35 - Ruracio

A day later.

"So happy you are back" Makena was excited as she spoke to Ceri on the phone.

"I will be over in the evening for a night with my girls and god son, I have so much to tell you and I'm also waiting to hear all about your trip"

Makena was babbling and had not noticed that Ceri was unusually quiet.

Later that evening, Makena bust into Ceris house full of excitement.

Where is Metta? I brought him his favorite roadside snack 'mutura' and 'smokie'

"He is not here, I have a lot to tell you too"

Ceri made some tea and her and Makena sat down to eat some Mahamri and tea as they talked.

After telling Makena that Metta was with Mr Erik and his father in a hotel, she filled her in and Makena could not believe the turn of events.

"So I will be going home the day after tomorrow to take them to meet my family" Eriks has insisted that he will follow tradition and it does not matter that I am not welcomed in the village, they are coming to officially meet my dad and pay their dowry"

I asked dad to just let it be our immediate family.

Makena was elated.

"My ruracio is on that day, how exciting!"

Though Makena was excited, Ceri was anxious, this would be her first time back in 5 years, she was not looking forward to seeing the villagers.

As they were talking. There was a knock and when Makena opened the door, in walked Erik.