
Chapter 7: Do Good Without Asking For Reward

The next morning.

In the early morning, the sun shone into the

narrow room. Two single beds were placed opposite each other, sleeping on the bed where the music poster is posted. The person who looked at the ceiling dully is exposed in the sun. That person is... Tharn.

Don't worry about me. I don't need you even if I'm dead!

Tharn, who has been thinking about these

things back and forth, can't sleep all night. In his mind, he still thinks that he wants to eat himself and scold himself for being nosy. If there's no time limit for entering and leaving the dormitory, Tharn wants to get up and take a bath and leave the dormitory several times.

It's dawn. Don't think about it anymore. Get

up, eat and go to class.

The young man told himself this, and then

turned to look at the guy sleeping in the opposite direction... The man was sleeping soundly. He didn't have nightmares like last night. Why was he alone there depressed? The culprit was just like no one else!

"Oh". Finally, the handsome young man sighed. He turned around and picked up his mobile phone and looked at the time...it was later than 6 O'clock .

With a big hand, he lifted the blanket, folded it and put it at the end of the bed. His eyes swept over Type's round head, and Tharn sighed again.

That kid cussed himself so much and he is

worried about what he is doing.

In this way, Tharn walked out of the room

quickly. It's right to leave quickly, because he

won't quarrel and be soft to him if he doesn't


What can I get from being soft to a guy like

Type? What you get is just abusive and hateful expressions and actions, which make you miserable.

However, Tharn, who said nothing, didn't

care, and would never be nice to the guy who

said Techno, said that he would hurry to take a bath and go out. It was over 7 O'clock , but he was still wandering in the dormitory. The two long legs should have taken the owner of his body to go out, but still let him pace back and forth in the dormitory.

There's no other reason for forgetting to

bring books.

After finding an excuse for himself, Tharn

walked into the quiet room. Different from the scene where the friends who used to rent together got up in the morning to take a bath and rushed to class, Type still slept soundly at the moment. After getting the book, Tharn didn't come out of the room immediately, instead, he let himself sit on the bed.

It's a long time till he actually has to go. Why rush to go.

Tharn made another excuse for himself. He

picked up his MP3 and put on his headphones. He played music loudly to calm his confused heart, eyes... But he could not help glancing at the guy who had been sleeping since he got up in the morning.

Is this guy OK?

Tharn shook his head and tried to drive the

idea out of his mind. In the past, when listening to songs, his mood was always calm, but this time even music didn't work. After Tharn gave up making excuses for himself, he finally realized that... He had been sitting here waiting, just to make sure that the kid was really OK, so he could go to class at ease.

Ah, in the end, I'm just a soft hearted guy.


The clock pointer points to 7:30... 7:40...

7:45... Type was still sleeping.

This meeting Tharn's face began to become

anxious. He looked down at his watch, took off his earphone and put it into his schoolbag. Tharn clearly knew that if he didn't start again, he would have no time to eat, and he might not be able to catch the 8:15 class. However, the guy who had classes in the morning didn't want to get up.

Is that kid really OK.

"Damn it!"

At last, the guy who said nothing got up from

the bed, walked two steps, but stopped at the

bedside of the person who still kept the same

sleeping position.

"Ai'Type, its 8 o'clock." Tharn shouted,

reaching out to shake Type's shoulder to wake

him up.

"Leave me alone!"

However, last night's harsh words were replayed in his mind again, and Tharn's outstretched hand stopped in the middle of the sky. He clenched his hands and took them back silently. At the same time, he called the man on the bed again.

"It's time to get up. When else do you want to sleep for?" There are many discontent in the cold and hard voice. However, if anyone carefully looks at Tharn's eyes, it's not hard to find that the most clear and incomparable... Is worry.

"Ai'Type , wake up"

"Ummh." The murmur made Tharn's heart lift up and saw that the other side's body moved. He went on.

"Wake up as soon as you wake up. I wouldn't

try to wake you up."

"Um." The typical hum of the newly awakened man came from under the blanket, and Tharn, who was going to go out at once, emphasized it again.

"Get up, you're late.."

"Will you freaking shut the fvck up."


