.

"It was important." Dario gave the belittling look he always had when he saw her.

"I couldn't care less." She really wanted to kill him.

"Well you need to; this isn't only about you anymore." Karina tried to keep her tone steady.

"You don't know anything about me."

"Well I don't know anything about me! Beat that. I need answers... and a way; l You guys are my only option."

"Mundane, I'm sure there are many pressing matters of yours that must be aided, but leave me out of it; emphasis on the 'me'. You think I have the interest or energy to help you and your little escapade on finding out your inner self? No."

"I don't need your help either; emphasis on the 'you'. It's about me coming here trying to find the people who actually give a fuck about their own realm and my weird interjection in it."

"I can't 'give a fuck' about my realm when I'm kicked out of it! So don't come here acting all high and mighty." It was the first time Karina had seen him raise his voice this much.

"Why do you hate me so much? What accusations are you throwing? What's the damn basis?!" She surprisingly never saw herself yelling this loud; but she couldn't care less.

"You're such a sick manipulative-" Dario's jaw clenched as he held himself back from spouting any more insults at her.

"What do you think I'm here for then? Why would I go through all this hassle?"

"To strip and kill me." Every syllable coming out laced so lavishly despite.