
Once they had reached the treetops, the elves led the dragons carrying the rest of the company across the massive branches towards their kingdom, Elvathas. As they continued along, Paletar noticed something unusual about the branches; it was almost as if they had perfectly been lined up with each other like bridges. Hope noticed the forest dragon's studious expression and explained: "Our people have lived in the Great Wood for hundreds of years. The more we thrived, the more we realized that we were becoming in tune with its magic, and figured out how to harness it. Though being a Forest Dragon, I'm sure you know all about that."

Paletar nodded; Forest Dragons and Wood-Elves are known to get along remarkably well. In fact, it was the Forest Dragons that had taught the Wood-Elves about nature magic and how to use it.

"So, you built a path to your kingdom through the trees by manipulating the branches to create bridges." Paletar reasoned.

Hope nodded: "Now, we don't even need to touch the ground to get to our kingdom. It also helps us remain hidden from other…unwelcome attention."

"I see."

A few minutes later, the group reached the gates to the elf kingdom. The ranger captain gave the order to remove the company's blindfolds, which the other elves promptly did. Once their blindfolds were off, the three heroes gasped in awe at the kingdom that lay before him.

"Welcome to Elvathas." Hope said.

The entire city was built in and on the trees. The company could see holes built into the tree trunks; doors and windows to many of the houses in the wood. Merchants had set up wooden stands on the branches, the architecture expertly designed to be stable on them. The elves had also magically manipulated the branches to connect the homes in the trees with the main branch pathway, creating a whole road system via the branches in the trees. Most impressive, however, was the palace.

Seemingly made in and out of the tree itself, the palace towered over the rest of the buildings. Intricate carvings and patterns lined the walls, and two statues of elven guards were at either side of the entrance. The adventurers gazed up in awe at the structure. Noticing their dumbfounded expressions, Hope chuckled.

"We've spent hundreds of years here in the Great Wood." She said, "More than enough time to decorate the place."

"Impressive." Kai'sair said as he looked around. The company continued to the massive doors to the palace, which opened a few minutes later with a loud groan.

A palace guard walked up to the elf captain, saying: "The king requests you bring the newcomers to him immediately."

The captain nodded, then turned to Hope and said: "Would you lead them to king Varitan? I have other matters to attend to."

Hope nodded and waved for Adrion's party to follow her. Entering the tree palace, she led them through a maze of wooden halls, decorated with elaborate colors and patterns. The patterns revealed to be murals depicting the history of the Wood Elves: their first coming into the Great Wood, befriending the Forest Dragons, learning woodland magic, and even fighting against the dark monsters of the Shadow Lands.

"These walls are amazing," River said.

"They tell of our history," Hope explained, "This hall is constantly changing and expanding as history goes on."

"Incredible," Adrion said, looking at the walls in awe.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Hope said. Just then, they reached a large set of doors at the far end of the hall.

"I'll go let him know you're here," Hope said, going through the door, "Wait here until I get back."

After she went through the door, the others stood around, looking at the murals on the walls as they waited.

"So, anyone here know about the Wood Elf King?" Adrion asked.

"Not much," Kai'sair said, "All I know is that he's incredibly wise. Some say he's been around since the very beginning of Pandreia."

River looked at Kai'sair in surprise: "Really?" she asked.

Kai'sair shrugged: "I don't know. All I know about him is what I've heard from others. I wouldn't be surprised though; Elves practically live forever unless they're killed in battle."

"True," Adrion said, "Let's just be ready for whatever happens, and be as respectful as possible. This is a king we're about to meet anyways."

As if on que, to doors opened as Hope walked back through.

"He's ready to see you now," she said, waving the company in.

The throne room looked like a beautiful picture of autumn. Small trees outlined a sort of walkway to the throne, their leaves colored different shades of orange and red. The floor dropped off a ways to the right behind the trees, opening into a deep pit where a gentle waterfall ran into. To the left was the inside of the tree wall that had a large circular opening acting as a window to the kingdom. Then there was the throne itself; it seemed as if it was made from the wood of a shining silver tree, with the branches sticking out like a fan at the top. As Hope led the group to the throne they realized that it was empty.

Adrion knitted his eyebrows in confusion.

"Um, where is he?" he asked, "I thought you said he was ready to see us."

"I am," said a man's voice behind them, and they turned around to see an elf sitting in one of the trees nearby. He had deep brown hair, like the bark of a tree during summer, and had a very fair complexion, typical of elves. His outfit was a bit unusual as it seemed more of a ranger's armor than a royal robes one would think a king would wear, and it was a dark green, like that of the other rangers. His crown was carved from wood and fit over his head, going down the sides of his face like a helmet and thorns sticking out and back at the top. It seemed more like a war helmet than an actual crown.

"I don't feel much use for thrones," he said, "I prefer the trees much like my brethren."

Hope kneeled down: "King Varitan."

Varitan jumped down and walked over to the company, saying, "Rise, Hope Evenwood." Then, turning to the others, asked: "This is the company you found in the woods."

"Yes," Hope replied, "we pulled them out of a sticky situation from the Giant Spiders."

"I thought we cleared out all the nests."

"Apparently not, and this was a pretty big one. I think more may be out there still, out of sight from our scouts."