Tharn knew for a long time that the man

would never thank himself, but he didn't expect that the other side would just shut him up with a cuss. After that, the other party even grabbed the blanket and covered himself tightly. The dumb voice came out of the blanket, "Mind your business."

Tharn clenched his fist. He looked at the guy

under the blanket, turned around and grabbed his backpack. Unlike the usual big fight, he went out of the room without saying a word.

That's enough to let him know how much he

hates himself.


However, shortly after the door was closed the cell phone belonging to Type laying beside

the pillow rang. Type, who had just driven away the good guy for his silet room, stretched out his hand to search for the cell phone like dying. However, his sleeping posture still hasn't changed at the moment, and the only words he uttered were

"What are you screaming for? I have a

headache." Type said he was looking for the

culprit who broke the silence of the room. When he found the culprit, he took the mobile phone under the blanket and tried to open his eyes.


"Hooei, Ai'Type, where are you? | came to

school early today, let's go have breakie together"

"I will not go.."

"Your voice sounds strange. You just got up?

Hey, it's time to get up. It's almost time for class. Don't tell me you want to skip class."

A terrible headache.

When hearing a friend's reminder, Type's

brain was filled with this word. He silently moved his cell phone away, because he thought the loud noise made his brain hurt. Although he was still sleeping in bed at the moment, Type felt fainter than when he was riding a roller coaster. When he spoke, he also felt his throat hurt, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

"I have a headache."

"Oh, are you unwell? Don't come to class,

right? ll go up and see you. "

"No.. No need.."

I don't even have the strength to get up. I don't have the strength to open the door for you.

"I'll be all right later." At last, Type ended the communication by himself and quickly hung up the phone and shut down the phone. Because there is another disturbing sound, his brain may really explode. At the moment, he doesn't need to put his hand on his forehead. The heat from under the blanket also knew that he must have a fever.

"I'm sorry." The second before losing

consciousness, Type told himself that... He was once again trapped in the memories that haunted him all night.

In the nightmares of the whole night, there

was not only the helpless self when he was 12

years old, but also the Tharn who he almost

couldn't help holding on was not there. In

addition, a lot of childhood memories poured into my heart together, coupled with high fever, which is undoubtedly hell for Type.

"What's the matter with this kid? Is it


At the same time, Techno, standing in the

center of the canteen, tried to call his bestie

again, but the other party turned off his cell

phone, and did not know whether he was really ill or just wanted to skip class. But Techno is a good guy, he was walking with his legs toward a store.

"Excuse me , please can I have a bowl of


With such a good friend, thank you so much.

Techno looked at his watch. If he goes up

and gives the porridge to Type, he may be late for class. He is not in the same as Type major. Today's class is not the same. Today's teacher is still very strict with late comers.

Or do you want to buy your own food and visit

him in the evening?

"Hey, Ai'Tharn, Ai'Tharn!!" Because his eyes

were good (it doesn't matter that guy on the

opposite side is very tall!) Techno saw his sworn rival, Ai'Tharn, coming down from the second floor of the canteen with a bag of two buns. Techno shouted, and Tharn turned to look at him.

"This way." Because Tharn is a good man

(but the guy type just doesn't have a fight with him), Techno just makes friends with him.

What's the matter? I'm going to be late for


"Alas, is that Ai'Type sick?"

"Huh? Hearing Tharn's confused voice and

surprised expression, Techno frowned, and

immediately understood.

"Oh, you don't know. Does that mean that kid

is making an excuse not to go to class? I am sobworried about him."

"Why do you think he is sick?"

"Just now asked him to come down for

dinner. He said he had a headache. He didn't

have class. Well, but his voice sounded weak, like he didn't have the strength. I just asked you if he was really ill or if he didn't go to class." Tharn was stunned. He looked down at his watch. He might be late.

"I also have classes today. The teacher is too strict. What should I do? I'll go up and see him." Techno sighed and worried about his friends, but he was more worried about himself. Just then

"Ah, porridge is ready"

"Huh?" Techno was about to pick up the

porridge when his hand stopped. Someone

quickly reached out his hand and gave his meal card to the porridge seller. He even said to him in a hasty voice:

"Go to class. I'll take it to him myself."

