Chapter 1

" You won't leave the premises of this room," He pointed his finger at the timid woman on the far corner. She could see him as glorious as a beast under the sinuous red glow of the disco light. The loud burst of music from every corner did no less in presenting him as an outrageous predator who could scar not the body but the very soul of her. But what had her facade of strength trembling was the visible shaking of his body from white rage. As if a mere obvious shift in gaze could bring him to tear her flesh apart, she carefully let her orbs move to the poor knob clutched ever so tightly in his hand. Daisy almost felt sorry for it.

Already been tricked and deceived by people she called "friends" in a span of few hours, being scared to silence was the least she could have on her back tonight. She needed to make it out of the party before this night ended_ safely, of course.

"I will." She voiced just as Allarick was about to take the step out; halting him in his motion.

"I'll personally tie you to a chair bitch!" Amanda piped in through the doorway, standing just a few feet from her.

"I would like to see you try," Daisy challenged, her voice resembling the ripples in a dead lake; calm yet with a hint of fear.

" You dare answer me back!?" Amanda shouted above the bombastic music.

" Shouldn't have. Dogs aren't worth it."

A wave of satisfaction washed over her with the sigh of disbelieve that escaped the vicious lady's lips. Even in a place as terrifying as this, Daisy could feel her body gain a different type of courage. She was scared and she was not. Whatever the uncommendable emotion she felt that moment, one thing was for sure; it felt unreal and oddly good.

" Will you just stand there and watch her insult me… or will you take a stand for me like a man would?" Amanda swirled on her heels to face him.

Allarick's eyes drew their attention from Daisy to her. The most Daisy could comprehend from the look they carried was that she was not the only one they held despise for.

"By what relation should I take a stand for you? Am I your husband?"

" He wouldn't have taken it if he was so," Daisy interjected only to bring back the spotlight on herself once again.

In the heat of rage, Allarick pushed past Amanda and stood tall within the small interior of the room, taking the breath away from the girls' heart.

" Don't fall low, Daisy," he hissed, warning lacing his words like a red cloak of alarm.

" Might fall low, but never to your level!" Daisy whispered back in the same venomous tone as he had used with her.

" You'll regret pushing me at the edge. Don't you dare take a step out of this room without my permission." She could feel him holding back the anger bubbling inside of him with every word he uttered so carefully

For a moment his threat had her zipped up. It was when he had finally decided she was too scared to contradict him, that he turned in a swift motion, took hold of Amanda's wrist and started to drag her out behind him, only to be stopped again.

"You can't force me."

In a blink of an eye, Allarick had Amanda out and the door closed with a loud bang. Before her mind could contemplate what was going on, she was pushed to the wall rather harshly, as the man before her caged her between his arms. A look at him from this close and she knew of the trouble she begged for. As charming as he was, Allarick was a man of dominance and power. It was not a hard task for him to have anybody shaking in their boots. He lowered his head so that a mere inch of thin air was all that kept their faces apart. Dasiy could feel her heart about to burst with the proximity and even more so due to the hard clench of his jaws and eyes that rendered her dumb and silent; the courage she held moments ago, all seeped out of her body.

"I can and I will." He hissed.

Too uncomfortable to form words, all Daisy could do was make a futile attempt to push his rock hard chest away.

"Eyes at me, flower." He ordered, using the same humiliating nickname that he had given her in high school. There was nothing romantic about being called a flower. It was an embarrassment. The explanation he had given to justify his sinful intention was that as her name suggested, Daisy is a flower that everyone just wants to pluck, take it to their homes and watch it wilt to its ugliness, before smashing it under their feet and moving on. So when called a flower, all she could feel was the tears forming in her eyes. Nobody ever called her such except him. In fact, Allarick had also used the word just once for her. Today marked the second time.

A tear rolled down her cheek. His eyes trailed it's path down her face to her feet, despite her vile effort to hide it away.

'' That's right," he said, backing away a few feet, " engage your self with tears while I'm down. I'm sure you do understand by now that the consequences won't be in your favour if you step out." With that being said, he stormed out of the room much the same way as he had entered.

However terrified and hurt he might have made her feel with his mere words, Daisy knew this wasn't the time to back down. For once she won't be controlled! Not after he had brought back the memories she tried hard to forget.

Satisfied with her look, she smiled to herself in the mirror. She had come to the party all plain, but she'll sure as hell leave looking like a freaking model! Using her middle finger to blend the red shade well over her lips, her hand reached for the ponytail barely managing to hold the silky strands of her hair together.

A smile was all it took to cover up the dread taking root deep inside of her as she stepped out into a manic crowd of youth swaying their bodies to the beat of deafening music.

A smile was all it took to stop Allarick dead in his track as his eyes followed her form as she brushed past him to the main exit.

A smile was all it took for him to swear on his life to make her pay.

And a smile was all it took to astound him with her courage that he was ever so keen to break.