Chapter 3

"So, why'd you want to stay anyway? Why do you want to help me?" I asked while gorging on my oatmeal.

"Well, I thought you just need a-"

"A shoulder to cry on?" I intercepted.

"Let me finish, woman," he said impatiently.

I chuckled.

"I thought it was Madeline's fault in the first place that you're having a bad day. Now it's 'cause of me," he said, his head bowed down.

"It's not your fault, Ethan. It's my fate to have a hell-like life," I said all-knowingly.

He nodded slightly, as though he didn't want to say anything.

"Anyways, I'm sorry to torture you like this. You can always go back," I added.

"No-no way I'm going back. I'm staying," he said, which made me laugh. He sounded like a 5-year-old, who was promised to have an ice-cream but then the decision changed.

"You are unique, Blue. You find happiness even in the darkest of time," he said, magnificently.

Then next moment I began to cachinnate. Like, I haven't laughed like this for a long time. Even with my mother. He looked at me suspiciously.

Like, 'seriously? You just got kicked out of your house, and you lost your job and you're staying with a boy who never talked to you in your entire life,'

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't stop thinking about how you called me Blue when my name is Scarlett, which is red," I said, minimizing my laughs.

He giggled.

"Eat," he gestured to my bowl in which the content hadn't changed.

I dug my spoon and started eating so fastly that it was empty in less than three minutes.

Even though Ethan seemed to be enjoying his stay, I was pretty sure he wasn't enjoying it. Well, he lives in his apartment, has expensive cars, eats expensive food. Everything in his life is expensive, where mine is cheap.

What if I was tormenting him, and he's just not showing it?

"Ethan?" I called him.

"Yeah, Blue?"

"You can go home, Ethan. I'm fine alone here,"

"Nope. I'm not going back," he said, tossing his phone to the sofa.

"If it is about me being alone, I'm saying, I'm fine-"

"What if it is about me being alone?" he said, suddenly standing, dangerously close to me and his whisper-like voice sounded more dangerous.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"I'm scared, Blue. I don't wanna stay at my place alone tonight. I saw a scary movie yesterday," he said mockingly.

"Yesterday, Ethan. Yesterday," I reminded him.

"I'm not going back. And that's final," he said.

I raised my hands in defeat.

"Do you think I can get a blanket and a pillow? I could crash on the sofa," he said.

"What? No way you are sleeping on the sofa. I think I'm already tormenting you enough. No more words now. Go sleep in my 'Lil room, buddy," I said cheerfully.

"No, Blue. I'm not sleeping in your bed. You can sleep there. At least, for the last time,"

"Nope. I'm not gonna let the boy who saved me sleep on my couch. Nope. Not gonna happen,"

"This could go all night, but I'm still sleeping on your couch. I have grown a special connection with your sofa. So, go be a good girl, and grab me a blanket and pillow. Shoo, there you go," he shooed me away.

I gave him a sharp look which came with a grunt and went to pick the best blanket I had, and the only pillow I had.

I handed them over, but a grin came across my face as he smiled at me. I can't believe this is the Ethan that I always had a crush on. In my mind, he was a bad boy, who didn't respected girls and treated them like trash.

But, he's not like that. Not at all.

I smiled to myself stupidly as I lay down on my bed.


I woke up to the sweet tweets of the birds. For a long time, today was the first time that I ever thought that morning was great. But, something was different from how I fell asleep. Now I had a pillow. My pillow.

I smiled to myself and got up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom. Took a quick shower, and brushed my teeth. It was somewhat early. There was no way Ethan would be up this early.

As far as I know, boys are deep sleepers, who will sleep to the evening if no one wakes them up.

I changed my PJs and wore something nice that I had.

I walked to my sofa, which I saw empty.

"Ethan? Ethan? Where are-" I began.

"Here, Blue. Here," said Ethan's gruff morning voice from the kitchen.

"What are you doing up this early?" I asked as I saw him making some pancakes.

"Well, I was an early bird today," he shrugged.

"How many worms did you catch?" I asked sarcastically.

"None. I thought I would be some help to know if I help you make breakfast," he said, flipping them over.

"But, where did you got the pancake mix? I didn't have any," I said.

"I...I bought some. From the supermarket down the street," he said.

I gave him a look. He shrugged.

"Come on, Blue. I didn't want you starving,"

"Well, what about you?"

"I can manage without breakfast,"

"So can I,"

"No, you are a grown woman. You need your strengths," he said, grabbing a pancake from the plate.

"No, you first. Eat it-" I never got to finish it as a pancake came flying to my mouth, which shut up me.

"Mhat-har-hu-suing?" I choked.

"What?" he chuckled.

I chewed the whole pancake with much difficulty, and when I did, it was a start of something.

"You! Ethan Something Baxter, You are dead!" I groaned.

"It's Theseus, Blue. Theseus," he corrected me.

"Whatever. The matter is, you are lucky you are not dead yet," I growled.

He chuckled.

"Laugh till your content, sir. That might be your last one," I said and threw a tomato at him, which hit him in the forehead.