"Oh, didn't you say you have a class..." seeing

his friend's face full of worries, Techno, who was about to continue, immediately calmed down.

When did they make up?

"Well, please, give me your phone number so

that I can call you and ask about him."

At last, Techno got his new friend's cell phone number. He watched Tharn anxiously and ran back to the dormitory, his hands touching his chin. He felt thoughtful.

Are they really hating each other?"

Tharn wants to beat Type to vent his emotions, but he wants to beat himself even more. He didn't find that Type is in a bad situation.

Is that kid sleeping like that because he's


When the key opened the door, the young man scolded himself in his heart when he saw that the guy who shut himself up was still sleeping in the original position and even wrapped his head in a blanket. He immediately put down the porridge and knelt by the bed, stretched out his hand to pull the blanket off, but the extended hand stopped.

"Leave me alone!"

I can't ignore it. If he dies, I will be


Find the reason. As soon as Tharn pulls away

the blanket covering Type's head and face, the first thing he feels is the heat coming from Type. He blurts out


He didn't scream at the man lying on the bed. He screamed that he didn't know anything. Tharn looked at Type's pale face, dry lips, sweaty face, and shivering body. He immediately reached out and touched Type's forehead.

"You're hot." After several comparisons with

his own body temperature, he was sure that the other side is really burning badly. Tharn grabbed Type's shoulder with both hands and gently shook him.

"Ai'Type , can you stand up?"

This time, even if he was shook Type slept

unconscious and his nose was full of blazing

breath, he just moved gently. His expression is painful and his brows were wrinkled. It seems that Tharn's voice makes his head more painful. For Tharn, who skipped class, he immediately turned to his desk and went to find the medicine that was always in the room.

"Where is the antipyretic?" Tharn checked it

quickly and found that his antipyretics and

painkillers had been used up. It's no wonder that in recent weeks, he has been fighting against Type every day. He may not be able to sleep without painkillers. Thinking, Tharn picked up the key and wallet and ran downstairs to buy medicine.

Soon Tharn came back with a version of antipyretic, a bottle of mineral water and an

antipyretic sticker.

"AiType, Ai'Type..." as soon as he entered the

door, Tharn patted the sick guy and saw that the other guy raised his eyelids. He lowered his heart a little and immediately asked:

"You have a fever. Do you have the strength

to get up to eat and take medicine?"

"No." the weak voice sounded, and the other

side's eyebrows were even tighter, as if he had a terrible headache.

"Then just take the medicine."

"No, no, no, no"


Seeing that Type shook his head back and forth, and said something vaguely in his mouth, Tharn was stunned. He immediately sat beside Type and saw that the body of the Type was shaking more severely than before,

and he kept saying... No.

It's not the answer when he was awake. It's

because he has a fever, has nightmares and talks nonsense.

"AiType wake up, get up and take medicine.."

"Ah... Ah.." this time, Tharn heard the cry

clearly. Type was crying like a child. The tears kept flowing out of the closed eyes. The tears that always made Tharn feel soft. The more helpless the moment is, the more pity it makes people feel. Tharn's heart unconsciously felt pain.

"If you don't get up and take your medicine,

it's all right" The voice that used to be cold and hard became soft like the voice of another person. Tharn's big hand gently patted Type on the cheek, and couldn't help wiping tears on his face. He wanted to know what he was afraid of in his dream.

However, no matter what Tharn called or

called him, Type didn't want to get up and take medicine at all. Tharn couldn't help wondering if he should be sent to the hospital downstairs, but he knew that.. Type didn't want anyone to know that he had nightmares.

Some foreboding told him that the nightmare

was an injury that the other side didn't want

others to know.

"Damn it" Tharn failed in his third attempt. He looked at the antipyretic and water, and raised his hand to his forehead.

"I didn't meant to do this thing Ai'Type." Tharn exhaled, put the medicine in his mouth, drank again, and

"Er!" The beautiful lips were tightly pressed

on the other side's mouth, which is pale because of fever. Type's throat made a groan. He couldn't open his mouth to meet the tip of the tongue with white pills and water. The tip of the tongue went straight to the deep throat. The burning guy tried to stop it. His whole body shook. His hands desperately want to push away the man on his body. The tears were more rampant.

"No... Ah. No."