Varitan nodded: "Then we'll need to expand our searches. Now, as for these newcomers…"

Adrion stepped forward and knelt: "Your majesty, my name is Adrion Highstar. I'm a student from Moonbeam. These are River, Kai'sair and his dragon, Paletar, and my dragon, Rhogar."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Varitan said as the company shyly waved to him, "And what are you doing all the way out here?"

Adrion stood up and walked over to Rhogar, saying, "We're looking for the pieces to this." As he drew the first half of the relic from the bag on Rhogar's saddle. Varitan's eyes widened as he softly said, "The Light of Lunare…"

Adrion nodded: "I was given a quest from the White King to find the pieces, take them to the Shadow Canyons, and unite them there in an effort to help a group of Imperial Knights fight off some new creatures called Skull Beasts."

"If you are sent by the White King, then it is only in my best interests to help you. However, you must prove this to be true."


"Surely you must have been given something as part of your calling."

Adrion, realizing what he meant, pulled out the scroll from the saddlebag as well as showed the sword hanging at his side. Varitan walked over and pulled the sword out, looking over the runes etched on the blade. He nodded in approval.

"This is indeed a sword only given to those chosen by the King. Now I know I can trust you." He said.

"Just like that?" Adrion said, surprised.

Varitan nodded: "Just like that. I've lived long enough to know and understand most matters dealing with the White King and if someone truly is on a quest for Him. Therefore, I am willing to lend you what aid I could."

"That would be great, actually." Paletar said.

"Well, a place to rest without getting ambushed by giant spiders would be great, for starters." River said.

"I'm sure there is somewhere here you can stay the night." Varitan said, "Anything else."

"Actually," Adrion said, opening the scroll, "I would like your help with this map."

Varitan walked over and looked at the map: "I do not understand what you need help for here. The path to the next piece is clearly marked."

"Yes, it is, but from what I've heard, those swamps are INSANELY difficult. Would you know of any safe paths through it?"

Varitan thought for a moment, then said: "There are no paths through the Reptil Marshes that are truly "safe". However, I do know of a path that can take you to a Lizard Men camp. They should be willing to help if you find the piece."

"Where is it?"

Varitan studied the map closely: "It shouldn't be that far from where this marked path is. I will need to consult one of my own maps to give you a clear answer, but for now, you and your company need to rest."

"Thank you," Adrion said.

"My pleasure. Hope, would you take them to one of the vacant chambers. The dragons can go to the stables."

Hope nodded: "Sure thing," she said. Then, gesturing for the company to follow her: "Come on, guys. This way."

She first led the company outside, where she showed the dragons the way to the stables. Once they were taken care of, she led the remaining three members to another tree building. Walking in, they could see it was mostly empty; likely because most of the other Wood Elves were sleeping. However, there were a few sitting in front of one of the open windows, playing a soft music with a guitar and a flute of some kind.

River yawned: "That music makes me want to pass out right here on the ground."

Hope chuckled: "Yeah, it does that to most visitors. Anyways, your rooms is right this way."

She led them up a flight of stairs until they reached a hallway, where she led them over to one of the many doors there. As they watched, she took out a small rune and pressed it to the door knob for a few seconds, then opened it, showing them into a relatively spacious room with a small hole in the bark, acting as a window to the forest beyond. There were four beds neatly arranged at one end of the room, one of which River promptly ran over to and fell on top of, breathing a huge sigh of relief. Adrion turned to Hope.

"Thanks for your help," he said.

Hope nodded, "Of course. I'm always happy to help, but can I ask you something?"


"Do you have room for one more in your company?"

"You want to come with us?" Kai'sair asked.

Hope nodded: "I would like to."

"We'll have to discuss it amongst ourselves," Kai'sair said, "But we should have an answer for you in the morning."

"Oh, okay." Hope said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

Adrion put a hand on her shoulder, "It's not that we don't like you. It's just that this was kind of a surprise to us, and we're really tired. Also, can I ask why you want to come?"

"Being honest," Hope replied, "I've been living in these woods my whole life, and I feel like I haven't really done anything worthwhile. This quest might be my opportunity to do that."

Adrion nodded in understanding; he had honestly felt that same way back at Moonbeam.

"I understand where you're coming from." He finally said, "But we'll still need to talk about it. Right now though, we gotta get some sleep, so we'll let you know by morning."

"Well, okay," Hope said, "Good night, you guys."

"Good night." Adrion replied, and he shut the door to the room. Walking over to the beds, he could see River had already passed out. Kai'sair walked over to one of the empty beds and, propping his sword and shield on the wall as well as putting his helmet on the ground next to them, he lay down on his own bed.

"I say we let her join," Adrion said, "I know how she feels about doing something worthwhile. Plus, she's and elf, so we can probably trust her."

Kai'sair shrugged: "I guess so. The only thing that bothers me is that she might wear us down. You saw how talkative she was."

"True." Adrion replied, "But still, we're supposed to be kind to others, and while yes, that does have its boundaries, I don't see any major reason to not let her come. Besides, we have two dragons to keep her in line if she gets out of hand."

Kai'sair thought for a moment, then sighed: "Alright, fine. She can come."

"What's your deal with helping other people?" Adrion asked, laying down on his bed, "You don't sound too happy about it."

"Let's just say my past interactions with other people didn't exactly go well." Kai'sair replied, "Now let's get some sleep; I'm exhausted."

Adrion sighed: "Alright then. Well, good night."

With that, Adrion and Kai'sair fell asleep, and the company rested in the protection of the kingdom of Elvathas.