
The next day, excitement reached its peak as the Dragonrise festival began. As the name implies, this festival honors the ancient time when humans and dragons first came together and rose to the skies as a team against Negramor and his evil forces, solidifying the bond between dragons and the free peoples of Pandreia. It was with the dragons' help that they were able to destroy Negramor's army and push him back into the hellish realm of the Shadow Lands.

The festival itself mainly honors the dragons, and many of the students at Moonbeam worked to do just that as well as give the others a chance for fun as well, setting up a party in the massive courtyard, setting up multiple stands for food, games, or fun displays. Elm and the other alchemists had put together fireworks and set them off at different times. The fireworks would shoot into the air and explode in a vast array of color and light. Some of them even magically appeared as dragons flying across the sky and spewing flames.

The real attraction, however, was the Dragon Tournament, where different dragon riders attempted to knock each other out of the sky, though as non-lethally as possible, which is of course difficult when many of the dragons breath fire and use their claws and horns in battle, not to mention the spells being cast. It wouldn't happen until later, but as Rhogar argues, the earlier, the better.

Despite not being wizards, Kai'sair and Hope were still able to enjoy themselves, with Kai'sair retelling the story of how he, Adrion, and their two dragons had defeated the sea serpent, Asinil, during their quest two months ago. It was a commonly heard story by now, but it was also one where one could see just how effective teamwork between dragons and people could be. Plus, Paletar would occasionally exaggerate different parts of it to keep people interested.

Meanwhile, Hope was, not surprisingly, at the center of the festival, which was cleared to make a sort of square for dancing. Some of the more musically talented student had formed a small band and played lively music that the other students danced to while the dragons stood around the outside, bobbing their head and wings to the beat.

Suddenly, something caught Hope's eye. She turned to look, and smirked; she recognized that head of golden hair anywhere. It was River, the water half-dragon she had befriended months ago, and the same girl Adrion had a massive yet surprisingly well hidden crush on. Right now, River was outside of the dance ring clapping to the beat and smiling, obviously enjoying herself. She wore a simple, light blue, sleeveless dress that went down to her ankles and shimmered in a way that reminded one of the lake during a sunset.

Hope suddenly got an idea and ran off, looking for the wizard. She finally found him with Rhogar as the two oversaw a friendly arm wrestling match between Draco and a Night Elf. Hope then tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Adrion."

Adrion turned to face her. "What's going on?"

Hope replied by grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the dance grounds, where she then pointed to River.

"Come on" she said, "you know you want to."

Adrion quickly realized what she was implying and turned beet red as he began to back away. "What?! No no no no no…"

Hope grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to face her, a sterner look on her face.

"Look" she said, "I get you're nervous, but, as your friend, I have to say," she then shook him to emphasize her point, "GET A GRIP! You've chickened out of every possibility to tell her how you feel, and now it's gone too far. Now get out there and tell her, or another guy will get her first."

Adrion had to recover from being shaken like a potion bottle, but he realized Hope was right, and the last thing he wanted was for River to be with someone else.

He then sighed. "Alright, I'll do it."

Then, after taking a few deep breaths, the wizard walked over to River. Hope watched as he approached and greeted her, but then widened her eyes in surprise; did River just tuck her hair behind her ear when she saw him walk up?

Yes, she did, and Hope watched as Adrion said a few words that she couldn't hear, and for River to reply shortly after. Then, holding hands, the two walked into the dance ring.

"You have GOT to be kidding me." She said to herself, "I have gotta see this!"

In the ring, Adrion and River waltzed around along with other student pairs as the band played a softer tune.

"Well" Adrion said, "This feels familiar."

River chuckled, "It does indeed. Though last time, we were stepping on each other a lot more."

"Heh, true. I'm pretty sure the music was more upbeat too"

"A little bit."

At the outside of the ring, Hope had pulled Elm over and pointed to the two.