However, Tharn held the other's hands tightly. Fortunately, the other side had no strength to resist because of illness. The other hand also held the other side's mouth firmly, so that the other side would not have the chance to expel his tongue. At the same time, the tip of the tongue also tried to push the medicine until the other side swallowed it, and Tharn left the other side's lips.


Although the sick person tries to spit out the

medicine, none of the medicine was spit out.

Tharn, who was taking the medicine, pulls over Type and hugged him. He felt the hot temperature on the other person's body, and caresses the other person's broad back with his big hand like comfort.

"Sorry,I didn't mean to take advantage of

you" A deep voice rang in Type's ear. Tharn's

hand patted on Type's back until the other person stopped coughing. He gently put Type back on the bed, pulls the blanket over him, and tears the fever relief sticker on Type's forehead.

After all, Tharn was exhausted and sat down

beside the bed with his hands on his knees. His head hung down. He seemed to take care of the patient who cried for no reason and hurt him. He was too tired too.

After a while, Tharn moved to see the patient

who was quieter than before. He could not help but touch the pale lips of the other person with his hand, and his deep, worried voice sounded to himself, as if asking the person who was having a nightmare.

"What Type do you dream of? Tell me what

you dreamed of. "

I can help you.

No one answered.

"Good boy, open your mouth, open your


Don't!! Who can help me? Can someone help

me please?

Type felt like he's drowning. He cant breathe.

He tried to breathe fresh air, but his body doesn't seem to listen to him. In addition to feeling the pain from his chin and the desire to retch, he can only cry and ask someone in his heart to help him.

Help, help me, Techno, mom and Dad, help

me, help me

"It's OK. You just have a fever. You'll be fine

after taking the medicine"

"No, it's hard..."

The body is suffering to death. When the

heart is jumping fast because of fear, some

sounds were suddenly heard in Type's brain. He felt that he is touching and comforting his big hand. However, his eyes can only be opened a little, and only the blurred picture can be seen.

"Mom... Help me... Ah... See that bastard...I

see that..That bastard.." Type doesn't care

whether someone says he's not weaned because he just wants his mom to hug him warmly and drive away the nightmare he had when he was a child.

Good and warm body is coming... Not the

hug of the disgusting bastard in the dream, but the hug of the person who makes the sick Type feel safe.

Silent warm arms, have been patting back to

comfort their big hands, and tears Just as he was about to leave, Type grabbed the other man's person with one hand, and at the same time he opened his eyes and looked at the vague figure.

"Dad... Don't leave me... Don't."

Type was so worried that he was afraid that

the other person would come back after this

person leaves and he will be pulled into the

nightmare. The coquettish voice he prayed with seemed to make "Dad" sit back again and pat himself on the back again. Type could not

remember whether his father had done these


"I didn't mean to go anywhere. I just wanted

to wipe you."

"Don't.. Go..."

"If you don't want me to leave, I'lIl be here."

After "Dad" stressed that he couldnt go

anywhere, Type was relieved to loosen his corner. Half asleep and half awake, he couldn't remember that "Dad" had filled himself with medicine, "Mom" wiped his body and touched his head to comfort him. There was only peace of mind in his heart. The past nightmares were slowly away, and the body finally got a real rest.

After closing his eyes for several hours and opening them again for another few hours, Type felt that he was weak and weak, and the whole person was faint. After focusing on his eyes, he found himself in the dormitory.

Why do you always dream differently from the reality?

Type asked himself, turning his head to the other side, and found that there was a half-bottle of water, a water cup, a plate of medicine, and an empty box for the decal on the Japanese table used as the dividing line. He raised his hand and touched his forehead.


The guy who noticed the things on his forehead and felt the symptoms better frowned, because he was sure that he didn't have the strength to go downstairs to buy antipyretics, so someone must have been taking care of himself during his illness.


"No!" As soon as the name appeared in his mind, Type denied that only Tharn could enter the room to take care of himself.

It's not him, certainly not him. He went to class. How could he come back to take care of me?

Thinking about Type, his brain is aching. He doesn't want to think about anything, but he still finds a reason to lie to himself and says it's definitely not Tharn. Although what he saw in front of him, everything in the room shows that someone has been taking care of him.

