Chapter 5: Final show on Kawata Hina

Meanwhile, inside the Sakurazaka dorm went everyone was ready for their final show with Kawata Hina and Butler going and pressing the button everyone can see that the Hinatazaka member are doing fine but Butler zoomed only Kawata, and they saw that she was kicking something inside the bag.

Butler: what is she doing?

Mari: we don't know but we could speak to her with a microphone right?

Butler: please be my guest

Hinano: wait what did you want to say to her?

Mari: don't worry I got some chill questions for her to answer let everyone see the real her

Haruyo: well could it work?

Ryo: of course could it work I can see her future look like

Morita: nii-chan slow down don't get too excited

Ryo: sorry, please Mari go ahead do your magic

Mari: okay here I go

Out of a sudden, went Mari pressed the microphone, and she was saying to her in the Hinatazaka dorm she look around who said that to her but she can't find someone to speak to her.

Kawata: where the hell are you!!

Mari: just meet the drug dealer and you know for yourself and you can meet Yuka too

Kawata: fine I will go now and meet Yuka and the drug dealer and Miho you better stay here with the rest

Miho: okay please be careful

Kawata: don't worry I won't

Once Kawata was going out of the Hinatazaka dorm and she went to the address that Yuka give her and she follow the direction of the address finally Kawata was here and she can see that Yuka was here fast at this place.

Kawata: Yuka you so fast to reach here and where is he right now?

Yuka: of course but should we go inside and be careful it is dark inside you can hold my hand

Kawata: please do so

While Yuka and Kawata are holding their hand and we enter the place that was so dark inside and out of a sudden, Yuka push Kawata inside the cube box with no oxygen inside for her to breathe.

Kawata: Yuka why did you push me?

Yuka: sorry someone pushes me too but I think we are trapped we can't go out *lies*

Kawata: what!! Yuka are you okay?

After the quiet Yuka had been silent and out of nowhere the light turned on and Kawata's eye can see that kegayama Yuka with the drug dealer who is standing there next to him smiling back at me.

Kawata: wait you don't look like a drug dealer is all a setup

Yuka: bingo!

Kawata: why are you on their side

Yuka: because you don't mess with the wrong people if you do they will do the same for you

Kawata: what are you talking about?

Ryo: you have killed my parent went I was in Korea

Kawata: who are you?

Ryo: Yuka shows the clip of been killed my parent in Korea

Yuka: yes sir right away

When Kegayama has pressed the play button on his laptop go straight to the Hinatazaka dorm and the same as the place where we have Kawata Hina struck inside the cube box.

Back inside the Hinatazaka dorm everyone can see the truth about Kawata Hina and went they saw it later they were talking bad at her back and Miho also can see that she is killing innocent people from the returns from his school.

Miho: Kawata is the killer and she kills his parent for no reason why

Mari: that right she is a murderer and you follow her anymore

Hinano: yes what she has said

Miho: wait who are you?

Mari: let's just say we are angels to protect you from her evil plan

Miho: angel you say?

Haruyo: yes we are an angel

Miho: thank you for showing me the truth about Kawata Hina she will regret that kill his parent

Mari: don't worry but you can meet him in person if you want to say sorry to his parent who has died years ago

Miho: what is his name?

Mari: his name was Ryo and he will come soon while he finishes with Kawata

Miho: okay thanks

Later the 3rd gen member of Hinatazaka46 has done their mission and two of them went back inside the Hinatazaka dorm and Haruyo went to meet Ryo with Yuka at the place where they trap Kawata Hina at the cube box.

Mari: good luck Haruyo

Haruyo: thank you

They left to meet another member who was waiting for them and they saw that Mari and Hinano were there they asked where Haruyo go to.

Miho: Mari? Hinano? Where is Haruyo?

Mari: she has something to go to

Miho: Hinano are you okay did she hurt you to

Hinano: no she has not hurt me

Back inside the place where Kawata was trapped and out of the blue Haruyo appears in front of Kawata she fell inside the cube box and she was asking why is she doing here with you guys.

Kawata: Haruyo?

Haruyo: yes what did you want?

Suddenly, we have full of police standing right in front of Kawata and they see that Kawata is the leader that kills Ryo's parents and they are going to put her in the girl's jail that she can learn from herself not to be so evil about killing his parent went he was in Korea.

Police: great work Yuka

Yuka: no problem sir *salute*

Kawata: wait...wait you are the undercover police and Ryo is your boss

Yuka: yes he is my boss

Ryo: well my mission is complete but take easy on her she is harmful

Kawata: I'm not harmful

Ryo: oh yeah I want to see you try this

When Ryo was snap his finger with his right hand and Kawata can't move her body he break the cube box with his left hand and it breaks with into pieces he let the police arrest her and put her into the Korean jail and she can't speak any Korean language at Korea.

Ryo undo snaps his finger and now Kawata can move and she just can't do anything and let them take her from here to Korea for 9 months in jail.

Ryo: good luck spending time in jail for 9 months Kawata Hina

Kawata: I'm sorry that I kill your parent

Ryo: I won't forgive you until you had learn your lesson inside the real killed and bully

Yuka: sir can we go back I'm tried

Ryo: of course, we should let go and the police take her away from me, please

Police: copy that

When they had left Japan and off to Korea jail and others are returned from the very exhaust of dealing with the Kawata Hina problem.

Yuka: I'm back Mari

Mari: Kegayama where is Ryo?

Ryo: I'm right here and who wants to meet me?

Miho: I'm sorry about what Kawata did your parent *bow*

Ryo: please choose the right people around you

Miho: I will

Ryo: well I'm going back home to see my sister

Hinano: well have a rest senpai

Ryo: of course you too as well

Once Ryo was back from the place where he was handling her and sudden Morita jumped at him and she was saying to him.

Morita: nii-chan can we go now to visit your parent's grave in Korea

Ryo: of course Butler, please drive to Korea by using the van

Butler: as you wish sir

Morita: nii-chan you are sleepy why not you rest on my shoulder while we reach the place

Ryo: I like that idea

They went outside from the Sakurazaka dorm Butler was driving the van and Morita was seating at the back of the passenger and he close his eye and let him rest on her shoulder.