Elm crossed her arms and smirked, "Looks like he finally went for it."

"Not just that" Hope said, "but I think she likes him too."

Elm stared at Hope in disbelief, and Hope only nodded back as the two elves continued to watch the pair dance around.

"So, River" Adrion asked, "what do you think of Moonbeam?"

"It's…interesting, for sure." River replied, "There's so many different things to see."

"True. True." Adrion said.

Okay he thought to himself, Here goes nothing.

"So River, can I tell you something?" he asked.

"Sure" she replied.

Adrion took a deep breath, "I've been kinda keeping this secret from you for a while, but…well…I…"

Suddenly, he was interrupted as a creature's pained screech could be heard. Everyone stopped and turned to see a pale Ice dragon, it's white hide scorched and bleeding, fall from the sky, using its wings in an attempt to steady its descent. As it landed, the students gasped as its rider, an armored figure, fell off, his side bleeding and leaving him too weak to move much.

Kai'sair immediately ran over and called out for an Apothecary as he removed the figure's helmet, revealing him to be a Night Elf. His white hair was streaked with black scorch marks and his face was cut and bleeding.

"What happened?" Kai'sair asked.

As if to answer, Zukar perked up his head as he caught a new scent, and he roared. "INCOMING!!"

The students only had time to turn around as Zukar blasted a column of fire towards the air…and at a hideous creature as it dove towards the crowd. The flames caused it to retreat as it shrieked in pain, and they were able to recognize it as a Jabberwocky. They were dragon-like creatures, but thinner, uglier, and spat purple lightning. Its face was shorter and lined in the back with wavy spines. It's blood red eyes glared in hatred at Zukar for foiling his attack as the Bone Wraith on its back shrieked in defiance, raising its sword.

The students gasped in fright; what was it doing here? Kai'sair, however, had no time for such questions, and drew his sword as he mounted on Paletar. "Don't panic, we've got him outgunned and he knows it! Stand together!"

Hope smiled and blushed; the knight was cute when he took leadership, whether he tried to or not.

Adrion and Rhogar immediately took to the skies to face the monster, Kai'sair and Paletar close behind and followed by Draco and Flannery as she rode Zukar.

Elm shouted to the others. "Someone get the elf and dragon to safety! Everyone else, protect the Academy!"

That, added by Kai'sair's command, rallied the wizards and their dragons as they immediately set to work, preparing to face any other enemies that might come.

Up in the sky, Rhogar and Zukar were the first to reach the Jabberwocky and sent forth fire from their jaws. The creature ducked out of the way, but was still singed from the combined blast.

"Kai'sair" Paletar advised, "Try taking out that rider."

The knight nodded and looked down as the creature flew down below the dragons; he needed to wait for the right moment.

The Jabberwocky arched back up and fired a blast of purple lighting at the dragons. Forcing them to scatter. All except for Flannery, who swung her staff, and deflected the bolts away.

The Jabberwocky continued its charge, not noticing Paletar swoop up behind it as Kai'sair dropped down onto the creature's back, his sword drawn. As he landed, he let out a war cry, startling the skeletal rider, who whipped around and ducked with startling speed as Kai'sair's sword passed where its head was. The skeleton turned its entire torso with a series of disgusting clacking noises and drew a scimitar, engaging the knight in battle as the Jabberwocky clashed with Zukar.

The two beasts lacked heads as both attempted to get to the other's neck. Flannery desperately tried to hold on as she noticed Kai'sair struggling as well to keep his footing while fighting the Bone Wraith. Flannery tried to assist by sending a bolt of fire from her staff, but in her attempts to hold on, the shot went wide.

"We gotta help them!" Adrion told Rhogar.

"Hang on" Rhogar said as he shot forward, only to be swatted aside as a second Jabberwocky, this one riderless, appeared, engaging the fire dragon.