"Why are you so kind to me? What do you want from me?" Type seems to be starting to accept the truth. At this moment...

"It's delicious. Is it a crime to rob the patient's food?" The door opened, and someone's familiar voice came along. All Type can say is...


"Hey! Are you awake? What's the matter? I was in a hurry to see you. "

After putting the porridge on the table, Type rushed to the bed immediately and asked in a worried voice. "Ai'No" relieved look made Type hoarse.

"You bought porridge?"

"Ah, mine, I bought it for you from the morning when you called me, but you didn't eat it all the time. I'm going to reheat it. If you can't eat it, I'll eat it for you." Type's eyes moved back and forth between his friend's face and congee, a look of doubt.

"It's you then."

"Well, who else do you think it is?"

"Nothing". Type denied in a low voice. He had a headache and was sore all over. He just wanted to go to sleep, but he was lucky that the person who came to take care of himself was his friend. He breathed a lot when he thought of it.

"Can you get up and have porridge? I'll take my medicine later. "

"I'm not hungry."

"Eat a little, at least. You haven't eaten anything since morning." So Techno lifts Type to sit up and hands him the bowl of porridge. Type has to reach out and take a spoon and bite it into his mouth.

It's better to eat. How can I fight with that boy Tharn if i don't have strength?

"Where did he go... cough... "Ai'Type the question blindfolded his friend's face.

"Who are you talking about? That boy Tharn? Oh, I don't know where he went. Why?"

"No... I'm full."

"Hey, you boy, have some more." At the moment, the sick guy has a headache about his friend's voice. He has to raise his hand to tell his friend.

"Medicine... Cough." In this way, Type, who wanted to persuade him to take more, gave up. He turned around and put the medicine in Type's hand, and attached another glass of water.

In spite of the discomfort in his throat, Type swallowed the medicine and handed back the water cup to his friend. Then he began to ask about his doubts, even though he still had a fever and needed rest.

"You've been taking care of..." Me

"Where did Ai'Tharn? Type is awake... What did you say just now?" Before he could finish asking, the door of the room was opened again. Techno beside the bed turned to greet Tharn who had just entered the door. Type also looked back at the door. His sworn counterpart was coming in with a bag of food.

"Ai'No". Type took the lead in answering. Although he was eager to sleep with his blanket around his head, he opened his eyes to the guy who put the food in the middle of the table.


"Ah, the school master called. I told the school master that you are not comfortable, but I didn't know if you would be registered when I skipped class to take care of you. I will answer the phone first." Fortunately, Techno knew he has a headache, and he knew to go out and talk. Techno walked out of the room with his cell phone, leaving two guys who had never dealt with each other.

Type found Tharn's glance at the bowl of porridge on the table. Tharn went straight to take a plate and put the food on the plate. There was no eye contact between them. Type wanted to thank him for not starting the war at this moment, because he must be the loser.



Tharn didn't say anything, and Type didn't say a word. He tried to make himself sleep, but his doubts persisted for a long time, and he finally asked.

"Cough cough... Who looked after me?"


Tharn stopped for a second and turned to look at him.

"You probably don't want that man to be me."

"That's right." Type replied without thinking. He hated him and didn't want to be taken care of by his rival. Tharn stared at Type as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

In the past, Type has been asking questions to eliminate doubts in his heart. Thinking of this, Tharn continued,

"You're so lucky. I don't have much time to deal with a little brat like you."

Although he was so angry that he wanted to slap him, Type just kept asking.

"Ai'No, then... Cough."

"..." a huge cough resounded throughout the room. Type tried to breathe deeply. I don't know if it was his illusion. The other party seemed to be coming to help him, but finally looked down at the food on the table and said nothing. Then Tharn finally said the sentence that Type wanted to know the most.

"Your friend took care of you."

This sentence alone is enough to give Type a big sigh of relief. He finally fell asleep at ease, but half asleep and half awake, he heard a familiar voice in the distance

"If he know it's me, he probably won't accept my caring about him. To let someone else be this person. That's the best."

The only remaining consciousness told him that the voice... Was Tharn's?

Then the voice, like a spell to dispel nightmares, made Type sleep calmly all night.

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