"Ouch, woman. That hurts," he said rubbing his forehead with a frown. "And where did that come from? I didn't see it there,"

"Magic, baby. Magic. I'm fresh out of Hogwarts,"

"Ooh, that should be nice. Because I know how to fly things too. Check this out: Wingardium Leviosa! Whoop!"

And there came a flying handful of flour, making me look like a fucking-

"Clown. You look like a freaking clown, Blue. You know that?"

"Oh, my God, Theo. You do know I'm gonna kill you, right?" I said, pouncing at him.

He turned back and started running while chuckling.

"You called me Theo, Blue!" He yelled.

"You call me freaking Blue instead of Red! If that's possible, I shall call your middle name,"

"Agreed," he said.

I chuckled.

And, all on a sudden, I grabbed my teddy and threw at him.

"Argh. Woman, you are wild," he growled.

I giggled.

"I am wild,"

"I am even wilder," he said, mimicking a series killer expression.

He grabbed my teddy, and just as he raised it, I yelled.

"Ah, don't throw Mr Buttons!"

"What? Mr Buttons? My Pup's name was Buttons, Blue,"

"I thought it was cute,"

"You are cute," he mumbled.

"What did you say?" I said, trying to suppress a grin.

"I said...I said you are cute," he said with the so-called grin I was suppressing.

And, with his charming smile, he dug up the smile inside me. The situation was awkward. Very awkward. Our eyes were locked, we were stupidly smiling at each other. I abruptly changed my eyes' direction and burst out with small laughter.

"See? You are not bad when you smile," he pointed out.

"Who told you I was bad when I am not smiling?" I asked, my eyes glinting with mischief.

Right then, I heard a knock at the door.

"Probably Mr Scells," I mouthed Ethan and went to check the door.

As I reached out my hand to twist the doorknob, and I felt Ethan's presence right behind me.

"Go and hide somewhere, Theo!" I whisper-yelled as the doorbell rang for the second time.

"Why? He already suspects you that you are bringing boys home, and since he saw me yesterday, it's not a big deal," he said coolly.

I sighed in defeat.

I wrenched the doorknob, which creepily creaked as it opened.

"Mr Scells, I am moving- Madeline?! Wha- what the hell are you doing at my house? Back off!" I yelled at the bear in makeup standing in front of me.

"Why, Scarlett! Hm... Do you call this a house? My poodle's house is, even more, bigger, Scarlett," she said with a frowned face.

"Respect others' situations also, Madeline," said Ethan's masculine voice behind me.

"Ah, sweetheart! That thing right there is the reason I came here, actually. Even though I was hoping to not find you here," she said with a strong emphasis on the last words.

"Why'd you come for me? I am sure I can manage myself. Now get the hell out of here," he said in his calm but a dangerous voice. "And how dare you call me a thing?"

"Since when did you talk for this creepy slut, Ethan? You stole him from me, didn't you? You stole my boyfriend," she growled like a pig.

"I didn't steal anyone from anybody, Madeline. And I am not a creepy slut. I may be creepy for you guys, but I'm pretty damn sure I am not a slut. Unlike you,"

She glared at me. And, I glared at her back.

"Now, if you are done staring, you may go," I said with a sharp look.

"I hope you find a new home soon, Scarlett," she said with an emphasize.


"I said...I hope you find a new home," she said, her eyes shining, eyelashes batting.

"I knew it, bitch!" I yelled, jumping over her. But, to her luck, and my unfortunate, Ethan grabbed me from the back.

"She's not worth it, Blue. Leave her," he said through gritted teeth.

"Blue? Since when did you start giving beggars nicknames, Ethan?" she said, gathering up fake tears.

"I give nicknames to whoever I want, whoever I like. Its none of your damn business," he growled.

"I noticed you called me Madeline before. Care to explain that, sweetheart?"

"I'll pass, thanks. And, if I have to remind you again, I said 'whoever I like'. I don't like you,"

"And you like her?" she said, tears falling down her cheek.

"Yeah. He likes me. And I like him. Got a problem?" I interrupted.

I felt a confused glance from Ethan, which I completely ignored.

We've got far worse problems, sweetie.

"You, bitch! You did steal him from me!" she yelled.

"That doesn't count as stealing, honey. It counts only if he's your boyfriend, which he confirmed that he is not," I said coolly.

"Well, I hate you! Both of you!" she screamed and sashayed to the driveway.

"Do not think that you will have a normal life, Scarlett! I will make it more like a hell!"

"You already made it hell, Madeline! I think I can take more!" I screamed back.

She glared at me and sashayed back to her Porsche.

I sighed deeply as I saw her drive away. We were right back to our lives after fighting like grown-up ladies in a fancy shop fighting over one last piece of dress.

"I have a strong feeling that something went wrong," I said.

"I have that very same feeling too, Blue," said Ethan with a strong expression.

Well, yeah. We made a mistake.


I hope you guys liked 'tis too.


I don't have emojis sadly :/



PS: Have a very nice day.