Back with Kai'sair, the knight was holding on to one of the creature's back spines as he parried another blow. Unfortunately, it was so powerful that Kai'sair slipped and fell back, grabbing onto the creature's tail and hanging off of it. He could hear the Bone Wraith cackle in glee as he sheathed his sword and attempted to climb his way back to the Jabberwocky's body.

Hope gasped in worry from the ground and frantically looked around, finally laying eyes on the nearby tower. She then got an idea.

"Elm!" she shouted, "I need to get to the top of that tower!"

Elm threw a vial for her to catch. "Throw this at the ground when you're ready."

Hope caught the vial and ran for the tower. Once she was close enough, she threw the vial at the ground in front of her, which exploded in a gust of air that launched Hope forward, grabbing the railing of the higher terrace and gracefully flipping onto the terrace itself.

Meanwhile, Rhogar and the second Jabberwocky engaged in an aerial dogfight, weaving back and forth in the sky as they blasted shots of fire and lightning at each other.

"This isn't working!" Rhogar said, "If you're going to get a genius idea, Adrion, now is the time."

Adrion thought for a moment as he studied the creature. Just then, he got an idea.

"Get him to charge." He told Rhogar.

"What?" Rhogar asked, "That's the best you could come up with?"

"Just do it!" Adrion commanded, "On my signal, head left."

Rhogar snorted and flew straight for the Jabberwocky. Seeing a decent challenge and an easy target, the Jabberwocky screeched and charged forward to meet him. For a tense moment it seemed like they would collide.

"Now!" Adrion cried, and Rhogar turned left at the last second. The Jabberwocky only had time to see Adrion pull out a different weapon from behind his coat: the sword he was given from his first quest.

"This is what you get, party crasher!" he yelled as he swung the weapon down, cleaving the creature's head from its body. Adrion raised his sword and whooped for joy as the monster's headless body fell toward the ground, the head following shortly after.

Meanwhile, Kai'sair had finally made it way to where the tail connected with the body. The Bone Wraith, still watching him, raised his sword to strike again, bringing it down on the knight's back. Fortunately, Kai'sair's armor protected him, but he was still desperately hanging on to the tail, and getting hit in the back wasn't helping.

After a few blows, it seemed as if Kai'sair would slip off, and the skeleton knew this, raising its sword one last time. Kai'sair, braced for impact, only to hear a whirring sound followed by a sickening crunch as an arrow flew through the Bone Wraith's skull, piercing though it's eye and sending out a splatter of a thick black liquid from the skull: the dark blood of the Wraiths.

Kai'sair looked down to see where the shot had come from and smiled to see Hope standing on the terrace, her bow in hand and a smirk on her face. Now that he wasn't being constantly attacked, Kai'sair reached out, grabbing the saddle straps of the Jabberwocky and hauled himself up onto the monster's back.

Once seated, he shoved the dead Wraith out of the saddle. "Get off." Then, drawing his sword, he raised it up and, with a mighty yell, plunged it down right into the creature's back. The Jabberwocky reeled in pain as the blade dove through its torso, shrieking and randomly spewing lightning. Zukar took the opportunity and bit down on the creature's neck.

"Draco!" Flannery called. The half dragon drew his sword, utilizing his combat magic to wreath the blade in fire, then furled his wings and dove towards the Jabberwocky. As he passed over, he raised the sword and brought it down, cleaving the monster's head.

Zukar let go as the body fell to the ground while Kai'sair pulled his sword out and whistled for Paletar as he jumped off, landing in his dragon's back. With the monsters defeated, the dragons flew back down to the Academy.

"This doesn't make sense" Paletar told Kai'sair, "What would a warrior from Dragonsfold be doing all the way over at Moonbeam?"

"My question is why was he attacked by Jabberwockies?" Kai'sair replied.

"A good question" Rhogar said, having overheard, "It's not like the Jabberwockies to risk getting so close to so many dragons, despite not being the most intelligent."

"I don't know" Adrion said, "but something tells me we're about to find out."