Chapter 12 - Meeting Mr Eric

Today a very Important client was coming from Mozambique. He owned a string of 5star hotels on the beach and was looking for proposals for interior design.

Ceri was going to participate under the lead designer Mr Murage. She was excited, she had even hired a temporary nanny incase she had to stay at the company for longer hours in the evening.

In the conference room, their design group of four people were waiting for the client to come so they could discuss his needs, everyone was excited to meet the client.

Approaching footsteps echoed in the hallway, the secretary had called to inform them Mr Eric and his assistant Mr Maund had arrived so everyone waited with anticipation as the door opened.

There were some people for whom good looks were a non debatable fact, and Mr Eric was definitely one of those people.

He was tall, dark with smooth almost silky skin, with brown eyes that looked like freshly melted chocolate, inviting and calming. He gave Ceri an awfully familiar feeling as if she had met him before.